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Aurora was beginning to wonder what she gotten herself into. She wasn’t scared or worried, just wondering what would happen next. It began earlier in the evening when she met Lorenzo and Donatella at the party. Now she finds herself sitting on a nice loveseat in a large room overlooking the Grand Canal. Moonlight fills the room.
She wasn’t wearing a watch and there weren’t any clocks in the room. She didn’t know how long she was sitting there, but what she did know was that her arousal that began at the party was still making her mad.
Then she heard the footsteps approaching the room. Lorenzo entered the room still wearing his tuxedo and his Venetian mask. He walked towards her until he was about 10 feet way. Then he unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. He began stroking his cock until it got hard. Aurora desire grew as she watched his cock get hard and wanting Lorenzo to come closer. That would not happen.
She heard more footsteps and watched Donatella enter the room. Except for her mask and stiletto heels, she had removed the outfit she worn at the party. As she walked towards Lorenzo, he turned sideways to meet her.
Aurora was almost frozen with anticipation as she watched Donatella kneel in front of Lorenzo and slide her lips over his cock until her lips slid past the tip of his cock. Then she began sliding her lips halfway down over his cock then back up until her lips were just at the tip of his cock. Aurora saw that Lorenzo was visibly getting more and more aroused.
So was Aurora. She had slid her hand under her dress and was rubbing her pussy over her panties. Aurora could tell that Lorenzo was close to his orgasm as was she. She was so involved watching Lorenzo’s orgasm that she konyaaltı escort stopped rubbing her pussy and remained in an erotic state of suspension. Aurora’s eyes grew wide as she watched Lorenzo cum in Donatella’s mouth with his cum oozing out between her lips and dripping onto her breasts.
Then they left. They left as when they entered the room, unaware of Aurora sitting there waiting. That made the whole scene more erotic for Aurora. She felt as if she was watching something she wasn’t supposed to see. She was aroused and wanted more. Nevertheless, there she sat. Alone. Not knowing what would happen next.
Once again, Aurora heard footsteps and the door opened. This time it was the butler who met her at the door when she first arrived. He silently walked to her and put a silver tray on a stand next to the love seat. On the tray were two things, a glass of champagne and a folded piece of paper. As soon as the tray was on the table, the butler turned and left the room.
Aurora read the note as she sipped the wine. It was a simple instruction, “remove your panties and place them on the tray”. She did as she was told, and took care to arrange her panties just so.
Almost to the second when she was finished the butler once again entered the room and retrieved the tray. Aurora noticed how he looked at her panties on the tray, especially the dark area that announced to the butler how wet she was. Aurora might have felt odd at this, but felt proud and pleased that someone knew the height of her arousal.
It might have been a minute or an hour later when the butler returned. This time all that was on the silver tray that he left on the table was a folded piece of kepez escort paper. Aurora smiled as she read the note and did what the note requested. She quietly stood up, removed her dress, placed on the back of a chair, and returned to the love seat.
There she waited. Wondering what would happen next. Then the door opened and Lorenzo walked in right up to her. Aurora spread her legs apart inviting Lorenzo to pleasure her. She closed her eyes in anticipation then almost let out a gasp when suddenly she felt a tongue on her thigh.
She felt the tongue moving extremely slow, moving from her left thigh to her right. Each time she felt the tongue leave a thigh she had hoped it would move up higher to reach her pussy. That was not to happen yet, but she felt her pussy getting wetter as she felt the hot breath as lips kissed her thighs.
Aurora didn’t know what’s going to happen next and that enhanced her arousal. Lorenzo would surprise her, taking a long pause, give her one lick, pause again, then three short licks in succession. Aurora was all tensed up and anticipated the next moment his tongue will make contact. She gave in to her desire and spread her thighs far apart to make room for more.
When Lorenzo heard some sensual noises and felt the arching of Aurora’s pelvis towards him, he knew that Aurora was ready for the teasing stage. He began to slowly lick the area just beyond her swollen pussy lips. The long slow licking found her inviting pussy and entered ever so slowly.
Aurora felt every lick go all the way up to, but not quite make contact with, her clit. Sometimes he would get close as she took in her scent and taste. His tongue would slip between her lips, kemer escort slide over to her swollen clit, and as Aurora longed for that tongue to continue its excitement of her, Lorenzo would move his tongue back, and never teasing her clit. He would vary the length of the lick, the speed, and the shape of his tongue as Aurora’s body relaxes, enjoying the sensation of a good massage.
As her moans grew in intensity Lorenzo’s tongue finally arrived at Aurora’s clit. The feeling became intense for Aurora as she thought she would cum at any moment. However, Lorenzo wanted Aurora to enjoy the feeling longer. He wanted to keep her just below the crest of her orgasm and let the wave rise higher and higher.
As Lorenzo continued working her clit Aurora saw Donatella enter the room and walk to them. Donatella sat next to Aurora and began licking Aurora’s nipples. This caused Aurora to feel as if she was floating into another place, and she found her hand rubbing Donatella’s pussy. As Lorenzo continued attending to Aurora’s pussy, she was going crazy. She felt her pussy begin to quiver.
Aurora only felt three sensations. Donatella’s lips and tongue on her nipples; her fingers teasing Donatella’s clit; and Lorenzo’s lips and tongue creating a sensation that began on her clit and encompassed her entire body.
As Lorenzo began to focus entirely on her clit, Aurora became aware of two erotic moans, hers and Donatella. If Aurora weren’t being consumed by her orgasm, she would have heard and felt Donatella’s orgasm. Aurora felt her pussy contracting fast, and the sensation of pulsing bursts of intensity was more than she could stand.
If she thought about it, she would have wondered how Lorenzo could keep his tongue on her with all the thrashing around. Then it happened and she felt every pulse of pleasure had flowing through her body. Finally, one gentle wave of pleasure flowed from her fingers to her toes.
The next thing she remembered was the sunlight entering the room and waking her from a pleasurable slumber.
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