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Hyper sexuality Ch. 01It was late at night when I got the text from my Mom that my little sister had been arrested again. She was 18 and fresh out of high school, and she absolutely refused to stay out of trouble. I didn’t know the full story, or really care to be honest, but I heard bits and pieces of info from my parents as the situation had escalated. She had been having trouble in her last year at school, and barely graduated. She was hanging out with the wrong crowd, and got picked up more than once for stealing petty shit from gas stations and convenience stores. She was constantly defying my parents, and it resulted in them taking her to some psychologist and getting diagnosed with a list of disorders.About a week after the late night text I drove by my parents’ house to make an appearance and try to talk to my sister. Upon arrival I found her crying in the living room, sitting with my parents. It was explained to me that her last arrest ended with her being sentenced to a year of house arrest, with an ankle monitor on top of it. She was inconsolable, and wouldn’t even look at me when I tried to comfort her.My dad took me aside and explained that she was extra upset about not being able to see her friends or go to the beach anymore, and that she had told them repeatedly that she hated them and hated being at home.We all hung out for the next few hours, but my sister spent most of the time in her room, crying. When I had a moment alone I made my way to the kitchen and found all of her court documents spread out on the table. My normal apathy subsided at the chance to snoop, and I quickly scanned over the pages. It looked like the judge had been extra harsh in his sentencing, but I discovered that her arrest record was more extensive than I knew.Mixed in with the papers was an email from the psychologist to my parents. It described a long list of issues, and among them were ADD, bipolar disorder, and hypersexuality. I gawked at that last one, and made a mental note to google it later.One of the last papers I read was information about alternative housing for someone under house arrest. I guessed that my parents had asked if there were other alternatives, and it almost made me laugh out loud. Near the bottom of the page was a paragraph about how someone who volunteers to offer alternative housing would be eligible for compensation and the number was high enough to almost pay my rent. It only took a second to formulate a plan in my head. Normally I would sleep on a big decision like this, but the idea of living nearly rent free was too good to pass up.I went to my sisters room and again tried to console her. She wasn’t crying anymore, but her face was still red and swollen. I talked to her about how this isn’t the end of the world, and that she needs to take her sentence seriously if she wants to eventually get rid of her ankle monitor. I hugged her and it was hard not to notice how pretty she turned out to be, she had definitely filled out since I moved out. She had died her long hair dark and looked a bit like a young Angelina Jolie, especially her lips.I casually reminded her that the tiny house I rented was basically right on the beach, and that if she lived with me she likely could go there without setting off her monitor. Her eyes lit up, and she got more serious than I had ever seen her before.”Would you really let me live with you?” she asked.”Oh yeah, for sure,” I nodded, “but you would have to follow my rules. I am definitely cooler than Mom and Dad, but that doesn’t mean you can walk all over me.”She didn’t even respond to me, she just bounded out of the room and went to beg our parents for permission to move in with me. I followed, and I could tell from the expression on our Dad’s face that he was holding in his excitement. Our Mom took a little more convincing, but she eventually relented. Before leaving I confirmed with them that I would be happy to have her, as long as they could get permission from the court. We all agreed and I left, excited about the potential of the money I might get out of this.—-A few weeks later all of the paperwork was finialized, and my parents dropped my sister off in a uhaul with a few bags and pieces of furniture. She was wearing jeans and a tank top over a bikini, and I laughed at how eager she was to go down to the beach. Her ankle monitor was smaller than I expected, it was barely noticeable if you didn’t know to look for it. Our parents looked frazzled and eager to be rid of her, but they both did tear up a bit. I consoled them and reminded them that it was for the best. I would keep her out of trouble and try to turn her attitude around. We got everything moved inside and they surprised my sister and I by having pizza delivered for a last minute family dinner. My sister was surprisingly cordial with them, but I guess she was just stoked about being able to get away. After my parents left we set her things up and spent a few hours laying out by the beach. I thought she was pretty before, but seeing her in a bikini gave me an immediate hardon. She was way more stacked than I anticipated, and had an ass and big thighs that defied her tiny waist. I noticed a few small self harm scars, and that did nothing to calm down my dick. Looking back on my sexual history shows that I definitely have a thing for damaged girls. When we got back inside I broke the happy mood and sat her down to lay out the house rules. First, no friends over without my consent. I work from home most days so I would be around most of the time to supervise her. Second, she can’t break the rules of her ankle monitoring. Third, she needs to stay on her meds. She seemed embarrassed that I knew the details of her bipolar meds, and I let her know that I had to look at all of her info in order to sign all the paperwork. Lastly, just be chill. I reiterated to her that I was doing her a favor, and that if she didn’t try to abuse the situation things were gonna work out great for both of us.—-The next couple weeks went by without too much incident. I kept a close eye on my weed and booze stores, but I never noticed anything being taken. Her friends came by a few times, but it seems like they were quickly bored of being tied to the beach near my house. We ended up spending more and more time together, but she seemed to grow more frustrated with her situation over time.I noticed her spending more time in the bathroom, and one day I noticed a cucumber missing from the fridge. We are every meal together, so this was definitely curious to me. My mind went back to the word hypersexuality, and upon researching it seemed to me that it basically meant that she was a nympho. I have a pretty high sex drive, and I haven’t been getting any since she moved in with me, so I could definitely empathize with her situation.Later that day I brought it up with her. I probably could have been more sensitive, but I accidentally used the word nympho instead of hypersexual. “Why are you talking about this with me?” she said as her face turned red and she looked away from me.”Listen, it’s chill, I just want to get it out in the open so you don’t steal any more cucumbers, haha,” I said to her. This didn’t seem to make her feel more comfortable.”Don’t worry about it, everybody does it. Hell, I’ve been pretty frustrated about not getting laid since you’ve moved in. If you’ve been clinically diagnosed with being horny all the time I can’t imagine what you’re going through.” I continued. “I’m here to help you out, there are better ways to get off than using a cucumber. Have you ever used any toys?”She shook her head no without making eye contact.”Look, I can tell that this is making you uncomfortable, but you can trust me. How about this: we don’t have to talk about it, you can just pull up some links to toys that you might want and I’ll order some for you,” I offered to her.She tentatively made eye contact with me but didn’t say anything. I decided to just leave it there, I reached out and squeezed her shoulder gently, smiled and left her alone for the day. —-The next day I woke up to find a large number of tabs open on my computer. She had made a list of several hundred dollars worth of sex toys, and some of it I had never even heard of. “Holy shit, this is a lot of dildos,” I yelled out to her.I barely dodged the tv remote that she threw from the next room, and I laughed out loud. I poked my head in and saw that she was smiling, and it made elazığ escort me happy that she was starting to feel comfortable with me. I used to not give a shit about family issues, but I guess this particular problem made her more relatable to me.I settled on a vibrator, a dildo with a suction cup, and debated springing for the sybian that she picked out. Ultimately I ended up getting it for her, I figured that since my rent was essentially being paid that she deserves something nice. I bookmarked the rest of the sex toys, and made a note to buy her more for her birthday.—-A few days later when the UPS guy knocked on the door she was up like a bolt and signing for the packages before the poor guy knew what hit him. She tore into the boxes, took her loot into the bathroom, and spent the next few hours locked away in there. At first I left her alone but eventually my curious got the better of me and I snuck over to the door to listen. I heard no moans, only a soft repeated squelching thud and the hum of what I assume was the vibrator. I got an instant hardon, but I only felt a little bit bad about it. I wished for X-ray vision, but decided eventually to stop perving and go back to my work.She spent more and more time in the bathroom over the next several days, and eventually she got confident enough to leave the dildo suction cupped on the wall. We had separate bathrooms, but it was still pretty brazen to just leave her sex toys out in the open. I considered giving her shit about it, but ultimately decided against it.Her comfortability only grew over time, one day I was doing work at my computer when I heard a click and the hum of the vibrator start from the next room. I waited about five minutes and nonchalantly made an excuse to go into the living room. I found her sitting on the couch under a blanket, despite it being mid summer and crazy hot outside. She pretended to be fixated on an infomercial on the tv, but I just stood next to her until she made eye contact with me. I let it slide before, but there was no way I couldn’t give her shit for this. I grabbed the blanket and whipped it off before she had a chance to react, and just as I thought, the top of the vibrator was sticking out of her pants.”There’s no point in hiding if you’re gonna get off right here in the living room,” I said to her through laughs.She glared at me like she wanted to kill me, but she said nothing. I just stood there looking at her, studying her face. Her hands were balled up at her sides, and she squeezed the couch cushions as she stared back at me.”Well?” I questioned, and I noticed a change in her face. She breathed heavily out as her jaw went slightly slack, and her face reddened several shades. We maintained eye contact as I started to realize that she was literally cumming in front of me. I felt bad immediately, but the hardon I had just gotten quickly erased all of those thoughts. I couldn’t help but feel responsible, but she quickly left me alone with my thoughts as she stormed past me and ran into the bathroom. This time she wasn’t quiet, I heard the slamming of flesh against tile as she started fucking herself on the dildo that still hung on the wall. Again, feeling a mixture of bad and pervy, I made my way closer to the bathroom door. She hadn’t even bothered to shut the door all the way let alone lock it. I looked into the crack and saw her reflection in the mirror. I didn’t have the best view, but it was still obvious what she was doing. I stayed for a few minutes, and she never relented, her stamina was impressive. She looked up and made eye contact with me in the mirror, and it took all my self control to not run back to my room and rub one out. I managed to pry myself away when it became obvious that she wasn’t stopping any time soon, and resigned myself to talking about it with her later. We managed to avoid talking for the next few hours, and I decided to break the silence by trying again for some humor.”So, infomercials get you hot, huh?” I joked. She punched my arm hard, but eventually she gave me a smile.”Sorry I gave you shit, I just thought it was a little ridiculous to cover up with a blanket just so you can masturbate in the living room,” I said.”You’d really be ok with me openly m-masturbat-getting o-off?” she nervously stuttered. I had meant that she should get herself off in private, but I guess she interpreted it as me giving her permission to openly masturbate in front of me.I quietly considered it for a moment, and my dick decided not to correct her. I left her without saying anything, went into her room, got out the sybian, and set it down next to the couch.”I bet it gets pretty boring trying to stay quiet while hiding getting yourself off several times a day. Don’t worry about it, I’m not here to judge you,” I told her.She said nothing back to me, so I decided to give her more shit.”Plus,” I said, “you’re not that bad to look at.” She hit me even harder this time, but I spun her around into a hug before leaving her alone for the day.—-The next few days passed without incident, every time I heard the vibrator or sybian turn on I tried to give her space and let her get herself off uninterrupted. However, it was unavoidable when I needed to use the bathroom, so we sometimes made eye contact as she was riding one of her toys. She had taken to wearing a skirt around all day, and while she wasn’t flaunting for me, I eventually noticed that she stopped wearing panties altogether. She stopped going to the beach as her focus on her toys grew and grew. She was taking care of her toys and cleaning them, but the smell of her sex had become a permanent fixture in our house. It became harder to focus on my work with the sounds of flesh on machine constantly running in the background, but I managed to get by.One day I came into the living room to find her sitting on the couch, but I noticed that she had removed the dildo from the bathroom and suction cupped it onto the back half of the sybian. I stopped and raised an eyebrow at her. It still felt a little weird to me, but talking with her and seeing her as a sexual being was becoming more normal to me.”What?” she asked.”That thing is huge!” I said as I pointed to the dildo.”And…?” she questioned.”And there’s no way that thing fits in your ass, you freak,” I laughed to her.”That hasn’t stopped me from trying,” she said back as she stood and smiled. She walked over to the sybian, spit down onto the tip of the dildo, and straddled it.I was becoming slightly more numb to her open sexuality, but I still had to hide my boner somehow. I took a risk and decided to sit on the couch instead of leaving, and it didn’t seem to bother her one bit. Her skirt hid most of the action, but I could still see how much of the dildo was disappearing and it made my cock harder than steel. Her eyes were closed in concentration, but I could see that I was right, she definitely wasn’t fitting the whole thing in her ass. “Is that all you use for lube?” I questioned.”I don’t have anything else,” she said as she turned her head to me and nodded.I got up, went into the kitchen, and came back with a bottle of vegetable oil. I held it out to her, but she surprised me.”Pour some on,” she said as she lifted off slightly. I froze, and I think she could see my hesitation.”Don’t be a fucking prude, you prick, you’re the one who moved the sybian out here,” she laughed at me.A switch flipped in my brain, I manned up, and moved around behind her. I poured a liberal amount on the dildo, but also took it a step further as I pushed her gently forward and lifted the back of her skirt. I don’t know what she expected, but she gasped as the cold oil hit her asshole. She looked fucking tight, she was already puckered back up despite just riding her dildo. I lingered for a second to admire her shaved pussy, before setting the bottle down next to her and sitting back down on the couch. As I sat down, so did she, and I could tell she was already having an easier time with it. She moaned out loud, and I realized that it was the first time I had heard a sound like that come from her mouth. It was gutteral and drawn out, and she didn’t stop making noise as she slowly rode up and down.”Is that better?” I asked her.”FUCK yeah,” she spat at me as she maintained eye contact. Lower and lower she sank, until she was basically grinding against the sybian.”Did you get it all the way in?” I asked as she started to bounce slightly escort elazığ up and down. She responded by nodding and biting her lip while reaching back and flipping up to back of her skirt so I could see the big dildo disappear in her back door. She slid down a final time, and came, hard. Her hands slid up her body and groped her tits through her shirt as she ground out her orgasm on the sybian with the dildo buried in her ass. I took a chance and reached down to turn up the vibration on the sybian and and yelped as she reached down and squeezed my hand. I felt a jolt of connection with her as she held my hand while fucking herself on the machine. We held eye contact without saying anything, and she moved her other hand up to her mouth and starting sucking and licking on three fingers. She slowly came down from her cloud as she seductively moaned around the fingers in her mouth. “Fuck, having someone watch me got me off so hard,” she said with spit smearing her mouth as she let go of my hand.I smiled but awkwardly said nothing, and only lingered for a moment before leaving her alone to clean up. My hard on was sticking straight out and I had no doubt that she noticed because she laughed as I walked away.Later that night as I was drifting off to sleep I was awoken by my door creaking open. I rubbed my eyes as I tilted my head at my sister, but she wordlessly slid into bed next to me. She was more covered up now, but she still looked sexy as hell in her tank top and gym shorts. I felt tense as we laid with each other, my brain still felt weird about our situation but my dick definitely felt otherwise.”Just chill,” she whispered to me, “I get lonely sleeping out on the couch.”I eased up a little, and eventually we both fell asleep.—-We made it through the night and the next day without incident, although she was definitely still masturbating constantly. The next night she came to bed with me again, as expected, but when I woke up she was gone. I lifted up the sheets to remake the bed, and when I did her vibrator rolled down onto the ground. I laughed out loud to myself. The little shit had snuck in another masturbation session without me even waking up. I decided not to ask her about it, and try to catch her in the act next time.Later that night she did not disappoint, it only took a few minutes of quietly pretending to sleep before I heard the buzz of her vibrator. To my surprise though, I felt her hand snake out and grab mine and lightly squeeze. I waited only a moment before turning my head toward her and letting her know that I was awake.”Hey…,” she breathed at me.We held eye contact for the next several minutes, just laying there silently as the vibrator buzzed away at her clit and her face progressively reddened. Again, I felt a real connection with her as I held her hand, and I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she looked. Beyond how hot she was, beyond the fact that she was my sister, she really was a beautiful creature and I was seeing something very special every time she got herself off. As she brought herself to the brink she let go of my hand and reached up to grope her tits. She squeezed hard, it seemed like she was into a little pain, and that only served to make my dick harder. Her hand moved down to grab at the sheets as her climax hit her, and her face contorted in silent pleasure. I shifted my body and rolled to the side to get a better view, and she reached out to grab my hand again at the same time. I felt the shock of contact as her hand grabbed onto my dick instead, and I gasped out loud.”Ooohhhhh…,” she moaned as she realized what had happened. To my surprise, she didn’t let go, she just held onto me as she rode her orgasm down to completion.”Hey…,” she breathed at me as she rolled over and grinned at me. I could tell she was enjoying this position of power, and my mind was in overdrive as I did nothing to stop her.”Your dick is hard pretty often, dude. Are you getting off on your little sister?” she asked.”Well, I haven’t gotten laid since before you moved in…” I responded. “This thing is pretty big,” she said while giving it a squeeze. I groaned out loud in response.”Not as big as the dildo I bought you,” I remarked as I managed a smile. “At least we know I can take it then,” she quickly shot back, seemingly without even thinking about it.My jaw opened in response, and neither of us said anything as we both processed the moment. The hum of her vibrator seeped back into my mind as I noticed that she had never shut it off. I was battling myself internally as we maintained eye contact, but it didn’t take long for my dick to make the decision for me. In one fluid movement I threw the sheets off of us and slid up to my knees on the bed. I don’t know if she was reacting or just happened to come to her own conclusion at the same time, but before I was aware of it she had slipped my dick out of the front of my shorts and was pushing me back down onto my back. She grinned at me without a word, and sucked my dick into her mouth. I don’t know what I expected to happen, but I felt like my mind was exploding as we crossed the line and her tongue swirled around the head of my dick. I was fully on board the i****t train now, my mind had made itself up. I knew that our relationship would never be the same, but I was beyond caring about anything other than how her lips felt sliding up and down my dick. Her free hand was still rubbing the vibrator up and down on her clit, and her moans were felt on my dick more than heard, and I knew I wasn’t going to last very long. I felt myself thrusting slightly up into her mouth, her spit was running down the sides of my dick and she smeared it as she jerked off the lower half. I still said nothing, but couldn’t help but groan out loud. “Do it,” she said as she jerked me off for a moment, seemingly sensing what was about to happen.”Doo eth,” she slurred again, this time with her tongue on my cock, “doo eth, doo eth.”She closed her mouth around the head and that was all it took to set me off. I instinctively reached down and held her head in place as I shot off in her mouth, but from the way she was working it I could tell that I didn’t need to. All of the sexual tension that had pent up inside me for the last few weeks spilled out into her mouth, and some even leaked out of the corners. Finally, she stopped working me, opened her mouth to show me all the cum, then made a point to loudly swallow it.”Good fucking girl…,” I moaned out to her, my head rolling back as she leaned back in to clean the remnants off my cock and tongue my balls.”I can’t believe we just did that,” I said. She lifted her head up but kept jerking my dick.”I guess I just need real dick,” she said while shrugging, “the toys are nice, but nothing beats the real thing.” “I haven’t even given you the dick yet, you just sucked me off like a fucking slut,” I said back while laughing. I couldn’t stop giving her shit, despite how nice she had just been to my cock.”Well, you’re still hard…,” she said through a grin after throwing a punch at my shoulder. Her hand slid down my shaft and she started to gently play with my balls. She was right, something about her got my dick hard like never before, I had never been able to stay hard immediately after getting off before. From then on, no words needed to be spoken. I flipped her over, and started the slow process of exploring every inch of her sexy body, thanking god that she was enough of a freak to go this far with me.I couldn’t get enough of her tits, they were bigger than a handful each, definitely more than I was used to. Reluctantly, In the interest of keeping her motor running, I moved on and grabbed the discarded vibrator. I put her on her knees and knelt down behind her so I could use it on her clit while I ate her out from behind. She tasted sweeter than I was used to, it was no issue for me to dive in and try my hardest to get my whole tongue inside her. She moaned like a whore in front of me, and I was inspired to move up and slip my tongue right in her ass. She tensed up and shot back a knowing glance, but then quickly relaxed and let me eat her out. Her moans started to get more intense and I could tell she was close to getting off again. I reached one hand up, grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her head back forcefully, and this set her off. Her asshole clenched around my tongue, and I slipped it out while taking care to keep the elazığ escort bayan vibrator firmly on her clit.Keeping my other hand wrapped in her hair, I slid up to my knees behind her and quickly positioned my still hard cock at her pussy. In one hard stroke I buried myself balls deep, and grabbed her ass with the hand that was holding the vibrator. I gave her no time to adjust, I just went for it and started pounding her from behind while pulling her hair.I don’t know if it extended her orgasm or just set her off again, but it seemed to take her a full minute to stop moaning loudly like a whore and look back at me. She bit her lip and gave me her best fuck me eyes, not that I needed any encouragement. I was more rough with her than I’ve ever been with a woman before. The taboo of our act had given me what felt like infinite stamina, and I knew I wanted to rock her fucking world. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she chanted each time my balls hit her clit. I broke her rhythm by speeding up and her speech slurred into another incomprehensible moan. Her pussy was the tightest I’ve ever had, but the massive load she had just sucked out of me kept me pacified for longer than usual. Normally I would have changed positions by now, and seeing a hint of her swinging tits below her gave me inspiration.Without warning I pulled out and sat down beside her. She let out a disappointed groan, but yelped as I picked her up and sat her right down on my cock. She got the idea right away and slid herself down until her clit was grinding against me. I let her do her thing for a moment, she kept me buried inside her as she ground against me and I groped her ass. One of her hands was abusing her tits, while the other made it’s way up to her mouth so she could suck on her own fingers. She was definitely a sight to behold, leaning back above me as she pleasured herself with my dick. The slight bounce of her tits was hypnotizing, and her disheveled hair gave her an aura sexier than any woman I’ve ever seen. I watched her lips and tongue work on her fingers, and made a promise to myself to fuck her mouth again before the day was over.I heard a moan from her that sounded like she was close to getting off again, and it broke me out of my trance. I took a slight diversion to squeeze her tits again, before heading straight back down to grab her ass.”No more grinding, slut. It’s time to ride my fucking cock,” I barked at her as I lifted her up and slammed her back down. Her thick ass jiggled in my hands, and I briefly contemplated what good deeds I must have done in a past life to deserve this heaven. It only took a few strokes of me guiding her for her to get the hang of it, and she took control as she leaned forward to get better leaverage. We both moaned as her tits bounced up into my face, and I caught them in my hands as I spent time sucking on each of them.Her pussy felt divine on my dick, I was gripped in a tight velvet vice grip and it was driving me crazy. The head of my cock was slamming into her womb, and it gave me impure thoughts about how hot it might be to give her a baby. The thought made me groan out loud, and I started to fuck myself up into her, trying to get as deep as possible.”Do you like fucking your sister’s pussy? Do you like fucking your slutty whore sister?” she spat at me as we slammed into each other.”Fuck yeah, you fucking slut. Your pussy is mine to use now,” I replied as I made eye contact with her. We both groaned together as the sweat pooled between us.”Are you gonna cum, are you gonna cum in my whore cunt?” she breathed out. Her voice wavered, and I started to fuck her harder in response. It seemed like she was close again, and I definitely was as well. Her hands gripped the pillows behind us, and she started to lose steam as her orgasm approached. I kept up the pace, and her eyes rolled up into her head as she hit her peak. Her jaw went slack and she moaned long and loud, and I was again inspired to change things up.Before she could come back to her senses I threw her to the side and jumped above her. I threw her legs on my shoulders as I mounted her, and slid my cock right back in her cunt. I pressed my body down into her as I fucked her hard and deep, and she never opened her eyes or acknowledged that she even noticed the change. Her sweaty tits mashed between us, and her hard nipples drilled holes into my chest. Her mouth hung open, and she continued to moan out loud and low as I pounded her pussy as hard as I could. My resolve started to loosen as I got closer to nutting, and the added depth of our new position made me gasp out loud. She responded by reaching up to grab my face with both hands, I felt her pussy tighten around me. Looking deep in her eyes, I lost it. We both moaned out loud as the first spurt left my cock and hit her womb, and I left myself buried deep to give her the whole load. Her sexy legs flexed under me, and her cunt got so tight that I don’t know if I could have pulled out even if I wanted to. I collapsed on top of her, not caring about releasing her from our position. To my surprise she didn’t protest, and I spect a minute admiring her rosy cheeks and beautiful face. I lost track of time and we both fell asleep, my cock still hard and buried inside her.—-The next morning I found myself on my side, awoken by a wet feeling on the head of my cock. I folded the sheets back and happily discovered my dick already deep in my sister’s throat. My body was definitely sore from the last night, but in the moment I found it hard to care.”Oh fuck, you don’t waste any time, do you?” I moaned out to her. She shook her head no without coming up for air, and the feeling drove me crazy. I put my hands on my head and guided her to do it again, and she got the hint. I probed the back of her throat, and her plump lips felt like heaven at the base of my dick. “We made a mess,” she purred as she backed off my cock and gave the head a long, slow lick, “I had to clean it up.” I laughed and slid myself right back in her mouth, guiding her head up and down. “Lick around the head,” I breathed to her. She readily complied, and a little bit of spit escaped to corners of her mouth as she bathed me with it. I let her work her magic for a few minutes before remembering my promise to myself from the night before, and moved to take action. I moved up to my knees and slid out of her mouth.”I’m going to fuck your mouth, how do you want it?” I said matter-of-factly. “YES,” she responded with a fire in her eyes as she moved to lay on her back at the end of the bed. I put the head of my dick in her mouth as she got in position, and pulled her by her arms to slide her head to the perfect angle. I took it slow initially as I drove it back into her throat, testing how much abuse she could take. I didn’t need to worry, she proved more than capable of handling it when she reached behind me to push me deeper and faster. I got the hint and started pounding her, but still not nearly as hard as I abused her the night before. I reached forward and took each of her big tits in my hands and spent some more time getting acquainted. I teased and abused them, pulling on her nipples as I used her throat. She took it like a champ, and I noticed the wetness growing between her legs as she moaned around my dick. I pushed all the way in and did short, hard bounces as the depth or her throat stretched around my cock head. She grunted with each thrust and I started to lose it, her sexy body writhing in front of me. Her thighs squeezed together as she squirmed, but her hands were firmly on my ass as I prepared to unload in her throat. “Fucking. Whore. Slut. sister,” I said in rhythm each time I bottomed out, and we both seemed to go off at the same time. I moved my hands to her neck as I came, keeping myself as deep as I could. She lifted her ass off the bed as she squeezed her thighs together, and her throat convulsed around my erupting dick. I felt like my entire soul must have come out into her throat, but she swallowed it all with another slutty moan. Reluctantly I pulled out and stood back to admire her body. She didn’t move, but made a show of licking her lips long and slow while she gasped for air. “You really are perfect,” I admitted to her, “you are a fucking sex goddess, you get me off so much harder than anyone else I’ve been with.” She rolled over and grinned at me, blowing me a kiss as she again looked at me with her fuck me eyes. We spent the rest of the morning showering together, and I got more intimately familiar with all of her curves. I couldn’t get enough of her, but I forced myself to get to work, as money was unfortunately a necessary reality for survival. —-To be continued…

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