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A walk in the park ( part one )It was a friday afternoon .. and i was in town doing some food shopping .. paying bills ect .. boring mum stuff .. id had a stressfull time of late .. id been feeling guilty about my little secret adventures and i had decided that it was no more !! I was going to be a good wife and behave myself and i hadnt even as much as flirted with another man or even touched myself for the best part of four weeks !! .. i was keeping myself busy and my mind occupied and i was doing well .. i hadnt even thought about it .. that was until a random object triggerd something inside me .. and i went on what i can only describe as the most risky and completely manic mission for sex id ever exsperianced ..I decided i would cut through the market on the way home .. and as i shuffled through the busy stalls i saw it .. hanging there swaying in the wind on a coat hanger .. a tiny little black lycra mini dress ..I walked up to the stall and caressed the material between my finger and thumb .. it made me tingle just looking at it .. it was slutty .. it was a dress that screamed ” come and fuck me .. im cheap and easy “I was almost in a daze imaging how it would feel against my body as i held it at arms lengh studying it .. so much so that id fail to notice the stall owner standing behind me .. his voice startled me causing me visibly jump .. ” hot date ? .. i reckon he will love that ” .. i turned and looked at him feeling a little embaressed at being caught showing interest in such a blantantly sexy item .. “oh no … its erm … not for me.. its too short ” i extended the dress out towards the cocky asian guy who standing there with a stupid grin on his face to hand back him ..But he crossed his arms and rubbed his chin with a thoughtfull look .. ” well .. it can misleading on the hanger .. you try it on in the van ifnya like ? ..I snorted at him sacasticly ” nah .. im good ” i went to hang it back up .. but he inturupted me ” well if you want it .. you can have it for a fiver .. if its not for you .. bring it back and ill give you a credit note ?” … i pauced for a second lland stared at the little black fuck me dress .. i wanted it .. so i sighed “go on then” and he took it from me and put it in a bag while i got a fiver out of my purse ..Later that night i was sat home alone in my living room drinking my way down a bottle of vodka staring at the blue plastic bag dumped across the room next to the t.v .. my husband was away for the weekend visiting his parents .. my little cherubs were all staying at friends for the weekend .. i had the place to al to myself and i had promised myself i would make it through to sunday without doing anything naughty …I got up from the sofa .. grabbed the bag and marched out to the kitchen .. i stepped on the pedal and held the plastic bag over the bin .. “your going in the bin slutty dress becauce im a good girl now “I said the words outloud .. but they didnt even sound convincing to me !! ..” arrgh … fuck it .. ill just try it on and then ill bin it ” .. i took the bag to bathroom .. sat on the toilet and took off my skinny jeans and vest çanakkale escort top .. my bra and my knickers before i stood up and stepped into the little black dress and slid it up my body ..Oh my god it felt so nice .. it hugged my body so tight .. i walked into the bedroom and looked myself in the full lengh mirror .. it was amazing .. like it was painted on .. it followed and displayed every curve on my body to the little bump of my clean shaven pussy mound to the contoured lines of my ribbs .. you could see the shape of my arolas through the thing lycra let alone my nipples and it had a row of little stretched lines between the cheeks of my arse that perfectly framed my barely covered rear end .. it was almost perfect but it needed a finishing touch ..I swang open the doors to my wardrobe and took out my pair of over the knee high heel boots and slipped my naked toes into them and zipped them up .. i quickly brushed my hair straight .. sprayed myself with some vanilla perfume and closed the wardrobe doors and admired myself again in the full lengh mirror .. at that point .. bad lolly was awoken .. “time for a little walk i think” I walked straight out the bedroom .. down the stairs and grabbed my long coat .. threw it on .. and quickly tied the belt up .. opened the front door and marched straight out ..It was about 1am and silent outside so I tried to walk quietly as my high heels clicked on the driveway .. i made my way out onto the pavement and walked as fast as i could with my head down .. i didnt know where i was going or what i was going to do .. all i knew is i wanted to be seen in that dress .. my clit was swollen and acheing for it ..I found myself at the bottom of my street at the junction onto the main road .. i took a deep breath and threw the coat off down my shoulders .. i felt a intense rush of plesure as the cold wind bit into my soft legs and instantly stiffend my nipples through the thin material .. i held my head high and strutted confidentlt out onto the main road .. it was quiet at first .. and then a distant hum .. i turned and looked over my shoulder and saw the head lights of the lorry in the distance .. it was traverling in the same direction as me .. but on the opposite side of the road .. my heart felt like it was going to jump out my chest it was beating so hard .. i swang my hips .. wiggled my arse and gave the lorry my best “im a dirty slut” walk as the sound of the engine drew closer and i was illuminated breifly by the head lights .. i looked over at the truck as it slowly thundered past and i saw the driver leaning out the window to get a good look .. i reached down as i walked and pulled up the front of my little dress exposing my bare cunt to him .. i nearly jumped out my boots when he hit his horn .. (PAARP PAARP) i heard the driver shout “YOUR A PERVERT DARLING” and the truck Trundled away into the night .. I groped my own tits as i walked on .. pinching my nipples until they throbbed as it began to spit with rain .. it turned me on even more as the wind holwed through the skimpy dress .. the rain stinging my legs and face .. The distant escort çanakkale hiss of tyres on the wet road grew louder as the car approached .. it was coming towards me this time .. on my side of the road ..i held my head high and my hands down by my sides and stared confidently into the beam of the bright headlights blinding me .. the car slowed as it past .. and i made brief eye contact with a attractive middle aged woman .. she raised eyebrows as she past as if to say ” really ? Your wearing that in this weather ” The embaressment only fueled my wetness and i walked on .. even smacking my own arse a few times .. i reached the park entrance and my confidence faded as i entered the pitch black alley way .. i focused on the dimly lit lamp post inside the park .. and my sexy strut melted into a nervous faster paced walk .. the sound of the trees was deafening as they hissed in the strong wind loudly over my head and the rain began fall heavier ..I stumbled through the darkness on the soaking wet muddy uneven grass in my high heels as it began to team down with rain .. the little dress was soaked through as i reached the middle of the park i fell down onto my knees and laid on my face ..It was so erotic .. i dry humped the ground gyrating my hips .. the long wet grass between my legs and the wet mud against my breasts just felt so good .. my clit started to jump as i increased my speed bouncing my fat arse up and down and wiping my wet hungry pussy against the cold ground .. and then i was suddenly frozen in fear .. “did i hear that ?” I froze on all fours in silence and strained to lisen .. i heard distant laughter in the distance carried by the wind .. “FUCK !!!” i leaped to my feet and stood frozen lisening in a panic trying to work out which direction the voices were coming from .. I worked out that they wqs in front of me .. i could hear at least two voices and they was getting closer ..I span on my heels and began to walk away from the voices as fast as i could .. but they was getting louder .. i heared the thumping of feet running in the pitch black towards me and i completely freaked out .. i broke into a run .. but the ground was lumpy and wet .. and i had on very high heeled knee high boots that i couldnt take off easily ..I made it about 5 feet onto the path which leads to the exit before i slipped on some wet leaves and sk**ded on my hands and knees on the tarmac glasses flew off of my face and rattled down the foorpath .. i cant see without them .. i was fucked now .. i admited defeat and pushed myself up onto my knees and waited .. dusting off the stones from the palms of my hands as they approached me from behind .. The two young lads came running around the corner laughing hysterically to themselfs sk**ding on the path as they came to a abrupt halt .. “WHAT THE FUCK MATE LOOK ” their drunken antics came to an abrupt halt as they saw me kneeling there blindly inspecting the palms of my stinging hands .. They approched me and one of them crouched down in front of me while the other remained standing .. ” fucking hell .. are you alright ? what happend ? .. çanakkale escort bayan did you come from the club ? ” I looked up at the blurry figures .. and realised i had over reacted .. they sounded confused and a little scared .. “my glasses ? I cant see ” .. i heard the guy who was standing shuffling on the path .. “mate look here they are ” .. he handed them to his friend who in turn handed them to me .. i out them on and looked up and saw them properlly for the first time .. they could of only been 20 years old at the most .. id forgotten about the local night club .. it was obviously closing time and these two had just left there and was clearly running to get out of the rain .. ” im fine … really .. i fell thats all ” i exsplained casually as the lads friend stepped forward and exstended his hand towards me .. “fucking hell i thought youd been attacked or some shit .. cmon .. lets get you up “I took his hand and pulled myself to my feet .. wobbeling on my high heels for a few moments as his other friend steadied me by holding my arm ..As i stood up i saw the exspressions on their faces changed .. their jaws dropped as they both looked me up and down taking in the veiw of my tiny black dress .. they looked at each other with embaressed grins .. ” wheres you coat ? .. its chucking it down ? ” one of the lads asked in a confused tone .. ” i didnt bring one ” i sensed i had some authourity over them as i raked my fingers through my wet hair to try and make myself more presentable ..The young lads stood there like two rabbits caught in the headlights their eyes transfixed on my body ..They remained frozen on the spot staring at my arse as i began to walk away .. ” i looked over my shoulder at them as i regained my confidence and swayed my hips as i walked ” who needs a coat anyway !! i love the rain ” a rumble of thunder crackled loudly over out heads as i span seductively with my arms in the air .. “wahooooo bring it on” i screamed embracing the heavy rainfull as i span playfully back into the street ..The lads burst into a run and caught up with me .. one of them walked directly behind me .. no doubt oggerling my barely covered backside as i deliberately shook my hips as i walked .. i could feel the cheeks of my big arse bouncing in the tight thin fabric .. The other walked backwards in front of me and started to plead his case .. he looked at me in amazement and laughed ” your crazy .. where are you going ??? ” .. i just smiled at him as i saw him glance down at my breasts jumping and kissing together in the tight low cut dress .. ” you can come to ours if you like ?? ” i snorted sarcasticly at the enthusiastic youngster ..”oh yeah ?? Got your own place have ya ?” ..He nodded quickly ” i have honest i got a flat its just there ” he pointed over the road in the direction of a well known council estate .. it was a run down place well documented in the local papers for crime and other undesireble things .. I scoffed as i slowly walked to a stop and stood my hands on my hips .. “Pfft that dump ?? ” .. he looked at me with a pleading exspression .. his friend walking around next to him and pressing his hands together in a pleading gesture .. ” we got drinks ?” I was putting on a brave provado .. but in reality .. my insides were trembling with excitement as i span towards the kerb .. ” cmon then .. lead the way “To be continued … xxx
Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
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