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When you have two thriving businesses that require a certain amount of travel around the State, you get to meet some interesting people. I’ve met and had lunch/dinner with hundreds of people, but no one more interesting than Scott and his adorable wife Mary.

Scott was/is a lawyer and a very good lawyer. When I needed something done, Scott always had the answers and our professional involvement soon blossomed into an unusual friendship. It was unique in that…”who ever gets a standing invitation to spend the night at his lawyer’s home anytime you’re in town?” Well… their beautiful guest bedroom with its private bath, mini kitchenette, walk-in closet and keyed exit to their lavish screened pool and spa area became my home away from home. I loved staying there. I even had my own key and could let myself in any time I wished. Here’s how that started with them.


Scott and I had a habit of doing business in the evening over dinner and drinks. It was very convenient for me as my days were filled with architects, engineers, and site inspections. When I was in town I was busy and Scott knew that, so from the very beginning he tried to accommodate me with evening meetings.

Scott was not some prissy type guy. Quite the contrary. He played football at a major university on scholarship, got drafted, and played pro ball for several years until he quit after his ninth concussion. After he retired from the game, he entered law school and upon passing his bar, he moved directly into starting his private practice. With his name recognition, it wasn’t difficult developing a clientele, a good clientele, and so good he became very selective who he would represent within the first year after “hanging out his shingle.” He only took me on because I was a good friend of one of his relatives.

Anyway… The important thing to know is that Scott was a man’s man. Strong, large, alpha, handsome and very confident. And… he had what anyone would call a beautiful trophy wife, but more than that, Mary was as sweet, loving and smart as any woman you would want to meet. Keep all that in mind as I tell you their unusual story.


It didn’t take more than a half a dozen dinners together before our conversations over finalized drinks turned quite sexual in nature. There are few people I ever open up to about the sexual journey Ashley and I have traveled but Scott was different. He was very interested in our stories and over a few evenings together, lubricated with drinks, Scott learned all about us. I mean everything… Ashley’s exploits, the Hot Wife thing, swinging, nude beaches, polyamory and bisexuality. I’m not exactly sure why I told him all that. Scott just exuded a sincerity that evoked trust and he was one hellava interviewer/listener. Besides all that, I knew he really loved our stories and it pretty much was a one sided dialogue in the beginning because he wouldn’t stop asking me questions! Then one night he asked me if I was interested in his story…the story of how Mary changed his life.

“Hell ya!!!” was all I said!

So here’s the background…

Mary was a beautiful brunette, 5’9, 140, 36 B/C cup, extremely fit (I’ve never met a woman with such defined abs) with a smile that could melt the coldest of hearts, the epitome of kindness and compassion… and a PhD in sports physical therapy. The woman had her own practice and worked with many professional athletes.

Scott met her through his concussion problems and immediately fell in love. He did everything he could to win her attention and only started to succeed after he retired and entered law school. She married him a week after he passed his bar.

I’m going to skip many interesting stories he shared about his courtship with her to get right to the most important part. One night he asked me…

“Do you remember what it was like before you married Ashley and you were doing everything you could to win her heart? How you said YES to virtually everything? It didn’t matter what you did or where you went…it only mattered that you were with her?”

“Oh yea Scott. I was head over heels with Ashley while she was mainly wanting to travel the world, explore, be free and independent. Getting married was almost the last thing on her mind. It took a “full court press” to convince her to give all that up and live with me.”

“Exactly! Then maybe you can understand how hard it was for me to win Mary over. I mean she was seeing top athletes and famous people nearly everyday. Many of them hit on her. The competition for her attention could hardly have been more severe. But I didn’t quit. I felt like I was going to marry her from the very first time we met. Now I’ve dated and made love to more women than I remember but Mary was different. Once I met her, she was all I wanted.

So after I proved I was not some dumb jock that had retired early under her advisement, and had impressed her by enrolling in my law program, she started giving me some attention. It happened like this. I would work my butt off, and she would reward me by going out on a date. It was slow going at first but one day I got my grades, a 4.0, and when I showed her the report, she sucked me off right there in my SUV…and swallowed! That was the first time we did anything sexual and from that point on, I realized she loved giving head and especially loved the taste of cum. I almost died!

Well from then on she used sex as a reward. If I accomplished something, I got the best sex. Then it morphed into, when I did something special for her, I got mind blowing sex. Then it ended up with, if I just treated her like a queen in all things small and large, I got sex as the reward. Jim, she was shaping me from a boorish type jock to a romantic chauvinistic lover. I loved it. I adored her more, the longer we went down that path. The energy I felt anticipating sex with her drove me to excel in everything I did. I finished second in my class and only because I didn’t ace all my classes the very first semester. After that it was all A’s. She motivated me to pass my bar on the first attempt, to then build my practice to such heights we could afford to build her “self Erzincan Escort designed” dream house, to buy three other vacation homes with two of them out of country, and to build our antique car collection. She loves old cars. None of this would’ve happened or continue to happen without her.”

“Geez Scott. I’ve always thought Mary was an incredible women, but you got lucky man! You’ve been married how long… fifteen years? From being around you two, the spark seems to be still alive. Most guys seem to have lost the luster in their marriages by now, even if their wives are hot as hell. You two obviously have not. What’s your secret?”

“Well Jim, we’ve actually been married seventeen years this summer. Mary has helped me understand that from the very beginning, I was telling her YES to virtually everything. She wanted to go somewhere or do something… and I said YES! She wanted to see if I could get a 4.0 each semester…YES! She wanted me to go to church with her…YES! She wanted me to take her shopping…YES! Do the dishes or clean the house with her…YES! Virtually anything was a yes because I wanted her so badly. And she always rewarded me. It absolutely was the best time of my life. I had found my queen and I lived to do anything for her, even if it meant working my butt off to please her. The sexiness of it all was so powerful I often was “hard all day” thinking about her. I loved how that energy would help me get mountains of work done, harnessing the anticipation of being with her at night and the best sex you could ever imagine. She was the one who wanted to do it in bizarre places… restaurants, theaters, churches, traveling down the highway. She even blew me once in her parents back seat while they drove us to some game. She really is insatiable and remains so to this day.”

“Wow Scott. Almost every guy is like that in the beginning. But seventeen years later? No one stays that way!”

“Well you’ve told me about Ash playing around with her boss. Remember how you started cooking all the meals, buying all the food, making sure fresh flowers were in the house, did all the laundry, cleaned the house, made sure her car was always detailed, and gave her great massages after she came back from some hot date even if she fell asleep leaving you high and dry? Why did you do that? It was because of the powerful sexual aura that surrounded her. It was because Ash became the sexiest person in your life. It was because you longed to fuck her. It was because you worshipped her. And… it was especially true, because SHE was in control. She held the keys and you loved it. When YOU were in control those first twenty years you gradually started taking her for granted. You got busy with many other things, probably good things, but none of them tied your sexuality to her.

Mary and I started out differently and fell into a lifestyle where she continually used her sexuality to motivate me so everything in my life was sexually tied to her. I’m telling you, there’s no way I would’ve made it through law school, let alone graduate with honors without sex motivating me. I loved her for that. I lived that life before we got married with either a “semi or full hard on” all day. At the very least, she was constantly in the back of my mind no matter what I was doing.

So just before we got married, Mary and I had a very long serious talk about exactly how our relationship had developed, how good it was; how after the rings got exchanged most, if not all, marriages start to relax and get too familiar with each other; how familiarity breeds contempt; and how couples in their mutual pursuits of career and possessions tend to over look each other. Mary absolutely didn’t want us to go down that road and presented me with the most bizarre proposal I had ever heard. Want to hear it?”

“Of course! Are you kidding?”

“Well… suspend your judgement on this until I’m done telling you. Ok?”

“Fine. I think you know by now how much our friendship means to me.”

“Jim. I sure do but I’m only going to tell you this because I’ve seen that you and Ash have essentially done the same thing, only you started twenty years into your marriage. We did this before the rings…

One night we were in bed together and Mary was playing with my cock. Now she loves cocks and never seemed tired of playing with mine. She could take an hour or more edging me close, backing me down, and then getting me going again. She started asking me if I’ve enjoyed how our relationship has emerged, if I really truly loved her, if I really did trust her with my life, and if I thought she would be enough for me. Well I of course gave a resounding yes to all that when she hauled out this velvet bag with a string tie. She asked me to open it and Jim I had never seen anything like that before. It was a strange stainless steel contraption and I was dumbfounded looking at it when she said…”

“Scott if we are going to get married, I can’t imagine it working if your devotion to me dissolves over time like every marriage I’ve ever known. I think we are both hooked on the energy we currently share together. After doing some research, I’ve stumbled on this solution. It may not be for you. But I’m not going forward without this. You’re looking at a chastity device. Examine it carefully.

Here… Let me take this apart. This ring goes behind your balls with both of them sticking through it along with your cock. This part goes over your cock and attaches to the ring with this lock. It has to come with a lock and key so you can not get out on your own. I will hold the key. Once in place you will not be able to have sex with anyone else, masturbate, have an orgasm or even have an erection. I will own your cock and I will decide if and when you cum from that point onward. If you agree to this, I promise to take care of you sexually, better than I ever have, but strictly on my terms which will often be determined by your behavior. This is not a short term thing to me. It’s for the rest of our lives unless we both agree to end it. Otherwise, if you decide you want out of wearing this device then you are deciding you want out of our marriage. Erzincan Escort Bayan

Scott, I’ve read many articles and consulted with a few women around the U.S. about marital chastity and from everything I’ve heard about couples that are doing this together, they rarely quit, and they both love this as a lifestyle and here’s why. They both love the sexual awareness and energy it gives them all day long. They love the anticipation of sex together and the man loves how it helps maintain his intense love and devotion to his wife. He also loves how the sexual energy allows him to accomplish amazing things. I want that more than anything to continue for you. I’ve watched how much you can accomplish when you are motivated to please me. I couldn’t stand it if that stopped. I would start to loose my deep respect for you.

Scott I’ve loved how you treated me over these years. I’m totally addicted to it. I can’t imagine living without you but I also can not imagine living with you if that starts to die. I really think this might be the key to a very happy long life together. What do you think?”

“So Jim… what would you do if someone like Mary presented you with such a proposal?”

“I’d say hell ya! Scott, you are right. Ashley and I are living almost exactly that life. I just don’t have mine locked up. I take it you said yes. How did it work out? You still wearing it seventeen years later?”

Scott picked up his dinner fork, twirled it a bit and said… “Listen to this” as he rapped the fork on his cage through his dress pants.

“Oh my gawd! You are wearing it now?”

“Jim, I always wear it unless Mary takes it off. I love wearing it in places like this. I’m wondering how many other guys here are wearing one right now. In a fine restaurant like this full of younger couples, I guarantee that there is probably some guy wearing one tonight. If we study how these couples interact throughout this meal, I can tell you which ones might be living a caged lifestyle. Just listen to them. Their conversation will be alive, his adoration for her will be very evident, and she will be either sexually teasing him or trying to act very aloof, just to drive him crazy. Couples acting like that are either not married yet and in their “sexual dance,” or newly married and still euphoric, or… they come with the guy locked up. All three types will be acting the same way. Take a look around. You tell me who they are!”


So that’s how it started with Scott. It didn’t end there by a long shot. He started insisting that I stay at their house instead of hotels from that point on. Our future meals were also now at their home and were either masterfully cooked by Scott or catered in.

Mary was part of most of our discussions from then on as well, even our business meetings. I found her insights to be quite helpful and a few times she even got involved in helping us swing a deal. We generally talked about sex though…and massage. Mary had gotten Scott to get his license in massage therapy and they had a beautiful table, with steamed towels and rocks, along with their sauna and steam room. It was all wonderful.

Things soon took a different turn when one night Mary asked us to gather round the massage table. This wasn’t going to be an ordinary massage.

Mary started it out by saying… “Jim, I love it when a new guy undresses me. Don’t you think that’s hot? Scott, would you like to see Jim undress me?”

Scott had a smile a mile wide when Mary said to him… “You first. I want to watch you get undressed in front of us both. Show Jim your cage!”

So Scott, with a bit of a flushed face, slowly removed his clothes as Mary urged him on. When he was entirely naked she patted the table and said “Up here big boy!” And there he was… with this bright shiny stainless steel contraption that made his cock seem quite small. Mary then reached down her blouse, pulled out her gold necklace and removed a tiny key. In a minute Scott was unlocked and free and that small little cock swelled up to an 8-9” monster. Mary then directed me to her side of the table and in the soft spotlight told me to undress her as slowly as possible.

It was one of the sexiest scenes I’ve ever been in and Mary was a physical specimen. Evidently the caged lifestyle had affected her too as she didn’t have an ounce of fat on her…literally. Rock hard and highly defined abs, along with an upper and lower body that you just never see on a women. (Well… you do at body building contests and I found l out later that Mary regularly completed and won them.) Mary was beautifully tanned and didn’t have a hair on her body below the neck. She didn’t really shave. It was mostly lasered off.

So I took my time undressing her, savoring every minute. All the while she was chiding Scott about another man taking her clothes off. Mary was wearing an expensive ensemble. The buttons were hard to unbutton and there were way too many to make it easy. Her lingerie was breath taking underneath… (and I was used to beautiful stuff!) Her breasts were of modest size but amplified by very large pectoral muscles. When the bra came off, my mouth dropped open and Mary said, “Like my nipples? Would you please suck them for me? Scott, wouldn’t you like to watch that?”

Scott of course was starting to drip pre-cum in his sexual excitement and said, “Hell ya! I know you’ve wanted this. Get him to lick your pussy too! I bet it’s dripping right now!”

Her nipples were on fire and her breasts were as firm as if they had been augmented. It didn’t take long and Mary was groaning in sexual pleasure while she kept her eyes directly on mine.

She finally pointed to the floor and I knew she wanted me on my knees. As I dropped, she reached down and pushed me so far I had to use my arms to keep from falling backwards on my heels. She then walked over me and placed her very firm pussy on my mouth while grabbing the back of my head with her two hands. Then the grinding began. I have never felt my mouth so fucked by anyone in my life… and quite soon Mary started gushing so copiously that I was sure she was urinating in my Escort Erzincan mouth. She wasn’t, at least that time, but I still almost drowned in her cum! That was the first of many nights to come with those two.

Did I ever fuck Mary? Plenty of times. It was always “an experience!” Her Kegel muscles were so strong, I could hardly pull out if she clamped down. (But frankly, she was too rock hard. I liked Ash’s softness much better.) Did she ever make Scott and I play together? Oh yea a few times. Maybe more than that. She loved instructing us in different ways to go down on each other. And there were a few other strange things she got us to do. I’ll let you imagine what they were.

I don’t want to really get further into her dominant role with us because it will leave you with the wrong impression of Mary. She was very much two different people. During the day and apart from our nightly play, she was the most beautiful, the most kind, most submissive to Scott, and most intelligent woman you would ever meet. Nobody ever guessed what a tiger she was behind closed doors, nor what a caged cuckold Scott could be either.

Strangely, they never wanted me to tell Ashley about our play. Mary in fact forbade it. And since Ash had plenty of her own private escapades, I never did tell her. At the time, the secret seemed like no big deal to me and still does to this day. If you’ve been following along through these stories, you’ll probably understand why I felt that way.


End notes

I guess some of you might be wondering if I ever wore a device. Yes I did/do. (I’m wearing one today as I’m writing this story!) I never got into wearing one all the time like Scott, but if I was staying at their house, oh yea, Mary would own me too. I loved playing along with them.

Wearing a cage is fairly comfortable. There never is any pain or any real problems that I’ve experienced. The worst is you generally have to pee sitting down.

I’ve bought maybe 2-3 dozen devIces over the years. Some were just fun to play with and are kind of collector items. It took me a year to finally get one that fit properly. (If it’s not small and tight enough, you will have serious problems with morning erections.) The absolute best device is probably a custom made job that might cost over $200.

Alternatively… Shop eBay if you want to play around with different types first. Try a cheap plastic one first. Since it comes with various sizes, it will at least help you determine the right size ring for you and be fun to wear while out during the day. (I eventually found a very good SS one with a near perfect fit on eBay. Under $30)

If you want to explore this lifestyle seriously then I highly, highly recommend you first thoroughly investigate the “definitive website on chastity,” a running diary of a married couple that has been doing this for years… MaleChastityJournal dot com. You will get some very good and real world advice, including their expert instructions on properly fitting your best device. Beyond that, there are plenty of other sites that erotically play around with chastity and some that take chastity into the various forms of cuckold fantasy.


I absolutely loved the anticipation I had all day thinking about Mary and the night we would all share. I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced that type of sexual rush with anyone other than Ash. Having Mary as my keyholder was just about the top of my sexual hot zone. And if you ever find a good person to hold your key…treat her well. It’s not easy finding someone like Mary.

When I wasn’t in their town, I would sometimes wear the device anyway, at least during the day, because it always created a “cock awareness” all day long. I love that feeling. I love going into meetings wearing it as it puts me in a special mindset of awareness and makes everyone else seem so repressed. That’s especially true at church. All that might sound pretty weird to you but believe me… that mindset will kick off some crazy creativity in you.

Ever since that first night when Scott did his great reveal in that restaurant, I tend to now watch couples to see if I can identify those that might be sharing the caged lifestyle. I’m absolutely convinced that many more are doing it than we would suspect and I base that upon the sheer numbers of devices being sold. When you boil it down, the caged lifestyle is just a safe simple sexual game couples can play together. It’s powerful in its affect on a marriage with very little downside that I see or have heard reported. That’s why it’s growing so rapidly. Try it. You might like what it does for you with or without her.

Mary and Scott were right. The beginning of most relationships is highly charged with sexual energy that naturally makes the male subservient to the female. Once that is abandoned, and it normally does happen after marriage, that sexual energy begins to fade until it is practically gone.

A caged lifestyle demands a renewed sexually subservient male and a wise female will learn how to use that adoration to reignite their marriage and keep the anticipation of sex “top of mind.” The male will almost always become addicted to the lifestyle. There may be no going back for him. It’s that powerful. But hey… what woman would want to go back? She’s not just queen for the day. She’s now queen for their lifetime!


Finally… If you are familiar with the MGTOW movement (men going their own way) then what I’ve shared above is probably triggering you big time. This story is too short to adequately address those issues. But consider this…

Scott, Mary and myself often discussed those deep problems between men and women. All three of us were very sympathetic and concerned with how men are abused in our legal system, in marriage counseling and contracts, and throughout our society. That might seem incongruent with our chastity play, but to us it was not. In fact it was quite the opposite. We all believed that most marital problems are do to undefined and naive awareness of how important alternate dominance and submissive roles play with our marital psychological health. Scott and Mary had all that worked out in admirable ways. Dominance and submissive roles were to them the final frontier in sexuality. I tend to agree and have many thoughts to share on that subject. But my friend… that’s a story for another day!

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