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Subject: Dane Part 3 Friday came along and with it came a note from Dane’s mother about a barbecue on Saturday. It was a nice little invitation, giving me directions to the house along with the time and firm instructions to not bring anything but myself. I could do that I thought. The rest of the week had been fairly uneventful. No crisis with the kids no “activity” with Dane. I should say here that Dane and I did not engage in sexual activity at every opportunity. There were other things we needed to talk about in our time together and we didn’t’ always leave the building. Even when we did, having sexual contact was not the goal. I liked it that way. I wanted to build a quality relationship with this wonderful boy, not one based on physical attraction, although every time I saw him I was physically attracted to him. Sometimes during my group he might ask questions that were leading, or had double meaning that only he & I might understand, like, Can a person be addicted to sex or sexually addicted to another person. These little bombs were designed to throw me off track and were always delivered with an impish gleam in his brilliant green eyes. Saturday I showed up at Dane’s house in the late after noon and was greeted at the door by the awesome cute boy himself. He was wearing a Tommy t-shirt and baggy beach jeans without shoes. His smile was a mile wide, showing off brilliant white teeth and he said “hey Cody, I am sooooo glad you came”. He took my hand, led me into the house, closed the door, and turned and wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a tight firm hug. I patted back of his head, a little nervous that his mother might see this interaction and raise some questions. Dane seemed to sense my reluctance and said “come on Cody, my mom’s in the kitchen” and led me down a hallway and into said kitchen where a 30-ish woman in casual summer wear was building what looked like a potato salad. Wiping her hands on a kitchen towel she extended her hand and said “hello Cody, my name is Jan, welcome to our home”. “Dane has told me so much about you that I feel I have known you for some time.” I said hello it was my pleasure and offered up the usual pleasantries about the house, etc. Small talk ensued for a few minutes during which Dane got a little bored. Jan seemed in tune with her son’s mood and suggested that he offer me something to drink then perhaps show me the house and yard. Dane perked up, offered me a drink, iced tea, then lead me off through the house, a medium sized older home with an upstairs where Dane’s room was. His sister Leeza’s room was on the main floor and his mothers room right next to it. Because Giresun Escort of her illness, Leeza needed constant care so a care giver came in during the day and Jan took over at night. Dane took me upstairs to his room, which was quite large and contained his various collections of models, a large train set and other trappings of boyhood. He also had his own bathroom, which, considering his age, was pretty neat and clean. He started up the train and let it go round, whistling and chugging. I wandered over and looked out the window into a spacious back yard where Jan was setting things on a picnic table. I turned back around and Dane was standing right there, his pants and shirt on the floor beside him, wearing only jockey briefs. His compact body was a work of art. Firm, tanned, lightly muscled from swimming and his half hard boy cock and balls were outlined in the pure white briefs. I walked to his bed, sat down and he climbed into my lap, arms around my neck and shoulders and planted his lips to mine in a lingering tongue searching kiss. I responded in kind, running my hand over his chest tweaking his small brown nipple and down to his belly. It was a little close for anything else so I told him to stand in front of me. Dane got off my lap and stood directly in front of me. I reached out, put my fingers into the waistband of his underwear and pulled them down, freeing his rock hard cock from confinement. I pulled the briefs to his feet and he stepped out of them. I said to him “we don’t have much time baby boy so we have to make this another quickie”. He nodded his head in agreement and I stared at the beautiful young adonis in front of me. I cupped his balls and played with them a second then held his turgid prick. I could feel his boyhood stiffen even more and throb in my hand as I bent down a bit and put it in my mouth. Putting one hand under his balls and the other on his firm little ass, I pulled him into me. My nose was pressed against his sparse pubic hairs and the scent of turned on teenage boy was almost over powering. He put his hands on my head and I put my other hand on his ass and began moving him in and out of my mouth. He got the idea and began fucking my mouth in earnest, pulling almost all the way out so I sucked on the head then pushing back in till his young balls were on my chin. I took one hand away from that luscious ass and returned it to his hairless boy balls, cupping them and squeezing them lightly while the other arm encircled his tender ass and encouraged the fucking motion. Dane was moaning and breathing hard then mumbled “oh god” pumping his cock even harder I could Giresun Escort Bayan feel it swell as he shot his cum into my mouth. I held him there almost a minute, taking all his sperm and making sure the head was clean. Of course the sensitivity made him giggle and I backed him out of my mouth. He got on his knees and kissed me again, softly moving lips, rubbing his little turned up nose against mine. It was hard to believe that one so young could not only be so sexual but also so sensual and seemingly so instinctual about it. He backed his face away from mine and said “you are so awesome a friend Cody, thank you again for helping me make sperms for you”. “You are very welcome sweetest boy, I love you and making you happy, and your sperms are the most sweetest in the world. I would love to eat fresh hot Dane sperms every day”. He laughed at that and I said, “but I think we better get downstairs”. I helped him into his briefs and before pulling them all the way up, I kissed his softened cock and said night night to it, then tucked it away. He got into the rest of his clothes, shut the train down and we went downstairs the smell of barbecuing chicken. We wandered outside where Jan was working the grill and I surveyed the fenced back yard. Bordered with flowers in bloom it was large enough to hold a croquet match and the game was set up to do just that. “Do we have time for a game before dinner mom” Dane asked. “You do indeed” she replied, adding “Cody if you need another soda or ice tea help yourself” and she headed into the kitchen. As Dane and I started the game I heard the phone ring. About 3 plays later Jan yelled from the house for Dane, a sense of urgency in her voice. Alarmed we both headed for the house, Jan meeting us at the door. “We have a problem Dane” she started, “That was Doctor Adams. They have an immediate opening for Leeza at the Denver Medical Center and I need to get her ready right now. An ambulance will be here in half an hour to take us to the hospital and air vac us to Denver. I will call Elaine and you can stay there until I get back”. “Noooooooo mom, not elaine’s. Her new husband hates me, he treats me like shit and she can’t do anything about it, besides the school van can’t pick me up and take me home so I’ll have to ride the city bus cause Mr. Asshole won’t take me and won’t let Elaine take me.” “Watch your language young man and I’m sorry I don’t think I have any other alternative” she stated firmly as she sat down and booted her computer. “Mooooommmmmmm no, I can’t stay there, I won’t stay there let me stay with Cody” and turning to me my young beauty rushed Escort Giresun on, “can I stay with you Cody it’s close to school you can even take me and we get along great I promise I’ll be good and do everything you say I won’t be any trouble please Cody” and turning back to his mother “mooommmmm pleeeze I can’t go to Elaine’s house”. Dane was on the verge of tears, the magnificent green eyes pleading for some help. Jan started to object when I intervened. “Jan”, I said, “it does make sense, I have the space at my place and I really wouldn’t mind having Dane around. I can’t see that it would be a problem. As long as you trust me” Jan looked back at me, considered it for a moment and said “trusting you is not an issue Cody but what about your job? I would think they may have some rules about your kids being at your home.” I told her that as far as I knew there were no policies about the issue, that if there were this is an emergency situation. They tend to be fairly flexible, I don’t think it’s a problem. “Well, I don’t have time to look for alternatives, ok Cody, Dane can stay with you. Shit, Cody please go check the chicken before it’s ruined”. As I rushed off she said what’s your last name, which I yelled back to her as I raced out the kitchen door. The chicken was ok but wouldn’t have been if left another few minutes. Just as I finished turning it Jan was at the door asking me to follow her. At the computer she handed me a piece of paper from the printer. It was a limited power of attorney on Law office letterhead. She told me that the attorney was aware of her frequent trips away from town due to Leeza’s illness and directed her to fill one out whenever she was going to be gone. Usually it was her friend Elaine but the attorney would honor Jan’s wishes regardless. It was done for Dane in the event of a medical emergency . Further more she said that if anything, god forbid, should happen to her, the attorney would contact me. I didn’t understand all this and didn’t have time to ask as the ambulance had arrived and the attendants were in the process of moving Leeza along with her bed into the emergency vehicle. It appeared that they had performed this task on prior occasions. Jan had grabbed a suitcase and was hugging Dane in the corner and whispering in his ear, probably offering advice to behave. She came over to me, thanked me again and said that she would call every night to talk with Dane and give us updates on Leeza and out the door she went. Dane closed the door, came over and quietly took my hand and led me outside to the barbecue. I asked him if he was hungry but he shook his head. “Maybe we can take it to your place and have it cold later, ok”? I replied that was fine and suggested that he go pack some things and we could go. He said that we could have to come back to the house every few days to check on it and to feed Budgie, his orange Tabby cat. Ten minutes later we left.

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