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In the mall (sissy femdom story) Part 1Part 1It all started innocently enough. Well, not totally. I was being a bit naughtybut I had no idea how far it would go.I’ve been cross dressing for years. I remember the days is college sneakinginto the women’s dorm and stealing the odd pair of panties from the laundryroom. Even then I think I wanted to get caught. I also enjoyed the thrill ofvisiting the local lingerie shop and buying a gift for my girl friend. Shecoincidentally wore the same size as I. I always imagined that the sales girlsreally knew what I was up to. It just grew from there.I was in the city for a user’s conference and had time on my hands come Fridayafternoon. I often wear lingerie under my business clothes when I’m at thesesort of functions, and this day was no exception. I had developed a nasty runin my black thigh highs and decided to check out the local Victoria’s Secretstore to replace them. I always find an excuse to enter that place, its just so…. sexy.I didn’t want to be too conspicuous, but at the same time these trips are no funwithout a little dare. I’m always daring myself. Sort of my own littleimagined domme telling me what to do. This time I packed my bra. It had beenflat throughout the morning, but just before leaving the hotel I added my softsilicon inserts. I chose not to include the fillers that fit the inside of thecups and build the busty 40D look I prefer, but even without them I still had anice B cup that juggled in my light lace bra. The tight sweater and lightjacket I wore did little to hide my little twins. The dare was to unzip thejacket and shop with the tight sweater and what they contained a little morevisible. There I was again, just wanting to get caught.In this city the VS store was located in a large shopping mall on the outskirtsof town. I’d been there several times during previous conferences and businesstrips. I took a taxi to the mall and just before entering I looked around toensure noone was looking and unzipped my jacket. I had to be true to myself,this was a dare. Then, with shoulders back, back straight, I entered the mall. I could feel them jiggling on my chest. What a slut!Well, I wasn’t really being that brazen. I had purposely asked to be dropped ofat the entrance I remembered being closest to the niğde escort VS store. It was only a shortwalk down an access hall and a little to the left and I was there. The mall wasnear empty, noone was around to see me. I’d cheated them again, too bad.Even when I entered the VS store noone was around. I made my way to the hosierybar to find the thigh highs. It was then I saw it. My undoing. The thing thatstarted it all. It was a bit out of place. Something you’d be more likely tosee in a Frederick’s of Hollywood store. It was a simple display with amannequin dressed in a maid outfit, but it was the kind of outfit. It featureda tight high collar with a large cutout in front to expose lots of cleavage. Long tight sleeves with heavy frilly cuffs. It had lots of bows, belts, andstraps that secured, almost bound the wearer in the outfit. The skirt was waytoo short and was stiff to stand out and expose a lacy thinly pantied rear. Itfeatured lots of white lace and tight black spandex that created a look onlyappropriate for a sex slave. I loved it, it was me. “Oh, some day” I thought.I tore myself away and went to the hose section. I found my size in a pair ofblack seamed thigh highs and started back to the counter. On the way past Icouldn’t help stop and stare again. I was so engrossed in the image and myfantasies I never even saw her come up to me.”May I help you”It shocked me out of my other world, and I must have jumped a little. Theyjiggled. I looked at her and she looked at me. I mean really looked. She sawthe jiggling boobs, the sliver of fishnet hose just visible above my shoes,below my cuffs, and most of all, a very predominant bulge in my pants as aresult of what I had just been imagining. And she smiled. That knowing smilereserved for those who know all. One look at me in that state and she had mepegged. And the smile was to let me know that she did. I know I blushed, Icould feel it in my ears. I was caught!She turned and looked at the display”You like it? It would probably fit.” My blush got deeper. I was probablypurple by now. “Come on we both know who those are for” she said pointing atthe packet in my hand. “Come lets ring you up, and I want to talk, okay?” Whatcould I say, I followed her to the counter.Once at the front I leaned over the counter escort niğde and avoiding her gaze put thepackage down.”No, stand up strait, let me look at you.” It was almost an order. I did astold and after a glance at my chest she looked directly into my eyes. Oh, thatlook said so much. I sighed, she giggled.”You do this a lot?” she asked.”Only when I can. I’m visiting the city alone, away from family, just a littlethrill to pass the time.” I replied.”And those?” she asked glancing down again.”Just a little dare, I wanted to spice things up a bit.” That made her giggleagain.”If you’re alone, who dared you?” A natural question I guess.”I did, I dare myself lots of things, keeps it from getting boring.” I wassurprised how open I was being with this total stranger.”You’d like to dare yourself into that I bet” she said pointing at themannequin. I blushed again. No answer was necessary.”Would you like to earn it?” I must have looked stunned, she just winked andcontinued. “Come on, we both know you’re a little sissy boy slut. Out on a dareto see what you get away with. Well, this time you got caught. I’ve seen youhere before. I wasn’t sure, but I suspected. Now, well now we know. You likedares. Well I have a dare for you, and this one is serious. If you accept it,under my terms, and go through it all the way, the outfit’s yours. And I’lleven through in a very special bonus. That’s it. It’s a dare. Are you slutenough?”Well, she had me. It was a dare. A nasty, sleazy, mysterious dare. And was Islut enough? Most of the outfits I wore in private and the fantasies I hadwhile wearing them proved that point. It only took a second and looking straitin the eye I said “You’re on.””I knew it! That look in your eye, that bulge in your pants, and you might justdo it. Oh, the girls are going to die. Are you sure?, really!, they won’t beeasy on you! You’ll be used and abused! Can you handle it?” She was soexcited I was taken aback. Finally she gave me a chance to reply.”I can’t turn down a dare, and from such a pretty lady, and with such a specialprize, how can I refuse.” She liked the compliment, I could tell. I continued”I can handle a lot of things, hell, I even get off on the humiliation aspect. Give me your best shot, but you’d better be ready to pack that up.” I saidpointing niğde escort bayan at the maid outfit of my dreams.”Oh, not so fast little sissy boy. This won’t be easy. And it’s not me thatwill be giving you the shots. Here’s the deal. All you have to do is visitthree other shops in the mall. You have to remain in each for 1 hour regardlessof what they do to you. Then, you return here so that I can see the result ofthose visits. If you return here, three hours from now, looking as I’m guessingyou will, then the outfit, and a special bonus offer is yours. Deal?”Sounded pretty simple to me. After all what could happen here? A very open,public mall. Your standard selection of Gap, Sears, etc. Nothing too risque. This was a safe enough place to play, why not. After all, I had nothing to dountil my flight the following morning. “Okay, where do I start.””First, we get you ready. Give me your jacket.” She took it and hung it on ahook behind the door. “Now lift your sweater.” I looked around the store andwhen my eyes came back to her she quipped “No sense being modest, compared towhat I expect you’ll go through in the next few hours this is nothing, now up.”I lifted my sweater bunching it around my shoulders and she looked at my lightlace bra. With a scowl she had me turned around and checked the tag on thestrap. “This is a 40D, and with those little ….. oh, I see, didn’t want toshow too much. Well, we’ll fix that” She reached under the counter and pulled apair of hard silicon bust enhancers, much like I had back in my room. Slippingthose under the silicon forms my bra was now very full.After I pulled down my sweater she had me check myself in a nearby mirror. Thesweater was bursting. They were big, heavy, bra busting tits. And in the lightbra I was wearing they jiggled and swayed with each little step. So much forinconspicious, these hooters demanded attention. Before I could have hidden mylittle twins with a slight slouch, especially with the jacket. But now, Ilooked like a 1940’s sweater girl.As I stood there looking at them she filled in the details of my afternoon’svisits. Three stores where I was to ask for three specific people. Each inturn. I was not to speak unless spoken to. I was not allowed to tell themanything, as if I had any idea what I was to say. There was to be no roughstuff, no sex, and no payoffs. She hinted the real fun would come later, butfirst the hard part.With that, she put my hose in one of those cute little pink VS bags and I wassent on my way.End of part 1.

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