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Karen lay in bed, wondering how it had all got this crazy.

Once the ‘pony race’ was over things had broken up pretty quickly. Lucy and Beth had been disentangled and the four Dommes has gone back to their thrones to chat, each cuddling their own slave. It had all been pretty low key, except for the remnants of sexual tension in the air. Andy had been the first called it a night, pleading an early shift the next morning. She took Beth by the hand and led her upstairs. Jude and Karen followed as hosts. Karen once again helped Beth with her zipper, this time doing it up. Then it was all kisses and cuddles whilst they waited for the minibus.

The others weren’t far behind, and it wasn’t quite midnight when Jude and Karen finally had the house to themselves. The door had hardly closed behind their departing friends before Jude ordered Karen upstairs to bed. There, at first, Jude was the demanding Mistress and Karen spent some time with her head between Jude’s thighs before it became a little more loving, a little more gentle and, before they put out the lights Karen was once again brought to a thundering climax.

But then, lying in the dark listening to Jude gently snore beside her, Karen found sleep hard to come by. Try as she might she simply couldn’t shift the image of Lucy bent double with her legs asunder as Beth forced the massive dildo into her backside. Whilst Karen was fast reassessing what was and what was not acceptable this was surely, by any standards, far beyond the pale. She had really taken to Lucy, opened her heart to her, felt that she might be a true friend but this, this depravity, this debauchery, how could she possibly….

As she winced with embarrassment at the memory, she homed in on the image of the thick black dildo, glistening with lubricant, sliding remorselessly into the puckered ring. Remembering the discomfort of the relatively tiny dildo that she had worn as part of the chastity belt, Karen tried to imagine how it would feel, to imagine the pain of being stretched, of being forced wide open in that obscene manner as she was powerless to stop the violation of her most intimate parts. Surely it must be awful; surely it must be the most degrading thing, surely….

With a start she realised how worked up she had become. Sternly she told herself to calm down.

But calming down was hard when, following straight on the recollection of Lucy’s degradation, came the thought that amongst Jude’s friends this had seemed normal and, if she were to fight back her objections and continue to play along then, next time, it could be her. She imagined the horror as the straps were fastened around her, holding her arms and upper body firmly to the bench. The straps would be fastened one by one, tight and unforgiving across her flesh, remorselessly taking away her freedom and making her powerless to resist. Then, in her mind, she could feel the cuffs being fastened around her ankles. How she would fight, how she would try to defy them, but how it would be ultimately futile and her legs would lifted up and over, leaving her wide open and exposed. In the end she would be defenceless, she would have no option but to accept the intruder forcing its way inside, opening her up, violating her body. There would be nothing she could do, nothing to stop it, nothing to stop the dildo opening her, stretching her, impaling her. She shuddered at the thought.

And she remembered Andy’s jeers, her comments that Jude was being too easy on her, that Jude should have given her a ‘damn good spanking’ for taking too long over the drinks and that Jude should have used a bigger dildo with the chastity belt, something that would make her ‘wince when she sat down’. Jude had replied that she was going easy because Karen was a ‘beginner’. But the obvious corollary was that, when she was no longer a beginner, she would be subjected to the sort of abuse that Andy was talking about. Indeed, she would be expected to allow herself to be subjected to the same abuse she had seen Lucy subjected to earlier that evening, or even worse.

Suddenly she felt hurt and alone. Just when she thought she had found somebody, more than that, just when she thought she had found a whole new circle of friends, they turned out to be moral monsters. No, that was unfair, too harsh; but what they found normal, acceptable was far outside her comfort zone. Upset by these conflicting emotions she wanted just to run away and hide. If she could have done, she would have slipped out of bed there and then but the practicalities were beyond her. With her dress destroyed earlier, the only clothes she knew of were the tube dress and the heels she had worn out that evening. She had no idea where her handbag was, so she had no idea where her purse or her keys were. Were she to leave now, as she didn’t have money for a taxi nor keys to get in when she got home, she would be reduced to wandering the streets dressed as some sort of prostitute; not an appealing proposition. No, she would have to speak bursa sınırsız escort to Jude about it in the morning.

With the image of Lucy’s violated backside still foremost in her mind, Karen finally drifted off to sleep.

“Good morning, sleepy head.” Jude leant over and kissed Karen, waking her up. “I think it’s time for some morning coffee. As you were such a good girl last night I’ll let you wear the dressing gown.”

“Umm… Good morning.” Karen rolled over and returned the kiss. Last night’s doubts were still strong in her mind but they could at least wait until she had had her coffee. She felt Jude’s tongue pushing between her lips, Jude’s hand stroking the flesh of her stomach and her body, if not her mind, surrendered. Dammit, how could she be cross with anyone who could kiss that well, with anyone who could make her feel this good, with anyone who… Jude slipped her hand between Karen’s thighs and, to Karen’s amazement, she was ready.

“Oh, yes, yes, please,” she said in a hoarse whisper, as the back of Jude’s thumb rubbed against the core of her pleasure.

“Yes, please, what?” Jude enquired playfully.

“Yes, please, Mistress,” Karen said without hesitation and, as Jude continued to rub, so Karen responded.

“I’m not sure. I haven’t had my coffee yet,” Jude teased.

“Please, Mistress,” Karen was astounded at how fast her body was responding. “Please, please, please.”

“Ooh, I like it when you beg. Beg a little harder and I might just let you come.”

“Please, Mistress, slave ‘k’ begs you to be kind to her. I’ll… I’ll do anything you want, anything at all. Please, just a little more….” Karen heard herself making all the promises that had got her into trouble last time but that wasn’t important now, what was important was Jude’s hand between her thighs, Jude’s teeth on her nipples, the touch of Jude’s body next to hers. She was so near to the edge that the need to climax pushed any other considerations away. Jude’s hand was pushing harder at her groin and the little nibbles at her nipples had turned into sharp nips at what were now twin nubbins of pleasure. She could hold back no longer and, with a great groan of pleasure, she surrendered.

Jude gave her a minute or two before reiterating her demand for coffee.

“Yes, Mistress. Of course, Mistress,” Karen said as she slipped from the covers and went over to the door where she unhooked Jude’s spare bathrobe and put it on. “And would my Mistress require anything else this morning?” she asked with a playful curtsey.

“There’s plenty I require but, first of all, let’s get some coffee,” Jude replied and, with that, Karen went down to the kitchen and put the kettle on.

Whilst she was in the kitchen she sorted out the dirty glasses from last night and put them in the dishwasher. Indeed there were plenty of other minor tasks that caught her eye; Jude wasn’t exactly a slob but she wasn’t quite as house-proud as Karen either. Then the kettle boiled so she poured out two mugs of coffee. Remembering that Jude didn’t take sugar in her tea, Karen assumed she would drink unsweetened coffee so, placing the two cups on a tray, she made her way back to the bedroom.

“Ah, perfect,” Jude said as Karen put the mug down on her bedside table. “Now then, you’ve had your early morning orgasm, have I had mine?”

“No, Mistress.”

“No indeed. And does slave ‘k’ think this is a right and proper state of affairs?”

“No, Mistress, of course not, Mistress.”

“Well….” Jude pulled back the covers and spread her legs letting the unspoken command hang in the air.

Karen was hoping to get back into bed while she drank her coffee but she could see Jude’s point. Even if they weren’t playing Mistress and slave there was a certain unfairness that she had been satisfied and Jude hadn’t. Karen positioned herself half on and half off the bed so that her mouth was poised just over Jude’s groin and, slowly, gently, set to work.

As her mouth nuzzled Jude’s nether lips apart and her tongue delicately ran along the crevices beneath Karen once again began to think about what Jude was demanding of her. A mere week ago, if someone had suggested that she should kiss another woman’s private parts, she would have been appalled and disgusted and yet here she was and already it was the most natural thing in the world. Caressing Jude in this way was an act of love, a caring, sharing act, and it was deeply satisfying to feel Jude’s body respond. To her continuing surprise she rather liked the taste and, as the tip of her tongue searched out the inner folds, she was actually searching for more of the nectar. If she could just serve Jude like this, with possibly a little light smacking when she was ‘naughty’ then she would be fine, she would be well within what she could accept and there would be no problems.

She sensed rather than heard Jude put down her coffee cup so as to better concentrate on what Karen bursa escort bayan was doing between her thighs. In response Karen started to get more specific and spend less time running her tongue along Jude’s nether lips and more time concentrating on her clitoris.

The problem was, Karen continued to muse to herself, that Jude wouldn’t be content with such low-key games. It had become apparent last night that she and her friends were accustomed to play together at a far more intense level than Karen would ever be happy with. What is more, given the way in which they had expected her to join in, they couldn’t see just how unacceptable to her the games were. She was still deeply shocked to find out that Lucy would allow herself to be so violated. She had seemed like such a sweet girl and not some sort of sex-crazed slut. Karen could never, ever, imagine circumstances where she would allow herself to be put in such a position.

Jude’s breathing was shallow and Karen could feel the ever-growing tension in her body. Jude’s thighs, in particular, where they lay either side of Karen’s head, were taut as bowstrings. Karen flicked her tongue back and forth, rubbing quite hard against the now swollen nubbin of Jude’s clitoris. She could sense the waves of pleasure flowing through Jude’s body and was mirroring them with the intensity of her licking. Each wave seemed to take longer, to rise higher, to be more intense until, finally, there was the wave that simply refused to break. Jude dug her heels into the bed, raising up her hips, pushing herself at Karen. Karen pushed back, knowing that her tongue was lifting her lover, raising her up until….

“Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, oh YES!!!” Jude thrashed about as she climaxed but Karen hung on, wanting to wring the last drop of pleasure from her Mistress. Jude seemed to lose control and Karen was having problems swallowing the juices that flowed until Jude could take no more and rolled over, hyperventilating.

For a moment or two the only sound was Jude gasping ‘Oh, Yes’ as she rode out the afterglow. Karen just lay there silent; she didn’t want to do anything to break the mood and reduce the intensity of the experience. Finally Jude reached down and gestured Karen to come up the bed and join her and, for a while, the two women were locked together, holding each other as tightly as they could.

“Who taught you to do that?” Jude queried.

“You did, Mistress.”

“Well, I must be a damn good teacher. Or maybe it’s the pupil.” Jude kissed Karen once again.

“So. What shall we do today?” Jude asked as she reached for her coffee.

“Isn’t that up to you, Mistress,” Karen said with more than a trace of sarcasm. “I thought we slaves weren’t expected to have opinions.”

“Don’t be cheeky, unless you want a smacking.”

“Sorry, Mistress.” Karen’s tone didn’t quite match her words. “Seriously, I thought that my job this weekend was to do as I was told, that you would be making all the decisions.”

“Well, when push comes to shove, that’s what will happen,” Jude confirmed. “However being a stern Mistress is too much like hard work and, this morning, this stern Mistress wants to spend some time with her girlfriend, not with her slave. So, I ask again, any ideas?”

“Well, I do seem to remember that I’m going to need a new dress. I’m not sure what happened to the old one, I haven’t seen it since it was in shreds on your hall floor.”

“Hmm… maybe we ought to get you one with Velcro fastenings,” Jude joked. “Mind you, half the fun was ripping it off you.”

“It was a bit…,” Karen found herself lost for words. “It was wild, you were like a tigress.”

“And did you like being mauled by a tigress?” Jude put down her coffee and leant over towards Karen. “If I was the tigress, what were you, the frightened deer?”

Karen had just enough time to put her coffee down before Jude pounced. Once again she was overwhelmed, once again she was swept away, once again she could only surrender. Jude pinned her wrists together with her hand and, although Karen could possibly have fought free if she had really tried, her resistance was little more than token.

“My coffee is cold,” Jude complained half an hour later. “I ought to send you to fetch some more but if we don’t get up now we’ll end up spending the whole day in bed.”

“And what’s wrong with that?” Karen queried, amazed at herself for being so forward.

“I thought we agreed that you needed a new dress. Come along, let’s sort out some breakfast and then we’ll head into town.” Jude slipped out of bed and put on her bathrobe. Karen followed suit and, grabbing the half finished coffee mugs, followed her downstairs.

As Jude and Karen made breakfast together, chatting and joking and sharing the occasional caress, Karen’s concerns and worries from the previous evening seemed to fade into the background. It all seemed so easy, so natural, as if she and Jude had been doing this nilüfer escort forever. After their breakfast they went upstairs to shower and it seemed inevitable that they should get in together and that there should be a certain amount of horseplay as they washed each other down. After towelling dry they returned to the bedroom to get dressed. Jude searched in her wardrobe and found a tracksuit, which, whilst not exactly Karen’s size, was close enough. Along with a pair of socks borrowed from Jude and the sensible flats she had arrived in, Karen was ready to go. Jude, as ever, dressed in slacks and a shirt though her outfit was nothing like as masculine as last night’s had been.

There was only one fly in this otherwise idyllic scene and that was when Karen asked where her handbag was.

“Why do you want to know?” Jude asked curtly. “What do you want it for?”

“Well, I…” Karen started. “I might want to buy something.”

“If you want to buy something, then I’ll lend you the money,” Jude said firmly. “We can sort it out later.”

“But…,” Karen tried to think of another reason and then decided to turn the question around. “Why shouldn’t I have it?”

“Because I say so,” Jude replied. “That should be more than reason enough. I’m the cruel and harsh Mistress, remember, and if I want to keep your handbag for now then that’s my prerogative, OK?”

“I guess so,” Karen said, feeling like a prop had been pulled away from under her.

“You guess so? Is that any sort of reply to make?” Jude sounded almost angry.

“I’m sorry, Mistress,” Karen replied, a little subdued.

“Come along then, we’d best be off.”

Karen wondered why Jude had refused to allow her to have her handbag. On the surface it was such a small thing, nothing to get worked up about, but it was actually far more disturbing in that it dramatically highlighted Karen’s dependence. She thought back to last night when she might well have run away, except that she had neither money nor keys. Taking away her handbag made her effectively a prisoner. Did Jude know this? Of course she did.

Jude, meanwhile, was also feeling uncomfortable. Getting the balance right seemed so hard with Karen. Something as simple and basic as hiding her handbag seemed to have really got to her and, somehow, she was far more upset than the matter warranted.

“Am I your Mistress?” Jude slipped her hand around Karen’s waist as they made their way towards the car. “Do you belong to me?”

“Yes, Mistress, of course I am,” Karen replied after the briefest hesitation.

“Then let me look after you. OK?”

“Yes, Mistress.” Karen snuggled as close to Jude as she could whilst walking.

Once they got to the car Jude once again held the door open for Karen before getting in to the driver’s side and setting off for town. It was only minutes before they were right in the centre, and Karen wondered where Jude was planning to park. Then they turned down a side street and through a gated entrance. Karen looked about her and noticed that most of the other cars were blue and yellow with blue lights on top.

“We’re… we’re in the police station,” she said as the penny dropped. “Are you going to lock me up?”

“Best parking spot in town,” Jude quipped. “One of the perks of the job. Come along now.”

Again Karen had hardly got her seatbelt undone before Jude had got out of the car and round to open her door for her. Then she locked the car and led her friend out into the busy Saturday shopping crowds. As the walked down the streets Jude reached out and held her hand, which felt simultaneously so right and so wrong. It was so right inasmuch as Karen seemed to want to spend her whole day touching Jude; just being near her somehow made things better. It was so wrong inasmuch as Karen felt as if everyone was staring; that Jude’s short hair and masculine clothes marked her out as lesbian and, by association, that everyone would know that Karen was too. Whist she had come to terms with sharing her bed and body with another woman, she was far from ready to let the rest of the world know. She was scared witless at the thought that they might run into anyone from work or, worse still, one of her brothers or sisters.

They made their way through the market and into the St George’s Mall. Karen assumed they were heading for Marks and Spencer, or possibly using it as a short cut through to British Home Stores, but before they got there Jude guided her into New Look, a shop Karen associated with teenagers and certainly not a place she had ever been in . Jude went straight over to the rails and started picking out dresses.

“Jude, please. These are all far too young for me,” Karen hissed urgently.

“Are you questioning your Mistress’s judgement?” Jude raised an eyebrow at her.

“No, of course not but….”

“But nothing.” Jude held up a dress against Karen to see how it would look. “Yep, these will do, let’s try them on.”

Jude guided her towards the changing rooms but insisted on waiting outside. Karen went inside and looked at the first dress. Fortunately it was a smock design with a high waist so she could try it on without taking off the bottoms of the tracksuit. She slipped it over her head, did up the tie at the front and went out to the body of the shop to show Jude.

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