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Within the space of a week, I’d gone from closet lingerie wearer that often crawled the internet for interesting sites to admire underwear, stockings, heels and feminine clothes on people of all genders. Now I was bound in cock chastity to my wife that was displaying a sexual awakening that I could never of imagined. A few day earlier she had ordered, albeit using my credit card, underwear that I had chosen with her blessing. A black patterned lace body. She had also ordered something in secret and I was eager to see both of our purchases in the flesh so to speak.

I was returning from work each day asking if the order had arrived only to be told that it had not. I was clearly showing my disappointment each time and Mandy kept promising that she would chase it if it didn’t arrive soon.

It was now the end of the week, the weekend beckoned and I was hoping to be released from my cock bindings to have sex with my wife and release some tension. Mandy, however, was having none of it.

“Can’t you take this off, just for tonight?” I asked pointing towards my groin.

“You’re not getting out of that until your lingerie arrives. I can’t wait to see you in it.”

“Although I hope you won’t ruin it or tear it with your need to fuck me in it.” she said stepped out of the house.

I wish I could right now, I thought. Mandy was walking down the drive, beige stiletto heels clicking of the paving with her pert arse swishing in her blue shift dress that came to the knee. I could have bent her over the car bonnet to fuck her right now given the chance. That was how horny I felt. Not a hope in hell I thought.

We were off out at our close friends for a birthday party. I’m not a party person usually as I don’t cope with social crowds well, but as this was at our friends house and that it was only a road away, I knew they would understand if we needed to leave early.

Emily and Stu had been friends since our kids started school together nearly 12 years ago. They were around the same age, give or take a year or two, and unlike some of the parents in the school they were not snobs nor did they feel the need to constantly talk bollocks or self pity. They were normal, if normal is a thing.

The birthday girl Emily answered the door. As always she looked stunning, sexy and had an infectious giggle. She was a bundle of energy hugging and kissing us as a welcome all wrapped in a flared crossover dress hiding her slender figure with gorgeous legs and long dark hair. She ran her own make up and beauty company yet always seemed to have time to spare to take care of herself, her family and friends.

The house was full of people and I immediately started to feel uncomfortable. My enochlophobia could at times range from an inconvenience to almost debilitating. My work meetings were planned and prepared to Küçükyalı escort bayan help with my anxieties. Emily knew I was suffering straight away and shepherded us through to the garden, Stu caught sight of us on our way through, gesturing the international “Want a drink?” sign of a C shaped hand to mouth. I nodded with a smile and stepped into the garden.

We found some space at the bottom of the garden towards the lower decking area and looked around at the people in their house. I recognised some of them as family of Emily and Stu, others were friends they had from work and such. Others were familiar faces but probably just from seeing them around.

Stu, came to us carrying our drinks, handing them over with a bit of a wobble. He was looking slightly drunk and since the party had been going for a few hours, I guessed he had been taking a drink himself for everyone of his guests orders. Stu could hold his drink to a point, more than I could at least. After he drank too much he became the worlds biggest sleeper. Emily on the other hand went from sober to drunk real quick. When she got drunk she became a “you’re lovely” drunk. A hugging, kissing, friendly drunk that no matter where she was would say how great and lovely you were. Since it was her birthday, she was holding her own and fairing much better than her husband.

We passed over an envelope containing our gift now that we had a chance to talk. Emily told us that the 30 plus guests that had arrived were either well on their way to being drunk or already there. Knowing Stu’s drinks measures I wasn’t surprised. The girls turned away to say hi to some friends, leaving me and Stu to talk.

“Tell ya what Jay, Mandy’s looking hot tonight.” Stu said eyeing my wife from behind.

“No wonder you guys were late getting here. Bet you’ve been fucking all around the house with her dressed like that.”

“Gutter mouth again hey Stu.” I said deflecting the conversation. If only he knew what had been happening over the last week or so, with me stood here next to him in chastity awaiting a lingerie order to arrive.

“I’m surprised you’ve even noticed her with Emily flitting around. She’s looking outstanding for 40 mate I can tell you.”

“No doubt Emilys due a birthday treat from you tonight anyway?”

“Unless of she’s already had that 60 seconds already!” I said laughing as Stu continued to stare at Mandy.

“Cheeky fucker!” Stu blurted, laughing with me.

“Besides I pinch the tip so I last 2 minutes now.”

We both burst into laughter making Emily and Mandy look back suspiciously. Drunken Stu staggers slightly as we continue smirking, before the girls return back to us.

“Can’t leave these two alone Mandy. They’re as bad as each other.” Emily says sternly.

“Tell me about it Em, Jay can’t be trusted Escort Kartal on his own. Can you?” Mandy swifty slaps me on the arse whilst smiling.

“Careful Mandy, he might like that!” Stu says as he heads back towards the kitchen, empty glass in hand.

“I’m hoping he does.” Mandy replies.

Emily’s eyes dart between Mandy and me with a wry red lipped smile on her perfectly made up face.

“Have you two been watching 50 shades or something?” asks Emily.

“Nothing to learn.” Mandy responses winking at me as I gaze at the ground embarrassingly before guiding me away by the hand to a more secluded area of the garden.

“Be careful you don’t give the game away going so red like that.”

“I couldn’t help it. I’m embarrassed enough without you making comments like that.” I whispered.

Stroking my ass through my trousers, Mandy says, “So you like to wear knickers. Surely that’s more an issue for me than anyone else.”

“It’s not that simple though is it and you know that Mandy.”

Trying to break the moment, I realise our glasses are empty. I turn taking them heading for the kitchen to refill, leaving Mandy in the garden. I’m starting to feel uncomfortable being at the party so hope that some more drink may help matters.

With glasses full, I make my way back to the garden, Emily spots me at the kitchen doors, blocking my way.

“Mandy’s got a smile on her face so whatever you doing to her keep it up.”

Looking over Emilys shoulder I make eye contact with Mandy, gesturing for her to come save me.

“I’ll try my best.” smiling at Mandy handing her glass to her outreached hand.

“I hope its building its strength up?” she asks patting me on my groin.

I freeze as I feel her make contact with my caged cock. My eyes glare at Mandy as I struggle to determine if Emily felt it.

Turning to face Mandy, Emilys face is one of confusion, “That felt like a hard-on I’ve never felt before?”

I blabber, “I-I-It’s…”

Taking both Mandy and I by our free hands Emily pulls us into the small toilet adjacent to the kitchen, closing the door behind her, blocking our way out.

“So, what’s going on? Is he on Viagra for such a stiffy?”

Oh shit, I’m completely lost for words. This was not how I thought tonight was going to go.

Mandy takes control of the conversation, “Basically, I have Jay’s cock locked up in a cage. He’s been a bad lad.”

Emily turns to face me, “A bad lad eh? You caught him fucking around?”

“No, nothing like that. Besides I don’t think he’s interested in another woman.” Mandy says winking at me.

I feel myself blush, knowing full well she is referring to my passion for fucking her wearing underwear.

“So, show my this cage. If it works I might buy Stu one.” Emily quickly responds.

“Go on, Suadiye escort show Emily your nice little cage sweetie.” Mandy gestures with her hand.

I’m completely stunned but two pair of eyes are trained on me and I’m clearly not getting out of this room without doing as I’m told. I unbutton my trousers, lowering them a little. I’m obviously taking too much time and Mandy grabs my boxers and yanks them to my knees exposing my restrained cock to our best friend. Emily lets out a slight gasp before moving closer for a better look.

“So in this cage thing he’s completely helpless, unable to fuck you or please himself?”

“Yep. Completely at my mercy. I more or less own his cock now.” Mandy says in a stern voice that excites me inside.

Emily turns to Mandy saying, “So if I lifted my dress saying he could fuck me now?”

“All he could do is press his caged cock against your pussy. He may get a half inch in.”

An evil smile comes over Emilys face and she takes a step towards Mandy. She wraps an arm around her neck, pulling the two of them closer together. “Can I test the theory?” Emily whispers loud enough so I can hear.

Emily runs her spare hand up the thigh of my wife, moving her hand inside her dress. I can see it through the shape of the material and it continues up to her groin. Mandy lets out a faint sigh as Emilys hand reaches her knickers. She pulls Emily closer as she begins rubbing against her panties.

My cock is straining in its bindings. My sexy wife is being touched up by our equally sexy best friend and I have front row seats. Albeit in a small bathroom of their house.

Mandy reaches over loosening the tie on Emilys dress pulling it open. Emilys body is exposed and she is wearing lace red knickers and matching bra. I cannot believe what is happening. Mandy hooks her fingers under the waistband of her knickers, feeling her skin beneath.

Without realising I let out a heavy pant due to the erotic scene in front of me. They both stop, turning to face me, Mandy opens her mouth to say, “Do you want to fuck us both right now Jay?” I frantically nod, literally bursting out of the cage.

“I haven’t got his key so he’ll just have to watch.”

With that Emily moves down pull Mandys knickers to one side, eagerly eating out my wife. Mandy is moaning, eyes half open watching me all the time that Emily is performing on her. Within minutes Mandy is holding Emilys head to her pussy as she lets out a stifled orgasm.

Emily stands up, turns to face me, dress wide open for her gorgeous body and beautiful lingerie for me to see. “Mandy tastes fantastic. Did you like what I did to her?”

Again I nod frantically.

“Maybe I’ll do it again to her with you watching.”

With that she quickly wraps her dress back up, checks on her makeup in the mirror before leaving the room with my wife still panting and me dripping with precum at the sight I’ve just experienced.

“Good boy!” Emily says as she tried to make herself presentable to leave the bathroom. “You didn’t cum with the excitement.”

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