Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
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The sound of my alarm rudely awakened me. When I went to sleep, I was only 17 years old. But now I was officially an adult — 18 years old. It didn’t feel significantly different than the previous 6,574 days that I had existed on this planet, though I felt a tinge of nervousness. I was about to face what had become my usual routine since the beginning of September — a 40-minute commute to community college, sit through class, then drive back home to read and study. Or would it be typical? I had thought about this, but would I really go through with it?

“Good morning, birthday boy.” My mom greeted me as I sat down at the kitchen table to quickly eat a cup of yogurt and drink a glass of water. She had no idea what was racing through my mind.

“Good morning.” I innocently replied.

“Just wanted to confirm that you will be here at 4:30 so we can all go to the restaurant together for your birthday tonight. Your grandparents will meet us there.”

“Definitely.” görükle escort bayan I said as I stood up from my now empty yogurt cup to head out for my commute.

“Happy Birthday. Have a great day at class and I love you.” My mom called out as I opened the door.

“Thanks Mom, love you too.”

I got in the car and started it up. I felt a little on edge as I drove the normal route to campus. My heart was beating faster as I got closer. I could feel perspiration starting to wet my t-shirt under my armpits as my nervousness grew. Should I really do this?

I pulled into the parking lot. This time the commute was a bit shorter. This lot was different, and the building in front of me was not the same one I would usually see at this time. This sign did not read “College Hall,” instead it read “Adult World.” I was really going to do this.

I drove by it every day on my way to class, a mysterious bursa otele gelen escort monolith to sexual pleasure. I wanted to know what it was like inside. This was the second time I had ever parked my car in this lot. The first time was after morning class a month and a half ago. Then, I looked at the sign posted on the door that read, “No One Under 18 Allowed.”

I was only 17 then, now I was 18 and allowed.

I shut the car off and glanced over at my book bag. My textbook and notebook would not be leaving for their normal commute. We were all cutting class today, but I would be leaving them behind. They would have to wait until they were needed for class.

My hands were moist and shaking as I nervously opened the door. I was doing this. No going back now as I crossed the threshold inside.

Inside was comfortably lit and clean. A middle-aged man sat behind the counter. Dildos, vibrators, and bursa escort bayan other assorted sex toys lined the walls. A customer was looking at some of the merchandise. It seemed surreal; walls lined with fake dicks for sale as if it were no different from buying a pair of shoes. My heart was pounding as I looked around and saw the entrance for the video booths in the back. I avoided all eye contact as I walked back, surprised that the man looking at sex toys could not hear my heart pounding.

I closed the door to one of the booths behind me and selected a video. I could see the hole in the wall next to me. I knew what it was for. I wondered how many dicks had anonymously poked through that hole and how many nervous guys had sat in this same seat. The hole stared at me knowingly.

I heard the door open and close to the booth on the other side of that hole. It had to be that same guy I passed. It was going to happen.

A thick penis poked through the hole. My lips greeted the tip, allowing it to enter. My tongue swirled around the thick head as my lips slipped up and down the smooth shaft. I could feel him pressing forward as I my mouth sucked up and down his hard cock. I could hear a muffled grunt come from the other side of the wall as torrents of warm cum filled my mouth. Happy birthday to me.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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