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I love my mother. I don’t mean it the usual way children love their mothers. I am in love with my mother. I want to be sexually active with my mother. I fall asleep every night masturbating while fantasizing about having sex with my mother.

My mother is a forty-three year old, dark haired beauty. Her name is Rose and she looks ten years younger than her age in spite of having two children when she was twenty-one and twenty-two. I’m the oldest at twenty-two and my brother is twenty-one.

My mother has long dark brown hair that hangs below her shoulder blades when she lets it down. Her hair is naturally straight and shiny. I’ve had the pleasure of brushing it out for her but not for several years. I dream about her hair, imagining how it would feel while rubbing it between my hands and on my chest. I fall asleep while masturbating and thinking about her hair.

When she pushes it back, I can see her ears. They are perfectly symmetrical and nicely rounded with small ear lobes. I’ve never done it but I imagine running my fingers behind her ears and pulling gently on her ear lobes. I get aroused dreaming about kissing her ears and running my tongue behind her ears. I touch myself until I have an orgasm just thinking about her ears.

Her eyes are deep pools of brown, glistening liquid. They’re the most erotic eyes I’ve ever seen. I’m drawn into them whenever I look at her face and catch sight of her eyes. I can’t pull myself away from staring into her eyes. Her eyebrows are totally natural and they arch naturally over each eye. She doesn’t use any makeup to enhance her eyebrows, nor does she need mascara or eyeliner to enhance the magnificence of her long, dark eyelashes. I can imagine the feel as I kiss her eyelids as she closes them when I make love to her. I’ve fallen asleep many nights pleasuring myself visualizing her eyes.

Her nose is perfect. Not too large or too small. Just a straight nose with small nostrils and her mouth is framed with perfect lips, not too thin or too puffy. The corners of her mouth are not symmetrical with one corner turning upwards and the other turning downwards. It adds a sensual aura when she smiles. Sometimes she uses a natural lip-gloss to give her lips a shine. I have trouble not reacting when she slides her tongue between her lips. I desperately want to touch her lips with mine and run my tongue between her lips, past her naturally white teeth and into her mouth. I try not to focus on her mouth and what she could do with it when I go to bed. Those are the nights when I can’t sleep at all.

Her chin is nicely rounded, not protruding or receding, with the hint of a dimple in the middle. I can imagine kissing her dimple and then down her fantastic neck. Her neck is the prefect size for nuzzling and kissing. I could spend hours kissing her neck and shoulders.

Her arms are nicely toned, without excess weight or skin. Her fingers of her hands are terminated with manicured, uncolored nails. I dream about those nails dragging over my body and I shiver at the prospect.

Her breasts are beyond description. I caught a glimpse of them several years ago in the changing pavilion at the beach. I have some experience with breasts and I estimate them to be D cups. On her small frame, she’s only five-foot six, they look even larger. In the brief time I had to observe them, I memorized the small light areola and tiny, flattened nipples. I can’t get the image of her breasts out of my mind and I imagine her nipples expanding and hardening as I fondle her breasts and tease her nipples with my fingers, lips and tongue. Sleep is impossible without masturbating to completion when I dream about her breasts.

Her stomach is flat and leads to a triangle of pubic hair above her mound. I got a brief peak at her pubis at the same time as I saw her breasts at the beach. The edges of her pubic hair are perfectly straight and I suspect she keeps them trimmed. I can only imagine the treasures she has below her pubic triangle. I’d give my soul to explore and taste her labia, clitoris and vagina. Even the thought of her anal sphincter gives me shivers and leads to some of the most glorious orgasms as I masturbate while falling asleep.

Her pubis is backed up by her nicely rounded ass. I don’t have to imagine her ass since she frequently wears tight shorts around the house that also reveal the beauty of her slender legs. I frequently masturbate to the thought of those legs wrapped around my head as I bring her to climax with my mouth and dine on her sweet emissions.

I first noticed the blatant sexuality of my mother at puberty and my fascination with her has grown to almost an obsession over the years. I have to make love to my mother. I have to experience her body quiver as she responds to my efforts. I have to fuck my mother.

I’ve considered hundreds of approaches to her with the goal of convincing her to be physical with me and I’ve discarded all of them. Everything I’ve thought of has some level of risk to get the reward. I can’t risk any approach that results in her rejecting me. That would have Mecidiyeköy Escort a devastating effect on the relationship we already have and if I lose that I’d have to kill myself.

I can’t seem to discover a pathway to having sex with my mother that overcomes the many hurdles I’d have to clear to get there. The largest of which is I’m her daughter.

I also have an intense relationship with my younger brother, Rob. We’ve been tight with each other since our dad left when he was six and I was seven. Rob and I are almost exactly one year apart. Our birthdays are close together in late November. So close that we celebrate together on the nearest weekend. If you do the math, we were both conceived on, or about, Valentine’s Day. There must have been some romance in mom and dad’s relationship and neither of us understands why he so suddenly disappeared. Rob and I have always leaned on each other for the emotional support we needed beyond the dedication our mother gave us.

Rob and I have no secrets from each other. We shared information about our first loves and, as we got older, our sexual conquests. We shared the details and consulted each other on how to proceed with a new potential partner. I have always been delighted when Rob got laid while he’s always been more concerned when I did.

The one thing I never discussed with Rob was my desperate desire to have sex with our mother. As my obsession grew over the years and the frustration threatened my sanity, I realized that I had to consult with him about it. The question was how to go about it?

Rob and I usually reserve time each week to catch up with each other and share experiences. It was easier when we were younger and we got home from school while mom was still at work. For the last few years, since we both work full time, we take the time whenever we can which is usually on Thursday evenings when mom attends her weekly book or garden club meetings.

I took advantage of our time together on a recent Thursday evening to share my problem with Rob. We gathered in Rob’s bedroom.

“Rob,” I asked, “have you ever had a desire to have sex with Rose?”

“What?” he stammered. “Where did that come from?”

“I read an article recently,” I explained, “that most boys imagine having sex with their mothers sometimes in their lives and I wondered if you were included in that group.”

“Interesting. Research then. I suppose you want an honest answer.”

“You’ve never been anything but honest.”

“Well then, the answer is yes.”

“When? How did you feel about it?” I asked.

“You want some details?”

“You’ve never been shy about details before,” I rejoindered.

“Probably when I was a teenager. I think I walked around with a permanent hard on. Mom is a beautiful woman and she was around all the time. I think I imagined making love to her until I finally got laid for real,” he answered.

“That was with Marcy in senior year. You were nineteen.” I stated.

“You have an excellent memory,” he added.

“So how did it feel? You know, wanting to make love to mom and not being able to,” I asked again.

“It was frustrating. I masturbated a lot.”

“I knew you were jerking off. I just didn’t know it was thinking about mom.”

“Who else would I have been thinking about?”

I gave him a coy look and tilted my head down.

“You?” he asked. “You think I might have been thinking of you?”

“Who else? I never considered mom as your obsession.”

“Stacie, you’re my sister. We’re closer than any brother and sister could be. I never considered you as a sexual partner. There was too much on the line to risk changing the relationship. Mom was mom. I never shared my personal thoughts with her as I did with you. I’m sorry if you’re hurt. Maybe I should have asked.”

“No. No. You’re right. There’s too much to risk. I’m not hurt. I’m honored.”

“I’m glad that’s settled,” he sighed.

“Not really,” I said. “I’ve had a similar experience.”

“What? You wanted to have sex with me?”

“Not you.”

“Who else? Mom? You wanted to have sex with mom?”

“Not ‘wanted.’ I want to have sex with mom.”

“How long have you had this ‘want’?” Rob asked.

“Since puberty. At least ten years. Maybe longer.”

“And you haven’t let it go?”

“I can’t let it go. The feeling gets stronger every year. It’s reached the point of being an obsession. I tried some the same things you did to put the feeling to rest. I got laid. Multiple times. I’m not a lesbian. I love sex with men yet I yearn for mom. I even had a sexual session with Mandy hoping to kill the feeling. Nothing worked.”

“I remember,” he said. “I just didn’t know you messed around with Mandy to compensate for not having sex with mom.”

“So, here I am. I’m obsessed with having sex with mom. I masturbate every night thinking about having sex with mom. I fall asleep most nights with my fingers still inside me. I’ve gotten to the point that, if I can’t have sex with her, I’m probably going Escort Mecidiyeköy to do something drastic.”


“Not that drastic. Maybe just leaving. Running away.”

“I’d miss you.”

“Then help me.”

“You want me to help you have sex with mom? I can’t imagine how that’s even possible.”

“Believe me, I’ve thought about how to have sex with mom in detail. I’ve rejected all the possibilities, except one,” I said.

“And that is?” Rob asked.

“If you had sex with mom, I might be able to join in.”

“That’s even less possible.”

“Hear me out, please,” I begged.

“First, you have to have sex with me.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“No, I’m not. There’s more. Mom has to find out.”

“Suicide might be a better option,” he offered.

“No. It makes sense. If she discovers we’re having sex, what could she do? We’re adults. She can’t punish us but her motherly instincts will take over and she’ll counsel us.”

“Counsel us?”

“Yeah. You know, adult to adult. She’ll probably ask you if you know what you’re doing. You tell her how much you love me, how much I love you and how natural what we’re doing is. She’ll probably then tell you to be careful.

“With me, she’ll probably tell me how wrong it is and the risk I’m taking. You know, the possibility of getting pregnant and all. I’ll tell her how much I love you, how much you love me and what a great and considerate lover you are. And we’ll keep doing it and she has to know we are.”

“How does that get me in bed with her?”

“Mom and I talk every week, usually on Wednesday evening when you’re out with your bowling league. Every week, I’ll emphasize your skills. She’ll have to think about it. If I’m right, she’ll want to find out for herself.”

“Sounds risky.”

“It is. You need to take every opportunity to encourage her. Touch her more often. Not sexually. Just naturally. A tap on the shoulder. An arm around her waist. You know. Things you’ve always done, just more often. If the opportunity arises, you might accidentally brush her ass or breasts. Together, our efforts will push her in the right direction.”

“I’m not sure it will work,” Rob said.

“I’m not either but I’m out of ideas. This has to work or I’m headed for the funny farm.”

“Okay, I’m down with it in the interest of your sanity. When do we start?”

“Oh, so now you can’t wait to get my pants off?”

“Why wait?”

You’re right. We need to start. We have to be convincing when we eventually talk with mom and practice is the only way we can be convincing. Mom has radar that alarms if she hears bullshit. Everything has to be real.”

I stood up and removed my tank top revealing my breasts.

“Damn woman,” exclaimed Rob. “You’re incredible. You’re mom twenty years ago.”

“Thanks for the complement. Your turn.”

Rob stood up and took off his tee shirt. I looked at his pecs and flat stomach. “This isn’t going to be too bad,” I thought. “Your turn again,” I said.

He looked at me, shrugged his shoulders and removed his cargo shorts. I could see he was already starting to get hard standing in front of me in his briefs.

I grinned and slid off my tight shorts. I stood in front of him totally naked. I had trimmed my pubic hair the same way I had seen mom trim hers.

“Girl,” he said, “I think you planned this.”

“I did. I apologize for leading you. We still good?”

“Yeah. We’re still good.”

“Then it’s your turn again.”

Rob pulled the front of his brief out to clear his now almost complete erection and pushed them down his legs and off. We stood there, admiring each other’s body.

“Rob,” I said. “You’re huge. I’ve never seen an erection that large even in porno films.”

“Are you having second thoughts?”

“Not one,” I said as I beckoned him to come closer to me.

When he was close enough, I reached out and took his erection in my right hand. The feeling was electric. I think he felt it too. I looked him in the eye and said, “This is not your usual slam bam thank you ma’am fuck,” I said. “We have to go slow. We have to practice. It has to be real. Otherwise mom will get suspicious. If she thinks anything is awry, then the whole thing will fall apart.”

“I get it. You’re in charge. Lead on,” Rob responded.

I held his member in my hand. My fingers didn’t touch around him. I put my left hand on top of my right hand and there was still uncovered cock remaining. I kneeled down in front of him and kissed the head of his erection. His knees buckled.

“I think I’m going to have to sit down,” he said.

He backed up and sat on the edge of the bed. I told him to move further onto the bed and crawled up next to him. I leaned over one of his legs and kissed his erection again. He closed his eyes and waited. I moved around until I was between his legs. He was accommodating, spreading his legs wide for me. I leaned in and took the top of his erection in my mouth. Rob moaned. “I’m going to cum,” Mecidiyeköy Escort Bayan he said.

“That’s okay,” I responded. “You’ll have staying power for practice later.”

I let him rest for a moment while I considered what to do next. I’ve always prided myself on my ability to deep throat the guys I fucked. I was always successful but Rob presented a real challenge. I wasn’t sure I could do it with him but I was determined. I pushed as much of him into my mouth as I could comfortably manage. My mouth was full. My tongue could hardly move, removing the possibility of some of my more imaginative moves with a cock in my mouth. He had to have at least four more inches I needed to accommodate.

I pushed against him and managed to get another inch as the head of his erection began to stretch my throat.

“You don’t have to do that,” Rob said.

I released his cock and said, “Details matter,” and pushed it back into my mouth.

Rob was up on his elbows watching me. “I just need to straighten my throat,” I told myself. It’s like sword swallowing. Straight in.” I corrected my angle, relaxed my throat, held my breath and pushed hard against his erection. I felt his cock catch in the top of my throat and then snap past deep into my throat. I had my nose buried in his pubic hair. I was elated even though I couldn’t breathe. I popped off his erection and choked.

“That was incredible,” Rod said. “I could see my cock half-way down your throat.”

“It’ll get easier with practice,” I said. “How come you didn’t cum?” I asked.

I guess I was too fascinated watching you,” he answered.

“Still want to?” I asked.



“Love to.”

I worked his erection with both hands. When he began to show signs of impending climax, I put my mouth over his cock and used my tongue against his urethra opening. When he came, he filled my mouth to overflowing. I swallowed what I could, several times, and caught the rest with my hands. When he was done, I licked him clean and then did the same with my hands.

“How long do you need to recover?” I asked.

“After that, I may never recover,” he offered.

We were both wrong. He didn’t need to recover. His erection stayed as hard as ever in my hands.

“Nice attribute,” I said.

“Never happened before,” he said.

“I guess there’s a lot of firsts today,” I said. “Okay,” your turn. Get between my legs.”

I turned around and lay on my back. Rob obediently settled between my spread legs. “Wow. You’re beautiful.”

“You’ve never seen a pussy before?” I asked.

“Never in focus,” he answered. “Your labia are perfectly formed and swollen. They’re very pretty.” He used his fingers to spread my lips. “You’re just as beautiful inside,” he said.

“Thank you,” I said.

I had used a mirror several times and I knew exactly what he was looking at. I didn’t think I was special in any way since I hadn’t seen other pussies up close, except for the mess that Mandy had, and I really appreciated his opinion.

“I’m waiting,” I prompted.

“Sorry. I’m admiring the view.”

“Plenty of time for that later.”


“Promise. Now we need to practice.”

Rob didn’t waste any more time. He dropped his tongue on my clitoris and swirled it around. It felt good but I had to stop him.

“Rob,” I said, “can I offer you some advice?”

“Am I doing it wrong?”

“No. Just too soon. My clitoris should be the end of the process, not the start.”

“So, help me out. What should I do?”

“Kiss the inside of my thighs and then use your tongue to rub from my rectum to my clit. Lightly at first. Don’t linger on my clit. Repeat the process, each time a little firmer but without real pressure. Watch how I react and try to meet my needs.”

Rob was an excellent student. I was sweating when he looked up at me for the next instruction.

“Use your tongue inside me. Start at my ass and finish with your tongue inside me. You’ll know when I’m ready for the next step. Then you can use your fingers inside me and your tongue, lips and even your teeth on my clit. Always gently. Never too much pressure. Press my clit between your fingers and your tongue and wait.”

Damn, he was a good student. I was moaning within minutes. Rob didn’t wait long. My body bucked, my toes curled and I let out a silent scream. I creamed all over his face and hand.

“Did I do it right?” he asked with a shit eating grin on his face.

“You did fine,” I managed to say. “If you want more stimulation, you can use your fingers in my ass.”

“Like this,” he said as he pushed a very slimy finger into my ass, his thumb into my vagina and began to move them in and out of me.

“Yesssss,” I croaked as I came for the second time.

When I recovered, I said, “You’ve done that before.”

“I’ve had some practice.”

“And some instruction.”

“True,” he said.

“Okay,” I said. “One more thing tonight.”

“Okay, what?”

“You’re going to fuck me. We’ll keep it simple tonight. We can work on different positions later.”

I rolled on my back and pulled him on top of me. I felt his erection on my thigh and was reminded of the size of his monster.

“Take it slow. I’ll need to concentrate on your entry. Rub it between my lips, get it well lubricated and then have at it,” I instructed.

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