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Thanks for all the love, it’s appreciated.
Enjoy this second chapter, don’t take it too seriously and leave a comment below
Despite every part of me wanting to fuck Rocky’s ass again, I left his room and stumbled home in a state of post cum euphoria. The excitement of finally fucking that big jock ass was coursing through me and, though my body and cock needed sleep, my mind couldn’t switch off.
I kept replaying the evening over and over again and I still couldn’t believe that Rocky had cum while getting fucked. Even with my limited experience with men, I knew that was rare for someone’s first time. Then again, I thought, he had an ass made to be fucked, so perhaps it wasn’t all that surprising.
Eventually, sleep came, and after ten hours of unconsciousness, I woke up refreshed and eager to have another go at Rocky’s perfect ass. Unfortunately, it was Sunday. We had agreed that a day off from studying would be best for both of us and, unfortunately for me, that day was Sunday.
Ignoring all of my classwork, I instead focused on how I could make fucking Rocky a regular thing. I knew his bruise wasn’t going to last long. By Monday he would probably be fine and then I would have no reason to get inside his pants again.
Looking at the time, it was already past midday, and I still had no clear plan. Feeling hungry, I headed to the fridge.
“Fuck!” I muttered as a bare shelf looked back at me.
Putting on some shoes, sweatpants and a hoody, I picked up my wallet and headed to the shops. My mind wasn’t focused, and I ended up wandering around the streets. A loud burst of laughter caught my attention.
Walking down the middle of the road was Rocky with two other footballers. On his right was a younger-looking man with tanned skin and wavy brown hair. He wasn’t far off the size of Rocky and judging from the muscles he had, I knew he could have matched the linebacker in the weights section or on the field.
The other player was slimmer and looked more like a running back. He was tall, with a beautiful black complexion. He had an air of confidence about him and he joked with Rocky, easily making it clear they were good friends while the other younger guy watched them with awe.
I was caught in two minds. While it was hard-wired into me that I should flee from all jocks after years of teasing at school, I had fucked Rocky the night before, so maybe I didn’t have anything to worry about.
Then the three of them all howled with laughter and the manly punching began. All of a sudden, I was back at school getting chased. Glancing to my left, I saw a door open, and I dove inside.
The doorbell chimed and a bored-looking Latino looked up from the cash register before dropping back to his magazine. Glancing around, I saw I was in the grocery store, high rows of food stretched out in front of me. Knowing that I could hide easily, I hurried to the back corner.
“What are you reading, Demarcus? Bet it’s cosmo!” a deep voice laughed.
“Or good housekeeping!” another said with a snicker.
“Fuck you guys! What are you all doing here, anyway? Didn’t think you would be waking up this early, Callum, especially with how much you had yesterday!”
I didn’t stay around to hear the rest of the conversation. I had already spotted that the backroom door was open and darting through it, I saw the light of an alleyway. Throwing my hood up to cover my face, I ran outside.
Just as I was about to breathe a huge sigh of relief, I smashed into a large mass of muscle and promptly fell on my ass.
“What the fuck?” it rumbled.
Blinking away the pain, I looked up to see Rocky towering over me with his fly undone and his cock out. I couldn’t tear my eyes off the handsome footballer and even after he had stuffed his prick back in his trousers, I still couldn’t find anything to say.
“Nerd?!” he barked, making me jump.
“Hey Rocky, how’s things?”
“What are you doing out here?”
“Um… I was… um, I… I wanted to see you!” I said after several attempts to try, and form a sentence that made sense.
“Why?” he replied, confused.
“Um… oh, yes! To check on your bruise. It looked terrible last night, and I noticed you were limping.”
“Yeah, it’s been a son-of-a-bitch, but I’ve had worse,” he shrugged.
I had already noticed that he was wearing tearaway pants with the college logo on and after weighing up the risk of a battering to the reward of seeing more, I made my mind up.
“You wanna pop open some buttons and I can put some more of this on?” I asked, pulling out the cream that was still in my hoody from last night.
Rocky frowned, but I could see that he was contemplating it. Obviously, the bruise was worse than he was letting on and from what I saw yesterday, it was painful. If it were me, I doubted whether I would have even been able to get out of bed, let alone walk.
“Fine, but be quick,” he snapped while gripping two handfuls of fabric and pulling them apart.
The satisfying pop was followed bursa escort by the even more satisfying sight of his thigh muscle. Instantly, I spotted the dark purple skin. The cream had made it even more pronounced as was the intended effect, though clearly, Rocky didn’t know that, which was probably why he was a bit worried about it.
“Come on, nerd, I need to get back to my friends… Something you wouldn’t know about!” he smirked and instantly, I knew what I had to do.
Squeezing a large amount of cream into my palm, I smeared it over his skin, savoring the taut muscle before gradually increasing the amount of pressure. I could feel him tense, but his masculine footballer brain told him to ignore it.
With a grin of my own, I pinched his skin and instantly, Rocky jumped back, swearing loudly.
“What the fuck nerd?!”
“I’m sorry Rocky! I didn’t realize how bad it was. It looks like what we did yesterday is helping, but I reckon you need some more just to help it.”
“What about the cream?” he asked suspiciously.
“The cream won’t be able to do it all by itself. You need some more protein just to push along the healing process,” I replied, impressed with how professional I sounded.
Once again, Rocky’s face scrunched up as he tried to make sense of what I was telling him. I would have waited for his response, yet I knew time was against me. Though I wanted his ass, I guess I could settle for those beautiful, full lips.
“Look Rocky, I know you need to heal for practice tomorrow. If you get hit on the leg, then you’re going down and no one wants to see you cry. All you need is to swallow some cum and then you’ll be feeling a lot better. I promise I’ll be quick.”
Biting his bottom lip, at that moment Rocky looked so cute that my cock pinged to full mast. Tugging my pants down, I let it spring out and immediately the huge footballer’s eyes were drawn down.
Rather than wait for him to get to his knees, the floor was filthy, and I wasn’t an animal. I climbed the four steps to the back entrance of the grocery store and conveniently my cock was the perfect height for him.
Pointing to the gap between the bins and the steps, I watched as Rocky cautiously looked around before moving to where I wanted him to be.
“Open wide,” I said confidently, and the linebacker obeyed.
With a hand guiding my prick, I pushed forward and whimpered in pleasure as my head was engulfed by his mouth.
“Ohh yes,” I breathed.
After a couple of seconds of savoring the warmth, my lust-filled mind wanted more. I had woken up with a granite-hard erection and had successfully managed to avoid playing with it all day, and now that patience was coming back to reward the linebacker with a huge load.
“Suck it!” I demanded, gripping his thick blonde hair and then driving deeper.
Rocky’s sparkling blue eyes shot open and stared at me as I began to fuck his mouth. His muffled protests turned into quiet groans and he started to take control.
The slopping sound of slurping filled the air. Leaving his head, I gripped the railing in front of me and enjoyed the dumb jock’s blow job.
Glancing down, I watched as Rocky hungrily blew me. Swirling his tongue around my tip, he dropped to take my balls inside his warmth, causing me to grunt, “that’s not fair.”
I was already churning for release. The way his eyes seemed to implore me to cum while my prick slapped against his face was making it impossible for me to hold back.
“Cum… cum… cumming…” I stuttered, my eyes flickering while my body tensed.
Quickly, Rocky jumped up and took in my cock just in time for the first thick load. Obediently, he swallowed before waiting for the next offering. Three more times I erupted and after each one, the jock hungrily drunk down my spunk.
With my knees wobbling, I had to pull back. My tip was too sensitive and the constant licking from Rocky was making me edge closer to collapsing.
“You’re right, nerd, I definitely feel better,” he grinned, smacking his lips together.
Flexing his leg to make the muscles bulge, I let out an involuntary groan.
He stared at me and definitely saw the lust in my eyes. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen next but a screech of tires shook him back to reality, “you can fuck off now nerd!”
With that, Rocky left me with my softening cock out and pushed past me into the shop.
“Demarcus, you motherfucker, how’s it hanging?” he roared and the other footballers joined in laughing.
Pulling up my pants, I waited a moment to enjoy the feeling of my empty balls before heading to the main street. Deciding to get a Chinese takeaway, I was dreaming in the shop of Rocky while I waited for the order and continued my daydream as I walked back to my dorm.
Sitting at my desk eating my meal, I tried to work out how I could get more from Rocky. I needed his ass. The glimpse he had teased me with was torture. He wasn’t going to have that bruise for much longer, so I had to altıparmak escort come up with a new plan.
With the takeaway now in the bin, I played a game hoping the distraction would help fuel my mind.
It was getting late in the evening when an idea suddenly came to me. All I needed were those test paper answers, and then I could get exactly what I wanted from Rocky to give both of us memories to last a lifetime.
Finding the company that had made the tests, I hacked into their website. It really wasn’t hard. I was expecting to do some stalking of the company’s employees’ personal lives to help me guess their personal questions, but first I decided to try the classic, Admin and Password123 and, to my surprise, I got in.
Finding the test papers, I downloaded and printed them along with the answer sheets. The questions were insanely easy, but they were hard enough for Rocky to fail.
It was close to midnight before I finally completed the bits I needed for my scheme to work. Pleased with what I had done, I went to sleep looking forward to my next meeting with the jock.
The next day I was sitting in the library study room waiting for the man who dominated my dreams to show up. I nervously checked my bag, wanting to make sure I had brought the things I would need to, hopefully, get back inside his amazing ass.
Soon Rocky clattered into the room. His thick blonde hair was still wet from his shower. He wore a tighter than usual muscle top as well as his usual loose sports shorts. He looked good and instantly my mind went back to Saturday night and that sweet fuck session.
Dumping his bag on the floor, he slammed a protein shake on the table and took the seat next to me.
“Finally, got a delivery of these bad boys! Had two already today and not only do I feel great, but that bruise has fucked off! So thanks for helping out nerd, but I don’t need you anymore!” He said, gripping me in a headlock and ruffling my hair.
“No problem,” I gasped when he let me free.
Trying not to show my disappointment that he had clearly decided that my cock wasn’t on his mind, I slid across a paper, “I thought we would start this week with a test. It’s only ten questions, so don’t worry!”
Though he gave me a filthy look, weirdly similar to the look he gave to me when I first asked him to lick my balls, he took the paper and began to work.
It didn’t take long for him to finish. While he had been concentrating, I had spent the time going over my plan and taking glances at his muscled torso.
Taking the test, I checked the answers to confirm that he had failed miserably again. Rather than let him know the bad news, I was still working out whether I should go ahead with my plan. He may have been dumb, but this was asking him to believe another absurd notion.
Rocky, fed up with waiting, stood up and began to stretch. Whether he knew he was teasing me or not, it seemed that all he was stretching out were his legs and ass.
Placing his hands against the wall, Rocky bent one leg forward, letting the other drop back. Dropping his weight on to the front foot, his ass thrust out, straining against his loose shorts and straight in my direction.
Seeing the plump cheeks only inches away, I knew that I had to have it again, no matter how stupid my plan was.
“Holy shit! You’ve got them all right!” I exclaimed just as he was about to swap legs.
“No fucking way?” he replied with surprise.
I made the pretence of looking over the test again before smiling at him, “yep it’s all right! Here, do this one now. It’s twenty questions and a bit harder.”
The next ten minutes passed in silence while he worked, his face creased up in concentration. At one point, he was about to hand the paper to me when he pulled it back and went back over the questions to correct one.
Throwing his chair back, Rocky went back to stretching, leaving me to mark his paper. The temptation to watch him again was short-lived as I could feel his eyes on me, so pulling out a random textbook to give the impression that I was checking the test properly, I began marking.
After I felt like enough time had passed to make it look realistic, I leaned back in my chair and let out an astonished laugh.
“I don’t believe it. You’ve got everything right! This is amazing!” I smiled at him, getting a wide grin in return.
“I’m getting smarter, nerd!! Watch out!” He whooped and punched my arm.
Pretending that it didn’t hurt. I pulled out more test papers.
“I’ve heard of this before, but I didn’t think it could actually happen,” I said slowly while shaking my head in disbelief, with a performance worthy of an Oscar.
“Heard of what, nerd?” Rocky asked.
“Well, there’s evidence that shows the sperm of a smart person is also smart. So when you took in my cum, you actually got smarter. My brains and knowledge transferred to you.”
“Nah! That’s bullshit!” He retorted with disdain.
“I mean, I didn’t believe görükle escort it myself… Tell you what, here’s an advanced test. Trust me, you would never have been able to do this before you took my cum. While you’re doing that, I’ll do some research online and show you what I mean.”
Eagerly, he began to do the test, allowing me to pull up an article that I had made last night. Knowing what type of person Rocky was like, I had created the article to look like it came from Ladbible, his favorite website.
Though a quick search showed a surprising amount of articles already online about the benefits of eating sperm. There must be a lot of male doctors who needed sucking off, I concluded.
Nearly twenty minutes later and Rocky passed the paper over. He looked tired. Obviously, he had never had to concentrate this hard before. Giving him my phone, I let him read over the articles I had found while I marked the test.
Even though it was a multiple choice paper, he had only managed to three right out of forty. An astonishingly low score, but rather than tell him that, I shook my head in wonder again.
“Ninety percent! That’s incredible.” I breathed.
Rocky let out another whoop, “I can’t believe I’m smart! I fucking knew it. I felt cleverer immediately after I had your cum. Man, sperm is so fucking good!”
I picked up my phone and found the fake Ladbible article I had written.
“Ah, it says here that you need to consume it regularly to maintain your IQ.” I sighed, showing him the quote in the article.
“I mean, with the amount of sperm you have already taken, it could last long enough for you to pass the test on Friday, but I’m not sure…” I said slowly, with a heavy hint of doubt in my voice.
“Fuck that, nerd! I want your cum now. If it’s going to make me pass this stupid test, then I’m going to take all the cum you have!”
“You just said that you didn’t want my cum anymore…”
“Do you want me to beat you up, nerd? I want your cum, and what I want, I get!” He growled.
Just listening to him demanding my cum made my cock hard, yet I pretended to think it over. Fed up with waiting for my reply, Rocky gripped my chair, pulled me away from the desk and looked at me with his big blue eyes.
“You’re going to give me your cum, nerd! I want it filling me up every day, do you understand?!”
“Y… yes,” I stuttered before regaining my wits, “but it says here the sperm should be spread about and taken frequently.”
“Well, let’s get started now, and then I’ll text you later.”
I smiled at that and nodded my head, “deal.”
Standing up, I let Rocky take hold of my pants and pull them down. My rock hard cock bobbed in the open. There was already precum at the slit.
Sitting on the table, I watched as he moved towards me to take my tip in his mouth.
Tthe excitement of having him demand to suck me off had got me incredibly turned on, and I was ready to explode.
“So good!” I breathed as I gripped his hair and pushed deeper inside.
Letting me invade his mouth, Rocky lashed his tongue around my shaft before pulling back until just the tip of my cock was left in his warmth. With a low moan, he began to suck hard, putting enormous pleasurable pressure on my sensitive head.
Looking down, I felt euphoric. I had my muscled sucktoy back, and damn, was he good at his job!
I wanted to last longer, but he looked so good with my cock splitting his pink lips and his baby blue eyes piercing mine that I couldn’t hold out.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckkk!”
Moaning loudly, I came hard, flooding the jock’s mouth with thick spunk.
Greedily, he swallowed the lot, his giant hand cupping my balls, massaging them as he sucked hard, wanting to get everything he could.
“Mmmm, I feel smarter already!” He said, smacking his lips, “right, nerd, give me some more questions. I’ve got practice in twenty mins.”
Pulling out the test paper he would do on Friday, I passed it to him. It was all part of my plan. I had decided that repetition would be the only way he could pass the test, so I had made several different versions of the paper he would sit. All of them had the same questions, just in a different order.
After finishing the paper, he left the room once I had gone over the incorrect answers. Giving him another test, I told him to practice it tonight and that I would mark it the next time I saw him. I just hoped that this would be enough to help him pass the test on Friday.
“What the fuck, man?!”
“Shit, Colin, I’m sorry.”
It was late on Wednesday and I was in Colin’s room painting Warhammer models. Even though I had glasses on and a magnifying glass, I was still struggling to get the space marine to look good.
“Something must be on your mind if you can’t even paint a space marine blue!” sighed Colin, grabbing the marine from me and washing the paint off.
“Is it Rocky? I told you it would be a bad idea to mentor him. He’s so thick, there’s no way he would digest anything you gave him,” my friend scoffed.
“Wait, what?!”
“Sounds like he’s rubbing off on you. You can’t even understand what I’m saying!”
“He’s not that bad. He’s been very willing to receive my knowledge… all of it, so deeply…” I trailed off into a daydream as the footballer’s ass invaded my thoughts.
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