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FISHING For PUSSY 3I couldn,t believe I was shafting a classy beauty like Maria Schroeder. I knew it wouldn’t, go on much longer as I was due at Maguire Air Base, New Jersey in late September to be flown to the base in Chateauroux in France, But was enjoyimg every moment of every fuck session and a few mornings later she was sitting almost in my lap as I manoeuvred my old 51 Chevy along the dusty country road as we approached one of my secret fishing spots where we were most unlikely to be disturbed and could be confident enough to catch fish and if successful enough could invite her family to mine for a fish feast. Maria knee with her having to return to college and me stationed thousands of miles away except for letters it would be some time before we reconnected if ever so like me was making the most of our time together. I pulled up just past the tiny wooden bridge and in the Park no area opposite the farmer,s field that would only accommodate three small vehicles. We unloaded the fishing equipment and picnic food and made sure the gate to the field was secured as the farmer would not be amused if any of his sheep were allowed to escape. mersin escort My favourite spot had two large benches which were simply old trees that had been shaped so one or two persons could sit on each log and have their picnic lunch or stretch out for a nap if they wished. The farmer had used more old trees to line this side of the creek bank to try to prevent the bank from being washed away when thevice melts in spring and the creek is running in flood spate. Earth has been sc****d to make the bank stable and grass had grown so fishermen could sit on portable stools or chairs without fear of falling in like they would do on the much steeper bank on the opposite side that fell into the surprisingly deep channel from time to time. It seemed the fish liked the thick reeds that grew below the developed bank and the cover offerred by thick bushes. An angler also had to be prepared to lose tackle as the creek was full of snags, but the number of fish thriving there made it well worth the effort. At least Maria Didn,t mind baiting her one hook and knew how to cast her bait into the water though I usually ended up using the landing net for escort mersin both of us as she often got far too excited to help land mine. We arrived just on ten o,clock with a cool breeze in our faces and heavy cloud, but Didn,t think it would rain. We both cast our bait out but it was Maria,s float or bobber that dipped under the surface first so,as she fought the shiny large perch that went for her shiny minnow, but she Didn,t need help to land the nice pound and a half specimen. My float dived down and once hooked I felt the strong telltale pull,of a hungry walleye, then the sensation that it may have come off though minutes later a shiny walleye joined the perch on our metal stringer. By 11:30 between the two of us we had six fat walleyes, five nice perch, two largemouth bass and an eleven pound northern pike that fancied a tiny perch that took my line. As if someone turned off a switch the fish stopped feeding, the sun broke through and the temperatures began to rise. “The Fish May not be hungry, but I am!” Maria broke out the food which consisted of tuna fish sandwiches, potato chips and home made cherry pie washed down by cooled mersin escort bayan in the water cokes. “Now we,ve eaten lunch why don,t you eat me?” Maria suggested. “Sounds like the kind of dessert I like!” I agreed and we stripped out of our clothing so I could spread an old blanket on the soft grass and use our trousers for a pillow for Maria. Maria loved me to eat her pussy almost as much as fucking it and soon she was swimming in lubrication so after I rubbed my precum dripping cocks head up and down her pleasure slit I eased inside and proceeded to really shaft her. The breeze was cooler near the ground, but despite that we were both soon covered with perspiration from our sexy exertions before my cock tickled then exploded depositing what seemed many gallons of semen deep,in her womb flooding her and dribbling out onto the thick grass where we lay. As I stretched out on one of the tree benches Maria squeezed my balls of my excess cum and scooped it up,in her fingers so she could lick her fingers clean till she,d licked me completely clean of my baby gravy. Once we got our breaths back we put our clothes back on and fished for two more hours. We Didn,t quite catch our bag limit for the day, but plenty fish for a nice fish feast. Before we left we had a beautiful “69” in the rear seat of my car. Fortunately that was our penultimate fuck session, but Part 4 deals with that.TBC
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