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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANING PART XIXPRISCILLA’S FIRST CANING (Part VIII)PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANING (Part IX)“Oh my god! What’s going to happen? What’s it like to be caned?! “- day one (later)Note: Priscilla and Anna, after their disastrous attempt at “having fun at the fair”, have been reported to the headmaster. They emerge from his study, knowing that they are to expect 18 strokes of the cane. Anna is unhappy but not surprised. Priscilla, however, has never been caned before and is terrified. Anna sees that Priscilla is about to explode with outrage, and takes her to a hidden corner of the headmaster’s garden, in an effort to calm her friend down.The explosion came just as they reached a bench. Before Anna could sit down, Priscilla exploded with rage. “You … you …what have you gone and done?!! I can’t believe this! It’s a complete nightmare! Your stupid plan’s got us into this horrible mess and now … now … the headmaster’s going to cane us!! Why did I ever listen to you?!! Why did I even think I liked you!! You’re horrible! I bet you did it all on purpose, right?!! You and your stupid friends who keep getting caned all the time!! You thought it would be fun to get me caned too!! That’s what you want, isn’t it! I hate you all!!”Anna was stunned. Indeed she felt very bad, but had been so shocked herself by the series of events that she hadn’t realized what a state her friend was in. Luckily, she had a very sympathetic personality and understood almost immediately. She started trying to repair the damage, something she was very good at. Her genuinely distressed response and her natural kindness slowly persuaded Priscilla that there had been no dastardly plan, that no one else knew any thing about it, and that it had been just a very stupid mistake and some very bad luck “You’ve got to believe me Priscilla! I know we’re in a real mess but it’s a mess for me too – You can bet that I’m going to get a worse caning than you are — and we’ll get through it together – I promise!”Priscilla began to calm down, although she was still enormously upset, especially as she tried to focus her mind on something that it had always avoided. A caning! The very idea horrified her. Someone was going to beat her bum with a cane – and why? Obviously just to make it hurt! Probably a whole lot! Wasn’t that the only purpose of a beating, pure and simple? It was not only outrageous but also very peculiar in a way that her mind was refusing to accept.”You mean,” she demanded of Anna, that I’m going to have to bend over and old Fuzzy Face is going to beat me across my bum with a cane?” Anna looked even more astonished than usual at her friend, whose naiveté was unique in some matters, even though she was so smart in many others. “Well … yes … that is what happens … you must know at least that!?” As Priscilla started to get her mind’s eye to focus on such an event, she was becoming increasingly frightened at what a caning would mean. Anna was trying to comfort her by saying that Mr. Stanton’s prescription of twelve and eighteen strokes seemed rather mild, even though she knew that he often gave more strokes than he had said he would. “So what did he mean by adding ‘of the best – of the very best’ – did he mean anything?” Priscilla demanded. Anna knew that indeed he did, and reluctantly decided that she should be as honest with Priscilla as possible. “Yes, I’m afraid he did …” “So what? Tell me if you’re such an expert!”Anna explained by a summary of her own caning history. “Well, the first time he caned me he gave me six strokes and the second time he gave me six strokes again … but they seemed much harder. So I asked a friend about it and she said Fuzzy Face must have just said ‘six strokes’ the first time because that’s what he usually gives a girl who hasn’t been caned before, but the next time he’d probably said ‘six good strokes,’ I hadn’t been listening carefully, but I think that’s what he’d said. When I got caned the last time I paid more attention, and I know he said “twelve of the best” … you probably remember … actually I think you were in the sick room when it happened, but I showed you my bum when you came out … those really were ‘the best’! I’m … I’m not sure whether “the very best” means something worse. I’m afraid it probably does … Fuzzy Face usually chooses his words carefully!”Priscilla did remember. She’d had the ‘flu and had come back to classes four days after Anna had been caned. Her friend had shown her the marks. She hadn’t wanted to look but Anna had insisted. She’d been horrified by the still red and blue streaks across both Anna’s bottom cheeks and she had then done her best to forget it. Now she was having to remember.She exclaimed, “So he usually gives six the first time, ‘just six strokes’ as you so nicely put it … but … I’m going to get … what is? … twelve … or eighteen … and they’re going to be of the very best!! I can’t believe it!” Anna was looking at her speechlessly for a moment, unable to think of what to say. Priscilla suddenly blurted out, ordu escort “So… so … does it hurt?” Anna blinked as she struggled again to understand the degree of her friend’s s ignorance and decide how to deal with it. Knowing that their fate was inevitable, she chose honesty again.”Yes, I’m afraid it does. A lot!” “How much is a lot?” “It’s different … it depends on what you’re used to … and what he’s doing.” “Like … what … ?” Anna tried to think her way though an answer, “Well, the first time he caned me I thought it was so painful that I nearly jumped out my skin. But the next time it was a lot harder and I realized that the first time it hadn’t really been that hard … it was just such a surprise because I didn’t know what the cane would feel like … then the last time it was harder still and he gave me twice as many strokes … actually even more … and I hadn’t thought anything could possibly hurt that much … but I survived … and then I asked another girl who’d been given a really severe beating … she got thirty-four strokes in all … and I realized I’d been lucky … she … she said it was like floating off into another world where there was nothing but her bottom hurting like you couldn’t believe … and explosions that kept going off inside it and making it even worse, sort of like sticking your bum into a fire with huge thumps every few seconds. She said you couldn’t imagine it …”“Well … thanks a lot!!!”Priscilla was looking aghast and Anna realized that her efforts to think through the answer had gone off the rails, “But she survived … she was fine, three weeks later, that’s what matters!” Priscilla, however, was determined to find something more definite for her brain to get hold of. “How does it hurt? What did YOU feel?” Anna blinked again. What DID it feel like? “Well, the first time it just stung like fury …””Yes, but my first time’s going to be different! It’s going to be a lot worse! You heard what he said!” Anna was only too well aware of this and it was worrying her. “Yes Priscilla, I do realize this, and I’m just hugely sorry. I’m just trying to be honest with you!” “OK! So be honest! What did it feel like the last time?” Anna thought back. She could remember the searing pain very well but was searching for words, “It’s … it’s sort of like slamming your finger in a door – but it’s your bottom!”Priscilla stared, half comprehendingly, for she certainly knew the excruciating pain of slamming her finger … but her bottom?” Anna continued, trying to clarify this rather startling simile, which she had never thought of before, “You know … you kind of hear a sudden “hisss” for a split second … ending in a ‘whack’, and … ““And what?!” demanded Priscilla.“Wait a sec! … I’m trying to work it out! … And then the sound seems to stop really suddenly and turn into a really painful shock that makes your bottom jump … and then … your bottom just suddenly explodes and you can’t think of anything else for a few moments … in fact you can’t even think … then it sort of starts to ebb away and leaves a really hot, sort of throbby feeling. It’s sort of like bashing your finger as I said, except that it’s your whole bottom …and it’s more … burney.” Priscilla was staring even harder. “But honestly Priscilla, you asked me and I was trying describe it exactly … but I had to … think back through the experience. … I know it sounds horrible … and it is … I suppose that’s exactly why they do it … but even while it’s happening you kind of get used to it in a strange way… and when it’s over your bum still hurts a lot, obviously, but you get used to that and it’s usually only a bit tender the next day … it doesn’t really keep on hurting. It’s just kind of tender if you bang it – or if some girl pokes it – which they usually do!”Priscilla was looking as though she didn’t know what to say, which was in fact the case. She opened and shut her mouth a few times. “My god” she said again, “I can’t believe this!” She was already trying to absorb more disconcerting information than she could really manage, so after another pause she changed the subject, at least somewhat. “So what did he mean by watching the school notice board?” “Oh Priscilla! How can you not know about this? Every one knows!””Well I don’t, I just haven’t wanted to pay any attention – and now I apparently have to! So what about it?” It was Anna’s turn to sigh, as she tried to make up for her friend’s willful ignorance about things that the whole school lived with. “Well, when Old Fuzzy Face wants to cane some girls, they put a notice up on the school board in the morning. It’s always there by 9:00 am. So that you can see it when you come out of chapel.””So what does it say?”Anna sighed again, “It gives the girls’ names and says they have to report to the matron’s office at 12:00.” “To the matron’s office? What on earth does she have to do with it? Does she cane them?!” “Oh Priscilla! You’re so impossible, even though I love you for it! No, of course she doesn’t – though sometime she’s there escort ordu when you get caned!””She’s there? Why on earth?””Well, I suppose it’s to make sure that every thing’s … well, proper, if you can call a caning proper, and if it’s a severe beating then she can check the girl’s bottom to see if it’s still O.K. for Fuzzy Face to continue … some girls think she enjoys it.”Priscilla’s mind was reeling again but she realized that she hadn’t yet had an answer, “But why do girls have to report to her office?” Anna sighed yet again, “Well, you know that Old Fuzzy Face always canes on the bare.” Priscilla sort of knew but, as with everything else to do with caning, she had tried to ignore it. “Yes, I suppose so. It must be so … so … embarrassing. I mean, what can he see?” Anna’s sense of humor almost returned at this question. “What can he see? Well, everything! Everything that matters! You’re just there, bending over, and he usually makes you put your legs apart, so he can look at whatever he wants to … which usually seems to be everything!”Priscilla’s look of horror grew even worse, “I think I’ll die of embarrassment before he starts!””Well,” retorted Anna slightly caustically, most girls think they’re going to die … but not of embarrassment!” Priscilla looked puzzled and Anna continued, “They think they’re going to die of pain! Most girls say that after the first stroke it hurts so much that they forget all about what’s between their legs … they can only think about the cane … and perhaps whether the cane can reach their quim …”“What!!” Well … can it? Can it actually get between your thighs?”“Not really … well, I think that it may occasionally … I mean the tip can perhaps just nick where you’re most sensitive … but it’s probably an accident. He could certainly make it happen if he really wanted to, so it would happen a lot more if it was deliberate. I’m sorry! I don’t want to make you feel even worse, but everyone says that they forget about what he’s looking at and only think about what the cane is doing … and everyone survives, that’s what you have to remember”.Priscilla struggled to regain her train of thought under this renewed assault of horror, “So … what has this got to do with the going to see the matron?” Anna sighed, yet again, “Well, obviously if you’re going to have to stick your bare bum out for him to look at, let alone cane, there are some days when that just wouldn’t be a nice idea … right? So the matron asks you whether today’s OK, and if its not then she works out a day when it will be, and Fuzzy face has to wait. Some girls tell a fib to try and put off their caning, but matron usually knows and you get extra strokes if you lie.” Priscilla was looking horrified once again, but managed to whisper, “And so then what?” “Well, if matron tells Fuzzy Face it’s alright, then they put another notice up by 1:30, which tells the girl to report to the headmaster’s back door at 5:15 …and when you see that you know that’s it.””So … when you report there, that’s when you get the cane?” “Yes, I’m afraid so. That’s when you ring on his buzzer, go up to his study, he tells you to bare your bum and stick it out, and he canes it. And I’m really sorry Priscilla, but that’s what’s going to happen to us, probably tomorrow, or maybe a day or two later … unless it’s a wrong day for you?”It was Priscilla who sighed this time, “No … I suppose that I’ll just have to believe this!” “Priscilla, you are a brick … and you really are my very best friend, you know? … I think we’d better be heading back to the house before someone sees us here and we get into any more trouble. No one else will know, yet.”They got up from the bench, hugged, dusted off their illicit clothes, picked their bags and, holding hands, started off towards their house. The school residences were divided into five “houses,” a hundred girls to a house, and theirs was a separate building adjacent to the main quadrangle. House prayers and supper were soon after they arrived. Seating in the dining room was unfortunately designated and they sat at different tables where they could see each other but not talk. Anna kept exchanging sympathetic glances with her friend during dinner. When this was finished, various house activities kept them separated and Priscilla joined her dorm mates for pre-bed showers at 9:00. The house was divided into five dormitories and, unfortunately, theirs were different. Priscilla had been in a state of great anxiety all evening and was looking forward to her shower. The timing of evening showers was staggered by dormitories to prevent overcrowding in the shower room, which had twenty shower heads, but there were usually three dormitories present at once, one finishing, one showering and one getting ready. Priscilla enjoyed showers, although she enjoyed them even more if she was alone. She enjoyed soaping her body, taking ever more pleasure as its curves and hollows developed and their firmness increased. Although she admired both the shape and the firmness ordu escort bayan of her own bum – or buttocks as she sometimes called them to herself, in deliberate acknowledgement of her study of classical art — she was secretly just as pleased by her now well-developed tits, or breasts as again she called them to herself for the same reason. But, and very unlike Anna, she still felt somewhat embarrassed by them and when showering she would stand facing the wall as she gently massaged herself with soapy water. She liked to soap her quim at the same time (her classical studies provided no alternative name for this most personal part of her anatomy).As she was drying herself, surrounded by a crowd of other naked bodies, she saw Anna entering the shower room with the girls of her dorm and she remembered her remarks about how embarrassing it was to bend over and know that you were showing the headmaster your private parts. This inevitably made her notice the sight presented by a number of girls around her who were adopting this position for various harmless reasons, such as picking up soap and drying feet. Priscilla had never so much as considered this before, but now she could not help noticing that, indeed, when these girls were facing away from her then they were indeed showing their privates with, of course, no concern for the fact. Glimpses of quim between open thighs came and went all around her. So acute was the expectation of embarrassment that began to well up inside her that she could not even bear to bend over this way, even among the other girls.She hastened out of the shower room, quickly dressed and joined those going upstairs to the dorms. Entering the door of her own, another shock awaited her. Some of the girls in her dorm were good friends, even though none were as close as Anna. But some of them considered she was peculiar and treated her with disdain. As she entered the dorm, three of these latter greeted her with a gleeful chant, “Prissy Priscilla is going to be caned! Hee hee hee! Prissy Priscilla’s going to be caned! What a joke! Now she’s going to get it at last!”Priscilla was completely bewildered for a moment and stood immobilized. Understanding suddenly dawned. It was Mr.Turner’s daughter, who was good friends with the girls who were taunting her, and could be mean like them. She must have told them. Priscilla didn’t know what to do and found herself yelling, “Oh shut up! Shut up you, you harpies!” The reference didn’t help, but some of the girls were almost as shocked as she was and started to jump on the gleeful yellers. Then another cry went up. The dorm prefect had been seen and everyone hurriedly quietened down, a shaken Priscilla going to her bed. The prefect had heard the noise, however, and knew the reason for it because news of Priscilla’s and Anna’s predicament had just that moment began to spread. But the prefect was no enemy of Priscilla and immediately told the noise-makers to shut up and behave themselves. Priscilla knew that glances and whispers were being exchanged and was even aware that some of the girls were trying to signal their support. As quickly as possible, however, she got into her pyjamas and buried herself under the bedclothes. The lights were turned out but one of Priscilla’s enemies couldn’t resist a last dig, hissing “Swish swish! Ohh ohh ouch!” The prefect heard and jumped out of her bed to turn on the lights again. “Deidre! That was you!” Deidre glared, which merely confirmed the prefect’s identification. “Well, you have a lesson to learn as well! So you had better look at the school notice board tomorrow morning for your own good, because you’re going to get a tawsing from the head prefect!” Some other girls tittered. The tawse wasn’t nearly as bad as the cane, but it wasn’t a joke either. “Quiet!” ordered the prefect and turned out the light on a silenced room.Priscilla had barely taken in this last development and at that moment was certainly incapable of feeling the satisfaction that some of the other girls were enjoying. She curled under the bed clothes, her hands slipping under the elastic of her pyjama bottoms and going to her bum, feeling the warm, smooth, roundness that usually gave her so much pleasure. What would it feel like? Her mind went round and round helplessly, searching for a reassurance that it couldn’t find. How much would it hurt and what sort of hurt would it be? Her fingers ran along her cleft and her mind went back to her agonized conversation with Anna. What had Anna said? That after the first stroke girls just forgot about their private parts showing because all they could think of was the pain? How much pain? Eventually, she cried herself to sleep.******Note: Priscilla’s diary, the principal source of our account here, proceeds to the events of her caning almost immediately after this However, a recent interesting discovery has provided another source that coincides directly with her account at this point. The editors have decided to work on that text first, so that it will precede Priscilla’s story in these extracts, as it did in the original course of events. There may therefore be a slight delay while we deal with this change of plans.**************************************************************************

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