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Looking out of the window into the night I see nothing unusual. Nothing moves in the garden. Traffic passes but nothing stops. Everything seems as it should. The window is open slightly; the chill sending goose bumps racing over my body but I do not notice. I remain fixed at the window, staring out at nothing.

I’ve been like this for weeks now, ever since your clandestine visit. I stare out into the night hoping for a glimpse of you prowling. I search the dark corners of the yard for darker than usual shadows. Slight movements catch my eye but it is just cats on their midnight manoeuvres.

Feeling the cold now, I close the window and retire to bed. Laying there, my eyes tightly shut trying to recreate the total darkness of the blindfold, I can feel your strong hands tying me to the headboard. I grind my thighs tightly shut, putting pressure on my aching clit. My hand slides down my silky night-dress, exploring the curves of my body. Grabbing the hem, I pull it up, revealing myself to you, spreading my legs slowly, languorously; my excitement clear as my cunt pouts open for you, a sheen of moisture lubricating my inner lips. I trace the gentle curve of my breast, my nipple quickly reacting and hardening. I pull at it gently and again, harder this time.

The delicious pain makes me arch my back and grind my thighs tight again. I run my hand slowly down my body, following the trail left by your fingers so long ago. I run a finger lightly along my damp slit. I am very wet now. A second pass of my finger spreads my lips wide and with a third, my finger disappears into my slippery folds. A second finger joins it, plunging in and out. I glide my other hand, free from its pseudo restraint, down my body and rub my fingers over my clit, happy to tease myself for a while. Gradually my efforts become stronger; my bunched fingers a memory of your solid cock, pounding into me. I feel your breath on my neck, the course hair of your stubble on my cheek. You are here with me again. My wanking becomes frenzied and I cum, writhing, riding the waves of pleasure you have given me.

Sleep comes slowly and fitfully now and I am alert to the slightest sounds. Gradually I drift off, thinking of those hands upon me again. Often I wake in the morning with my hands numb, stretched out over my head or with my sheets in tangled knots and bed clothes pulled up around my waist; my pussy slick with left over excitement. Has he been in the night? Did he remove my sheets or tie me to the headboard? On regaining the blood flow to my arms, I move them to check my wrists for tell tale rope marks and feel myself for the tenderness of a night of unremembered coupling. There is nothing. I have merely woken again to the physical manifestations of my fevered imagination.

The same questions pound my mind during the day; do I know my assailant, is it somebody I see regularly? On my way to work I can almost feel his eyes upon me. If someone holds my gaze a fraction longer than normal I instantly project upon him. Is it you? Did you come to my room that night?

My life has been turned upside-down. I don’t sleep well. I can’t concentrate. I can hardly leave myself alone. As my mind wanders to thoughts of my captor, my fingers wander to my gusset. I have become a sexual animal. I masturbate frequently and have the most amazing orgasms but nothing seems to match the ones I had that night. I can still feel the waves of lust powering through me as I came that night. It is beginning to affect my work. People are asking if I’m ok. Not because I look terrible but because my mind always appears to be elsewhere. I should look a wreck but I look better than ever. I have lost a little weight but at the same time my tits seem larger, my skin glows with health. Even my hair looks good, when it has always been rather unmanageable.

It has been weeks now. I am completely strung out. I have decided to visit my sister to help get over the effects of it. Sat on the train I begin to doze, the gentle rocking and the noise of the tracks numbing my mind. I drift off. As we put into a station the sudden clamour wakes me. I am a little bemused. How long have I slept? As we move away again I realise that my stop is next. I must have been asleep for some time. Reaching to put my book away I see something sticking out of the pages, like a bookmark. Pulling it out I realise that it is a small envelope. Blank. Opening it I extract a card which, with a clear, concise print says,

“Sleep tight. We are bound to meet again soon.”

The words ‘Tight’ and ‘Bound’ jump from the card at me. Frantically I look around. Is there anyone around that I recognise? Who left this here? How long ago?

There are few people on the train now and only a handful of men. None of them look right. I imagine my assailant as a broad, strong man and these are all older men with middle aged spread and comb-overs. With weak legs I gathering my bags and prepare for my stop, constantly looking around to see who may be watching me.

As the train pulls in I see my sister on the platform waving madly with a big smile. As I get off the train I throw down my bags just in time before she hits me, almost knocking me down. It’s like getting Escort Bayan hugged by a moving car! She is all questions and ‘Oh my god!’. It is so good to see her. I am still wary as we head to her car, I know someone is watching me leave. My sister picks up on it and questions my mood in the car.

“I’m ok”. I lie. “Just had a weird dream on the train and I’m still a little sleepy, I guess”.

Back at her house I am too taken up with greeting her husband and kids to think about strangers watching my back. It isn’t until I go to bed, a little tipsy from too much wine, that I think about it. Looking for the note, I can’t find it. Maybe I dropped it? I don’t remember. Maybe it was part of my dream? Getting up again I cross to the window. Parting the curtains a little, I look out into the night. Is anyone lurking out there? Would they risk coming into my sister’s house for me? I see nothing. No movement. Nothing out of place. God, this is getting to me.

The week at my sisters passed without incident and I relaxed and enjoyed myself. On the train home nothing happened. No notes, no strangers paying too much attention, nothing. Now, several weeks later, I try not to think too much about it. Maybe I imagined the whole thing. I should make an appointment with my doctor, get my head checked out. I think I must be going mental! I’ve been too busy at work and have let it get in the way of my love life. I probably just need a boyfriend.

Going to bed I follow my, now normal, routine. Looking out of the window, naked in the moonlight, I scan the garden. No-one is there.

“Of course there’s no-one there! It’s all in my head!”

Slipping on my night-dress, I go to bed. Sleep comes almost immediately. No thoughts of intruders, no sexual antics. I feel safe and secure.

From my deep sleep I am suddenly pulled awake. My hands are immobile. Pinioned in a strong grip, they are pulled up, over my head. I hear the noise of tape being pulled off a roll and immediately my hands are trapped, taped together on the headboard. Through sleep blinded eyes I make out a familiar outline in the darkness and then nothing. The blindfold has been placed on me and all is black. I open my mouth to ask who you are, why you do this to me but the gag is forced into place as soon as my lips part. At the last minute I think to struggle, kicking my legs like crazy but it is too late. I feel the ropes on my ankles and then an unstoppable force as my legs are pulled open and secured. I test my restraints, pulling this way and that but they are strong. There will be no escape. I fight the wave of panic that washes over me and try to remain calm. I turn my head, listening for clues of my assailant’s position, trying to plot where I might feel his touch first but I hear nothing. No breathing, no footfalls on the carpeted floor. Nothing. I wait for what seems to be hours and nothing happens. Has he left? Has something disturbed him? Oh God, don’t let someone find me like this! Shit, who is this guy?

There is movement! Slight rustling noises, somewhere indefinable but close. Straining I move my ear towards the sound. A hand grips my ankle causing me to try to jerk away.

“It is time.” says a deep breathy voice.

He speaks! He never spoke before! Who is this? I don’t recognise his voice. As if on cue I feel his hand slowly slide up my leg, following the contours of my ankle and calf. He continues up my thigh, getting closer and closer to my pussy, pushing up the hem of my night-dress as he goes. I cringe and whimper a little, although the feeling is not altogether unpleasant. Once again, I feel the cold, sharp edge of a knife against my skin, scratching from my neck towards my chest. Panic rises again; the pressure on the tip just enough to be felt but not so hard as to puncture my skin. It stops as abruptly as it began and I feel my night-dress lift gently away from my chest, falling lightly back. With the briefest hiss, I can feel the blade run the length my clothing. It’s keen edge effortlessly destroying my modesty. My breath comes fast and shallow, my heart pounding. I feel the tattered remains of my night-dress slide from my body.

I feel gentle hands on my soft curves, tracing the mound of my breast, moving down over my ribs and across the base of my belly. I feel a weight settle on the bed, the gentle hand continuing its unhurried exploration. Warm breath bathes my nipple, followed with light kisses. As I harden in response, you take me into your mouth, your tongue swirling, making me stiffer still. Your hand caresses my other breast with mounting enthusiasm, gently pulling on my other swollen bud as your hand passes over and around my heaving breast. I settle a little, my panic giving way to lust. I have waiting for this visit for so long. I arch my back and moan gently in response to you grazing me with light nips from your teeth. Suddenly you move, gone as quickly as you arrived.

There is a shift of weight on the bed, between my trapped feet. I feel your hands recommence the long, languorous strokes up my legs. As you pass up my thighs and over my hips, your thumbs pull gently at my pussy, pulling me open slightly. Again I feel your breath Bayan Escort against me, hot now against my moistening slit. Your hands continue up my body, briefly cupping my breasts before their agonisingly slow descent. I can feel your legs resting against my thighs, smooth and warm. Your hands feel surprisingly delicate and soft on me, hiding the power and strength I know lurks within. Your caresses narrow, focusing on my thighs, belly and hips. Your breath tantalisingly close, teasing me with hot caresses.

You move again and I feel your tongue slide along the length on my pussy. Lightly at first then firmer, your tongue pushes into me, parting my inner lips. I feel my pussy swell in response. My lips pouting open for your invading tongue. My wetness flowing. Groaning with building passion, I try to grind my cunt into your face but you retreat slightly, ever teasing with your tongue. Your light stabbing motions become more fervent, your tongue lapping harder at the full length of me. God, it feels good. I buck slightly as you take my clit between your lips and suck on it, your tongue swirling at its base as you release it. Through my mounting passion it strikes me that your face also feels oddly smooth against my thigh. As I ponder this I feel the weight on the bed shift and your strong, rough hands return to massage my breasts. A single finger slides into me as you continue licking, probing my wet depths.

I stiffen suddenly as I realise that there are two pairs of hands on me. There are two of you! Panic rears again, two strong men ravaging me. A second finger joins the first in my cunt. I am flooded with lust and your fingers slide into me with little resistance. Turning your hand you twist your fingers in me. The walls of my pussy contract on you in quick spasms, exciting moans from deep inside me.

Somebody straddles me and instantly something heavy and blunt hits me on the chin. Hands stroke my hair, lifting my head slightly and I feel the gag removed. As I open my mouth a thick, blunt cock is immediately forced into it. I am too far gone now to do anything but suck on it. It is big and my lips are stretched to accommodate it. Gently but firmly my assailant starts to fuck my mouth. It is all I can do to concentrate on breathing, as my mouth and cunt are filled at once. I feel my orgasm building already, my dirtiest fantasies coming true. To be bound and helpless, at the mercy of two guys. I start to suck on you in earnest, my tongue swirling around your shaft and head, my hungry groans encouraging deeper thrusts into my mouth.

Fingers press up into the rough spot inside me and begin to massage me there, beckoning, forcing my body to jerk lightly in its restraints as my orgasm gathers momentum. I am close now. Your head retreats. I thrust my hips upward, my cunt trying to follow, trying to keep your tongue busy where I need it but I cannot move that far. Busy fingers replace it and strum against my clit. Light, fast strokes, gradually increasing in pressure cause me to spasm and jerk as your touch sends shards of pleasure coursing through me.

Your cock slips from my mouth as I cum. My cunt is suddenly flooded and I groan with the force of it; wave upon wave of pleasure crashing through me. My mouth searches for your cock, only for the gag to be replaced. I whimper in frustration, I really need that cock!

Strong hands are stroking me again, sending shivers through my body. Goose bumps run up my flank under your touch. The weight shifts on the bed again and I feel you between my thighs, stroking towards my sodden pussy. I feel a nudge against my swollen, tender lips and with a low grunt, you shove your cock deep into me. I arch my back as you fill me. My cunt clasps around you as you withdraw, only to plunge into me again. You fuck me hard and deep and it feels so good. I feel you move a little and, pulling my ass up onto your thighs, you penetrate me completely, forcing yourself deep within me. I feel your thumb on my clit, teasing as you pound into me. My cunt streams as I moan against the gag.

Your accomplice straddles me. Again, I feel the gag being removed and search for the cock that I know will be proffered. He moves higher, forcing my head back into the pillow. A weight settles on me, riding my face. I am confused briefly until I feel a sticky, wetness settle over my mouth. Your accomplice is a woman!

“Lick it!” a soft voice growls.

I do as I am commanded. Not knowing quite where to start, I stick out my tongue and penetrate her. At once, a familiar taste floods my mouth. Wriggling my tongue, I hope this is what she wants. As she rubs herself back and forward on my face, I think about how I like to be licked and start to flick my tongue around her tight hole, exploring her soft folds. I lap the length of her, stopping at her clit to tickle around it base and under the hood, exciting gentle wriggles and moans from her.

The cock in my cunt and the thumb on my clit are bringing me close again. The woman writhing on my face reaches back to caresses my tits, pulling on my nipples, gently first then with increasing force. I gasp as the pleasure hits me and it tips me over the edge. I cum again, harder Escort this time, grinding my cunt onto the invading cock and thrashing my tongue frenziedly. The woman rubs herself hard into my face, pulling fiercely on my nipples as she moans. Suddenly she stiffens, groaning deeply she floods my face and mouth as she too cums, small spasms wracking her body.

She climbs off me and kneels to one side. Smothering my face with gentle kisses, her tongue lapping at the sticky residue of her passion. Leaning in now, you pound into me with ever more powerful strokes, slamming in and out of me with your full length, grinding your pubes into mine at every thrust. You fuck me for what seems like hours. Your accomplice teasing my breasts and body with her smooth hands. With a deep groan you pull out and I feel your hot cum splatter over my tits and belly. I can feel you shaking the last of it out into my pubes, you almost growling as you masturbate yourself empty. An eager tongue and fingers run over me, lapping up your spent semen, rubbing it into my soft skin. I hear the noise of her sucking you, quickly cleaning the spunk from your cock, before returning her attention to me. Her fingers gently caress my pouting lips, her tongue following. Lips kiss their way through my scant pubes, not missing a drop of your semen. It feels so good that I almost cum again, my hips twitching as my cunt gapes open from the cock it so recently had filling it.

“Oh God, that feels so good” I sigh.

This seems to remind my assailants that my mouth is unfettered and the gag is quickly fixed back in place, a soft kiss sealing me in, as gentle hands caress my neck and face.

I wonder if they are finished. Will they leave me bound and gagged? Who will find me to release me? As I am thinking, my ankles are released. They are going to let me loose? No, my feet are forced up, over my head and taped, wide open, to the headboard. I feel the air, cool on my soaking cunt. I am completely at their mercy and gaping wide open.

Strong hands massage my thighs and buttocks. Thumbs hook into my inner thighs and open me further. A tongue delves deep into me. Rough lips on my pussy mean it is you now, not her. As your tongue swirls around in me I feel softer hands on my thighs, gently massaging me, stroking all over my sensitive body. It feels fantastic. You focus your attention on my clit, sucking and licking at it. I try to close my legs, to crush you further into me but my restraints are too sound. It feels so good. Soft female hands have found my tits and stroke around my sensitive globes, fingers flicking over my hard nipples. I am aware that I am moaning almost constantly, the pleasure is so intense. Your tongue flicking harder at my clit sends me spasming into orgasm again. You don’t stop and I cum over and over again, as your accomplice, reading my mind, pulls harder at my nipples, twisting and pinching hard on them. My orgasm rolls ever on. I have never cum like this! I am abandoned to pleasure.

Your tongue retracts, returning to lap occasionally at my aching clit. Your hands are on my buttocks now, kneading and spreading them. I feel your tongue teasing at my tightest hole. Oh God, that is so good. Spreading me wide open, you spear me. Your tongue pushes into me, pulsing, forcing its way in. Pulling back out, you swirl it around the bud of my ass again before plunging back in. I am in heaven. I have never been so aroused. Fingers are exploring my cunt again, rubbing gently down each side of my hood, dragging back across my exposed clit, hard and swollen. More fingers probe at my anus, sliding in with little resistance. I groan harder. My darkest desires fill my head. Two fingers delve into my wet pussy and another two thrust into my ass. My body jerks under the attention it’s getting. I feel so full. You lower your mouth to me, biting gently on my buttocks, licking around the rim of my ass as your fingers fill me.

The fingers withdraw and there is movement. A softer mouth replaces yours and begins to lick around my silt. Your accomplice grunts softly and I feel a gentle rocking motion in her as she licks me. I realise that you must be fucking her while she is kneeling at my cunt. Her fingers stroke my clit, occasionally slapping me gently, exciting jerks of pleasure. Almost roughly she pushes her fingers into me. Two, three, more? I can no longer tell. My cunt is stretched and full as she licks my clit ferociously. Abruptly her tonguing stops and she seems to move away. Her fingers still push into me and I can feel the rocking through the bed now. Her hand stops and she moans aloud, shaking as her own orgasm rocks through her. She withdraws her fingers and I feel something cool on me. Her fingers return, smoothing this coolness around my slit. Her fingers return again, I count them in my mind; two, three four. I am stretched wide against them. She bunches her fingers and I feel her thumb stretching me even further. A few twisting pushes and her hand disappears in me. Oh my God, her whole hand is in me! She seems to rest there, only gently moving it back and forth. The movement increases, I can feel so much pressure on my G-spot. She is thrusting in me now, her fist pulling at my hole as she almost withdraws it. It feels amazing! My cunt has never been so full, so sensitive. It is electrifying! She rubs hard at my clit and blue sparks explode behind my eyes. I cry out against the gag, cumming hard again, my body jerking and soaked in sweat.

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