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I got lucky after growing up in the small town I called home. Like almost everyone else I got the hell out as soon as I could.

My town used to be called Sycamore Lake. Used to be is the key here. When I came into the world, we had a population of a little over 400 people year round.

By the time I hit my senior year in high school, things had changed radically. It was always the classic small town that rolled the sidewalks up at 8pm. But during those years the school in town closed and consolidated with a couple of other small towns nearby.

From my birth on my town lost people on a regular basis. When I headed off to college we were at 300 or so. Things weren’t really bad yet, but they were on their way.

After I graduated and accepted a job in the city, people started leaving en masse. My first vacation came up and naturally I called Mom to arrange a stay with her.

“You’re welcome any time you want to come Eric, but you need to know something before you do.”

My hometown was in the 100s for population then, and they were about to disincorporate. By the time I actually returned home, there wasn’t much left of my town.

The only things there then were a couple of gas stations, a bar, a small restaurant and the smallest grocery store I’d ever seen. It was disheartening to see the place that I remembered reduced to basically being a wide spot in the road.

That’s where the story really starts. I’d retired young and had houses in two states. Both of them had possibilities, but as I checked it out my old hometown wasn’t coming out on top.

I’d just about made up my mind at that point, and I was planning on leaving the next day. I’d miss the old hometown place though. It was right on the lake so fishing was easy.

I decided to go to the restaurant for breakfast the next day before heading out. It was called Momma Dee’s, and had been around since I was a kid growing up. At one point my friends Mom owned it, and they had the best breakfasts I’d ever found anywhere. That’s all they served; the place closed at noon every day. If I’d made my last trip home, I didn’t want to miss that.

I got in the next morning about ten and grabbed a newspaper and coffee to wait with. I happened to glance up when someone was clearing a table, and my jaw dropped.

I knew the girl clearing the table. At least I thought I did. Her body was familiar and so was her hair. When she turned my way my eyes went wide.

As she pushed her cart past me she stopped and leaned over to whisper in my ear.

“Take a picture next time.”

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to stare, but you look just like someone I went to school with here.”

She nodded, obviously not believing a word of it. But she asked. “What was her name?”

“Maryann McConnell. That was her maiden name anyway.”

She smiled a thin smile. “Never heard of her. Sorry.”

“That’s ok. It’s amazing though. You could be her twin.”

It really was amazing. I know it’s said everyone has a twin but this was the first time I’d seen it. Maryann and I had gone to school together but we were more than friends. One long summer right after we graduated we decided one night we’d take care of each other’s physical needs.

In today’s words, Maryann and I were friends with benefits.

I enjoyed my breakfast and went to leave for the last time that day. I had a surprise waiting for me when I went outside though.

The girl was leaning against my truck, obviously waiting for me. When I looked at her she said what she had to say.

“Maryann was my mother.”

That wasn’t a surprise to me. I nodded saying, “Well that makes sense. Glad to know I’m not crazy.”

She had more though. “She was my mother for all of one day. She had an undiagnosed heart condition that made her heart race uncontrollably. A day after she gave birth to me that happened and she died in her sleep.”

“Oh my God. I’m so sorry.”

“Thank you. It’s been a long time though, and I really never got to know her. But I appreciate that. My name’s Michelle by the way.”

“I’m Eric.” I shook her hand looking her over again. She really was a twin of her mother. I’d seen a resemblance before, but this was uncanny.

She took one final look at me and smiled. “I’ve got to go Eric. Are you going to be around town for long?”

“Actually I was planning to leave today.”

“That’s too bad. We might have been able to talk about her a bit. I don’t meet many people Beylikdüzü Escort that knew her well.”

I really wasn’t sure how comfortable I felt doing that, but I smiled. “She was interesting, I can tell you that.”

“Well, maybe another time then.”

I felt like a time traveler watching her walk away and get into her car. She even dressed the same as her Mom had. Tight jeans and a revealing shirt really brought back memories right then.

I was thinking about that as I pulled into home again. Something was telling me I needed to stay a little longer and pursue that girl, if only to give her information about her Mom. I couldn’t imagine not knowing for that long.

I headed to the only bar still in town that night for dinner simply because I didn’t feel like cooking. Their fish dinner and a beer sounded good to me right then, but things change you know. As I pulled out that night I could see flashes of lightning moving in. At least I’d sleep well that night.

When I walked into the bar the first thing I heard was raised voices. Looking at the bar I shook my head and laughed. There sat Michelle arguing with the bartender.

She finally tried to stand up almost forgetting the old dog eared folder that was laying on the bar. I walked over during that argument and got the bartenders attention.

“I’ve got her buddy. I’m a friend of the family.”

He nodded, looking grateful. “She can’t have anymore you know.”

“That’s fine. I’ll run her home.”

I went back and corralled Michelle, getting her out of the car. I led her to my truck and got her in then. When I climbed in myself she was looking at me.

“My Mom wasn’t interesting Eric. Mom was a slut plain and simple.”

“What makes you say that Michelle?” She was 100 percent right, but I didn’t see the need to tell her that.

She lifted the old folder. “This is all I’ve got left of her.” She held it out to me then. “Go ahead. Take a look.”

It was filled with 8×10 pictures, and after the first one I knew what was in there. I sighed and looked back at Michelle.

“I don’t need to see these Michelle. I took them.”

That statement made her jaw drop. “You’re kidding me!”

“Nope. I was going to college for photography and she knew it. She wanted some nudes, and I was more than happy to help out.”

“So you knew her well then?”

“You could say that. We spent basically the entire summer before I left for college hanging out with each other.”

Michelle giggled at that. “Hanging out? Really? Is that what they called it way back then?”

“That’s the polite way to put it.”

“Fuck polite. You were Mom’s fuck buddy. Am I right?”

I nodded. “One of them anyway. I don’t know if she had more or not.”

“How did you meet?”

“That’s kind of funny really. I rescued her at a party. She was drunk on her ass and I got her out of a bad situation. And she was grateful for that I guess.”

“Grateful.” She smiled. “You mean you took her home and she put out, right?”

“Pretty much. We ended up on a dirt road that night about a mile and a half from her parents place.”

“I know that road. The one with the old barn.”

“That’s the one.”

“So walk me through that night.”

“Well, we got in my car and she immediately scooted all the way across the seat until she was sitting next to me.”

Michelle smiled and did exactly that. “You mean like this?”

“Exactly.” I was having serious flashbacks then. “So I put my arm around her like this and we headed out.”

I started the truck then and headed out of town toward that old road. I had no idea if anything would happen, but the elusive mother daughter combo was too much to resist.

“She had a low cut top on that night, and I was having trouble driving simply because it showed me everything, right down to her nipples.”

I saw Michelle smile slightly and she unbuttoned her shirt a few buttons. “Sort of like this?”

“Exactly like that.”

“I’m surprised you just looked. Most guys wouldn’t you know.”

“I didn’t just look.” My hand slipped forward then and into her shirt to cup one of those nice C cup tits of hers. “I was doing this the whole way down the road.”

As we approached the old road, I heard her voice again. “Don’t miss your turn.”

I didn’t and we ended up parked right back where I’d been all those years ago. “So what happened after that?”

“Long story short, we both got Beylikdüzü Escort Bayan naked and the fun really started.”

Michelle peeled off her clothes, sitting and smiling at me in the dim light. My clothes followed and moments later she was sitting by m my side stroking my hard cock.

“Did Mom suck it for you?”

“Oh yeah.”

Michelle started to lean over my lap but stopped. “How was she?”

“We were 18. She was lousy, but the thrill was enough to make up for it.”

“You’re in for a treat.” She leaned over and swallowed my cock then, taking it all the way down. I moaned in amazement, watching as those lips reached the base of my cock. She kept it up for a few minutes and then stopped.

“So what happened then?” I saw the small smile on her face. She knew what was next.

“I got her up on her hands and knees and fucked her right here.”

Michelle smiled. “God you guys were boring. Have you ever roleplayed before?”

“You mean like the horny housewife and the pool boy kind of thing? Yes I have.”

“Sort of. I must have inherited my Dad’s kinky side though. I prefer Daddy daughter roleplay.”

“Oh really?” When she nodded I smiled. “So what would you like Daddy to do tonight baby girl?”

You could see the lust on her face as she assumed the position on her hands and knees. She looked back and told me, “I want you to fuck me Daddy. Fuck your baby girls hot pussy.”

I was up for that and moments later I buried my cock deep in her pussy. I heard her moan then.

“That’s it Daddy. Fuck me! Make me cum on your big cock.”

I grabbed her hips and did exactly what she wanted. I got hooked that night on Daddy daughter roleplay. Until you’ve had a hot girl screaming, “That’s it! Fuck me Daddy.” you’ll never know just how much fun it really is.

She came all over my shaft and I followed soon after, pumping that hot pussy full of my cum. She was gasping when she felt my load deep inside her, and she rode me until I finally slipped out of her.

She turned and kissed me with real passion then. When she’d finished I heard her whisper, “Thank you Daddy.”

I watched her as she reached for her clothes, slowly slipping them back on. I saw the rain had started to lightly fall when I pulled my clothes back on and drove her home.

She climbed out and took a few steps towards the house. I saw her stop then and walk back to my side of the truck.

I could see the rain had plastered her shirt to her body, showing off those curves. “I was wondering. Can we do this again?”

“I’d love to Michelle. Come on over after work tomorrow. I’m sure we can figure out something.”

She bounced inside then and I took off for home, smiling at both the nights events and the memories it brought back.

Just after her shift the next day she was knocking on my door. I let her in with a smile that became broader when she asked me, “Can I use your shower?”

I told her yes of course and joined her there myself. “Do you know what Daddy would absolutely love today baby girl?”

She batted her eyes and asked me, “What’s on that nasty mind today Daddy?”

“Watching you suck Daddy’s cock and swallow his cum.”

She ended up on her knees, the water gently cascading down over her as those incredible lips wrapped around my shaft swallowing every inch of it. I leaned against the wall and watched every second as she brought me to the edge and beyond, taking my load right on her tongue.

From there we went to my king size bed and attacked each other’s bodies for most of the rest of the day. She really was a clone of her late mother. She took two more loads from me that day. The first filled her hot pussy and the second ended up in her tight little ass.

I was really developing quite a fetish for Daddy daughter roleplay too. I had to ask about that when we took a break.

“So where did you come up with the Daddy daughter thing?”

“You know, it’s hard to say. I heard about it and it appealed to me, but I’ve always thought it came from my lack of parents growing up.”

I nodded. “I can’t imagine that really. It seems like fate conspired against you when it came to that. I assume your grandparents didn’t know the Father then?”

“If they did they took the secret with them. From what I hear Mom was pretty popular. Hell, look at how you two met.”

That brought a smile to my face. “She was actually the first girl I’d ever met that Escort Beylikdüzü way. I almost wrote a letter to Penthouse after that night.”

“I can imagine. Someone fucks your brains out on a dirt road the first time they meet you? I would have too.”

We fell silent for a moment and I looked over her sheet draped frame next to me. She read my mind then asking, “Do I really look that much like her?”

“You’ve seen pictures of her. You’ve got to know you do. There’s minor differences I guess, but all in all yes.”

She nodded her agreement. “I’m a few inches taller than she was. And a lot more adventurous. That’s what you get from learning from porn though.”

That opened a new door. “Learning from porn? You’re kidding.”

“Nope, not even. Once I hit 18 and realized I could rent dirty movies I kinda went wild with it.”

My spent cock twitched at the thought. It always titillated me to think of women renting porn. I don’t know why really, it just always seemed like a men’s game when it came to that. “So what caught your fancy then?”

She smiled and said, “Everything really. I probably shouldn’t have started with the Taboo series though.”

“You did jump right in there didn’t you?” I was curious so I asked, “Did you have a favorite there?”

“The first one was hot, but two made me wish I had a brother.” That raised my eyebrows, but she hadn’t finished yet. “I had to fall back on my cousin when it came to losing my virginity.”

“Holy shit!”

“It was at a family reunion too.” She giggled at that memory.

“Damn girl! That’s hot.”

She spent the night that night, but when she was off the next morning I made my decision. I decided to stay in my hometown of Sycamore lake just to see where this was going to go.

It took a while to figure that out, but her Mom had been one of the hottest girls I’d had way back when. Her daughter was just as good if not better, so it was easy when it came down to it.

I stayed where I was. I was parked between Michelle’s thighs every night and every time I could be. The summer season wrapped up and at that point I was considering asking her to move in with me.

Fate stepped in then. When the tourists went home, Momma Dee’s couldn’t stay open. I had one last breakfast there before they closed for good.

That hit Michelle hard. That afternoon she called me telling me she needed a few days away. I was fine with that, so I gave it to her.

After 5 days I got concerned so I headed out to her place. One thing was different when I pulled up. There was a for sale sign in the yard.

As I walked up to knock on the door I noticed a large envelope there. I looked at it and was surprised to see my name on it.

There were some papers inside and one was obviously a note of some sort. Pulling it out I sat on the steps to read.

“Dear Eric,

By now you’ve figured out I’m gone. I’ve got a couple of reasons for it, but you’re only getting one right now.

After my job ended a friend in Florida offered my a place to stay and rebuild my life. So I took them up on it right then and there.

I left because I was starting to have real feelings for you and that wouldn’t have been anything but a problem. There’s something you don’t know, thanks to me.

You’re listed on my birth certificate as my Father. My real Father. With that being said, there’s no way it could have gone anywhere even if you were interested.

I’ll cherish the time we had together (and the Daddy daughter fun too you dirty old man). Seriously, it was nice to have you close to me for as long as I did.

You’ll hear from me again.”

She’d scrawled her name at the bottom and I sat taking in the information before looking in the envelope. There was a birth certificate, and sure enough my name was on it.

The other was a nude I’d taken of her. She was smiling and holding her shirt wide, flashing my camera.

I sat there on the stoop for quite a while that day with all kinds of thoughts running through my mind. The one that stuck finally got me up and going.

I headed home and packed and headed out. Not too much later I got rid of my house that was several states away and moved back to what was left of my old hometown. I settled into a peaceful routine there that was only interrupted a few times. The first time was by a letter that showed up months later. The postmark read Florida and it had no return address on it. It contained a single piece of paper with one thing on it.

“It’s a girl. I named her Maryann.”

I put the letter away in a special place. I knew someday I’d hear a knock on my door and I’d get to meet my daughters daughter. Until then though I had to have patience. With a small smile I turned to my daily routine and started my day.

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