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This is an absolutely true story about how I became addicted to pleasuring older men and the event that led to me sucking my first cock. This is my first attempt at writing and I will try to recreate the event as accurately as I can remember. I am not a professional writer just a guy wanting to share his first blow job experience. (Male/Male, exhibition, reluctance, oral, 1st blowjob)


My name is Mike, and I was an average size young guy about 5’7” and tipped the scales at a lean 165 pounds. I was often told that I was an attractive young man that resembled the younger version of the county western singer Clint Black. I considered myself to be a good looking kid. I was 19 years old and drudging my way through community college while working the midnight shift in a local convenience store. I was a typical kid of that age who had a little bit of potential and a whole lot of cocky attitude.

At that time I was living with my steady girlfriend in a tiny apartment. I was not in love, but she was steady rent money and was an easy release for my boundless sex drive and hyper sexual curiosity. At this stage of my life I had basically restrained my sexual adventures to heterosexual fun. I admit that I was a selfish, unfaithful boyfriend and really abused the benefits of being a young stud muffin. I took every available opportunity to take sexual advantages of inexperienced young girls merely by convincing them that I was in love with them, regardless of my live-in girlfriend status. I was a horny young guy and had bad intentions mixed with reckless desires. I preferred kinky sex, role playing and even voyeurism of a buddy who roughly butt fucked my drunken girlfriend on her first anal sex attempt. I watched as they shared Tequila shots well beyond her limit for reasonable decision making. My friend persuaded her to drop her panties as he assertively aided her in bending over and then taking his bare cock in her ass for her first time. I simply cheered him on as he pounded her tight little pink hole.

Like most hormone overdosed young men, as a teenager I experimented with some mild bi-sexuality. My friends and I would do the infamous, double dare a buddy into masturbating the other guys while each took their turn cursing the Swank magazines that we occasionally found discarded in the local woods. The raunchy type porn magazines with the pages all stuck together from dried sperm splattered from the prior viewer. I would often close my eyes and imagine myself secretly spying some perverted old dude milking his cock over the spreads of those nude, young female centerfolds the whole time him fantasying over his neighbor’s daughter. I must admit that I enjoyed the sensation of my friend’s hard cocks in my grip while I methodically jerked them until their sperm gushed into the air and splattered all over my hands. I would continue to pump their shafts until my palms were fully drenched with their loads and the liquid dribbled from my fingertips. Back then I never minded being nominated by the group to be the official buddy stroker for our daily masturbation sessions.

There is not much to do when you work the midnight shift at a 7-11 store in Dallas, Texas. I spent many of my early morning shifts jacking off in the storage room while browsing our wide selection of porn magazines that the store distributed. There was a camera in the backroom and I often wondered if anyone every reviewed the tapes. I secretly hoped that someone had watched them and saw me masturbating at some point. I was supposed to be stocking shelves with fresh merchandise or peering down the potential shop lifters. But, I thought I could leave most of that professional work to the dedicated morning shift. I spent most of my available time on more personal entertainment such as having trashy phone sex with complete strangers.

The convenience store was located just on the border of the controversial, artsy side of town. In other words, we were positioned next to the gay section of Dallas known as Oak Lawn. I am a very social person. I enjoyed talking to everyone and I liked to flirt and flaunt my sex appeal . My royal blue uniform shirts were typically unbuttoned one notch below the manager’s tolerance level exposing my chest for the occasional peeper and my ass was intentionally snuggled firmly into my favorite pair of white Guess jeans. I refused to wear anything under them and often wondered if my package was noticeable through the material. Each night I would receive dozens of calls from primarily men. At 2:00 AM after the bars Göztepe travesti have closed and the buzz has turned into drunken recklessness, these men had only one topic to discuss, gay sex!!! They typically stated that they had frequented our store and noticed me behind the counter. The phone calls were exciting and I loved listening to these guys squirm as I would bait them with seductive possibilities. I must admit that each conversion left me horny as hell and needing to jerk off. Furthermore, I was starting to allow that old teenage sexual exploration to surface again in my hardening groin. I could spend hours on the phone taunting in a low, sexy, pleading voice describing my sexual desires to become the party favor at a gay sex orgy. I pleaded to be tied face down on the kitchen table with my boxers yanked around my knees while blindfolded and gagged for complete strangers. I enjoyed describing how each guy would barter his way in line to be the next cock pumping my tight little pink ass hole. All of this teasing was simply a distraction to dull the boredom during the lonely midnight shift. I knew full well it was basically bull-shit ramblings to a bunch of drunken masturbating perverts.

However, I was opening Pandora’s Box and I loved the potential. My sexual appetite and insatiable curiosity started to control my better judgment. I began to agree to casual hook-ups with a few of the more vocally demanding types. For whatever reason, this personality trait was prominent in the older guys. I personally wasn’t aroused by the softer boys who were in touch with their decorating or fashion side. I went with what I knew best from my past bi-sexual experiences. I offered a few of the more interesting nasty men a masterful oiled up hand job. I told them to pick me up outside the store an hour or so before my 11:00 PM shift and I promised a nice nut blowing orgasm in their car. I met with several guys and I was really starting to enjoy myself and realized the thought of a hard cock remained in my mind throughout the night.

I started to receive several calls from a guy named Bill. He was one of those southern ‘good ole boy’ redneck types. He claimed to be in his 50’s which would put him at least 30 years older than me. He went into full details of every dimension of his body. Bill described himself as an average country, white guy who was suffering through a never ending marriage with a dull wife who was well beyond her hormonal prime. His was very chubby at 230 pounds on a 5’10” frame. He stated that he had a spare tire around his midsection that hung just over his belt buckle and his hair was grey from 27 years of monotonous marriage..

However, he made up for what he lacked in sophistication with a 7.5” uncut cock that could stay plump all night. I remember that he called himself a shower and not a grower. He said his unit hung a good 6” limp. His description made me chuckle because that is ample size in my opinion, and a full inch longer limp than mine is when fully erect. He had a bad attitude and was in poor physical condition. He was absolutely nothing that I would be attracted to and probably would be even a little on the gross side for my age. Something about this guy just seemed to intrigue me and turn me on. I think the nasty wrongness of the whole situation is what made it so sexually appealing. We arranged to meet outside the store about 10:00 pm. I was actually off work that particular evening but, I liked to keep that a secret as it is a great excuse for me to return promptly.

Bill was on time and drove up in a standard, clean, older model Ford pickup. I approached the passenger side window and as he lowered the glass. I quickly noticed he wore a pair of navy blue Dockers slacks. He had on an paisley embroidered long sleeve shirt with the cuffs rolled to his elbows and the hem hung loose to his waist. He was listening to some 60’s rock music on a local radio station. There was a high-ball glass adorning a Jack Daniel’s insignia that rested on the dash.

“Are you ready for this, kid?” he asked.

It wasn’t much of an introduction and the way he spoke seemed to make me question the romance of the situation. His voice was rough as if he smoked most of his early years and his tone was that of a person who does not handle his liquor pleasantly. I climbed in the passenger seat and surveyed the situation. The truck was clean with a full single bench seat across the front. The dash had a long crack from the relentless Texas sun. He Küçükyalı travesti had a plastic tray holder on the floor and a bottle of Jack Daniels in the cup holder. Bill offered his hand and said, “I’m surprised you made it”. His grip was powerful and I felt he was trying to make a statement with it. He offered up his bottle of Jack. I asked if he had an extra glass I could use. He replied in a seemly uneducated slur, “You won’t be needing no glass boy”. Sometimes we should listen to our inner voice and retreat from danger but, I ignored common sense and replied, “Let’s roll”.

We took off in the truck west bound on West Mockingbird Lane. I snuggled closer to him on the bench seat as if I were his girlfriend invited on our first romantic rondevu. If you’re not familiar with the Dallas traffic, let me tell you that road is congested even at 10:30 PM on a weekday evening. We didn’t have much in common to talk about except our usual nightly phone sex topics. He requested that I get naked as we drove to our destination. He said it was a short drive to where we were going and he wanted to see that tight ass that he jerked off to nightly. I mentioned that I was worried about the police busting me being nude. He just looked at me long and hard without much expression or any verbal response.

Hesitantly, I removed my shirt and pants and sat them on the floor. His eyes penetrated my body up and down. We both continued to hit his bottle with some reckless abandonment. Surprisingly, he snatched up my pants and placed them on the dash as is they were a trophy of his accomplishment. The windows were down from our earlier introduction when I approached the truck. The night breeze felt soothing on my aroused, engorged skin and the whiskey buzz had really started to loosen up the atmosphere.

I leaned into him and started to rub his leg and squeezed his crotch while whispering sexy trash as he drove. I unzipped his pants and lowered them enough to get hand access to his cock and balls. His cock was long and hung limp at least the 6″ that he described. He had a large mushroom shaped head that was partially hidden by his uncut foreskin. His balls were full and floated in the ample room of the sack that old men seem to acquire through many years of gravity. I gripped his cock and began to hammer stroke him with while my imagination lusted to see him fully erect.

This was the first time that I had been completely naked in front of one of my hookups. My nervous were tense with excitement and my cock was rock hard. He enjoyed stroking my bare back as I leaned in closer to be near him. My heart raced as I stroked his hard cock on the open road. He changed lanes from right to left in order to pass a slow moving car. I stopped masturbating him and reached for my clothes. He grabbed my hand and returned it to his cock and reassured me that is was dark and I should simply relax and stay low. I crouched down as he placed his firm grip over my hand and began to impatiently masturbate himself with my hand. I have no idea if the other driver noticed me hunched over in his bare lap but, I felt totally exposed and I was completely lost in the lust of the moment. The embarrassment of potentially being caught stroking another man’s dick drove my libido over the limit and made my balls begged for relief. We shared this hide and seek ritual threw several red lights and past a few other sight seers in the slow lane.

Soon, we turned into a large parking lot. The space was adjacent to storefront buildings at each entrance and a 24 hour adult book store nestled into the center. This area is known for late night activity of hookers, porn stores and drug dealers. Bill parked the truck along a chain linked fence. He released the seat and slid it back for more comfort. There were nearly a dozen vehicles in the parking lot with men coming and going oblivious to our circumstance. Many of them lingered in the parking lot desperately lurking for any sign of romantic invitation while others flogged through nudity magazines with the dome light providing the only source of light and entertainment for self-relief.

I thought to myself that this is a lot of effort for a hand job, but my hormones took over where my brain once questioned. I was drunk and completely naked in a stranger’s pickup truck that was now stowed in a parking lot of a porn store. I was chaperoned by a beer gutted, married pervert whose pants were positioned around his ankles. I oiled up his cock with baby oil and I continued to hammer stroke his swollen dick Avrupa yakası travesti while I delivered some trashy rehearsed porn prologue to stimulate his sinful imagination.

“You like me stroking that fucking long cock?”, I asked him.

His cock was rock hard and his head was resting back on the seat and would only rise if he heard voices through the open window. My body was slid close to his with my head resting on his shoulder while my eyes betrayed me with voyeurism of my own hand pumping another man’s cock that was tucked well below his healthy gut. Bill reached for his glass of whiskey and slurped what remained.

“That feels good boy”, moaned the old man in a barely audible voice.

My hand slipped up and down over his long oiled up cock. I noticed he had a thick vein that bulged out from one side and ran the length of his shaft. I enjoyed caressing it because it seemed to apply sensation to him that was visually apparent in his reactions. I felt Bill’s hand sliding up and down my back with increasing impatience as his breathing seemed to announce his approaching orgasm. Determined, he placed both hand on the back of my head and shoved my face downward over his belly and buried in his lap. His actions startled me and I quickly attempted to rise from his crotch.

“Suck my fucking cock you damn tease”, he yelled.

His left hand gripped his cock and guided the tip straight up toward my face. His large powerful right hand engulfed the back of my head and with much strength pushed my mouth toward his crotch. My lips brushed against the oily mushroom. I could smell the musky scent of a working man’s sweaty balls. I could taste the salty mixture of oil and cum lubricant that darned my lips. My mind filtered through a millions reasons why to resist this but, my lust was overpowering my judgment. I opened my mouth and allowed his bare dick to slip past my tongue with a nonstop decent down my throat. I have never given a blowjob before but, I had plenty of experience encouraging non-cooperative young girls on their first oral attempts.

His hand gripped my head firmly as he seemed to use my mouth to masturbate his erection. I didn’t have to assist while his hands freely forced my head in a bobbing deep throat rhythm. The more I gagged on his head penetrating my throat the deeper he pushed the next thrust. My hands were resting on his thighs levitating my body against his downward force. My eyes were watering with each thrust into my tender throat. I began to submit and was no longer resisting his face fucking. I began to sinfully moan uncontrollably with each pump. He lifted my head to just at the tip of his cock and began to hump my mouth from below. His hard cock trusted deep into my mouth with discerning revenge for the men whom I had taunted in the past. I leaned in his lap motionless as he face fucked me in a steady pattern. He lowered his hips to the seat until his mushroom was at edge of my lips then trusted it deep into my swollen throat. Each of his pumps rolled his foreskin back exposing a pink silky texture below. The taste of his cock was incredible and a huge turn on. I loved being treated like the slut I portrayed in my phone fantasies.

“Suck it faggot, take my cock boy bitch”, Bill demanded.

Bill was close and did a final hump upward to initiate his eruption into my mouth. He continued to milk his dick into my mouth using my head to message his ejaculation. I wanted his load in my mouth. I wanted to swallow it for him. I gulped the way I encouraged all my prior girlfriends to do when I blew in their mouths. The taste was salty and thick and coated my tongue. I enjoyable the flavor more than I ever imagined and I feared I was a cocksucker for life. It was going to be a challenge for me to return to missionary sex with my girlfriend. He released my head and I rose from his lap.

“Damn, that was fucking hot”. “I want more”, was all I could say.

I just stared at him speechless. He raised his pants and said, ” I can’t wait to do that again tomorrow” and he started the car. I spent the drive back making out with his cock. I kissed and caressed the silky skin over my face. I licked the slit at the mount of his head while taking him deep in my throat well beyond my comfort level. I did not care if anyone saw us or was disgusted by me. We returned to the store and parked in the employee spots directly behind the building. I finally found relief masturbating in his front seat as he described his plans for my body.

“I will call the store tomorrow night”, he stated as he reached and dropped my jeans out his driver’s side window. I will exited his truck and made a bare ass dash to get my pants on before any customers drove past. I laughed the whole time thinking how much damn fun this was.


Contact me if you want more details,

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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