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SEND ME A SMALL PIZZA AND A LARGE BOYHI I`M WENDY, SEND ME A SMALL PIZZA AND A LARGE BOY.Now we all remember Wendy don’t we, she featured in story numbers 113 and again in 117 she just loves young men, in fact boys from 15 are not safe with our Wendy, she`s a rich American wife who`s hubby spends loads of time away working and Wendy in turn spends his money, she lives in a trendy area in what in the UK would be a mansion.lolAnyway a while back she found if she sent for a pizza, bingo a youth usually on a bike of some sort or an old car would appear at her door. To Wendy that is like a doorstep delivery of young studs with a meal thrown in. Over the months since she found this wonderful community service a lot of cold pizzas have been reheated, believe me. Now into this mix throw a bunch of hormone riddled young men, most of which are either virgins, or they have a mum fetish or they have tasted the forbidden fruit and want a mature lady to play with!This then is the environment of Wendy`s world.Now boys being boys word gets round, and the local pizza parlor is no exception so the manager in desperation put up a notice in the rest room, it reads Mrs Wendy, ********, from ******* is keen to be serviced by young lads, if you are one and have to deliver to her think on, I need reliable lads not studs, so if you don’t return here in a sensible time for your next delivery …YOUR FIRED…..simple as thatMake a date…for when you are off duty…. by all means but no shagging while you’re working its unprofessional and your pizzas customers need you.And it was signedFred Fitch,Manager pizzas are us!Now 3 of these lads contrived to be on her delivery`s over the next few days, she met each at the door and they each speedily refused to come indoors but agreed to meet her on the following Saturday evening, so for Wendy though she was hopeful of instant sex it was a consolation that she could be sure of a screw come Saturday at least one of the three would turn up she was sure!So it was that on the Saturday to her surprise all three lads appeared, Sam a freckle faced eighteen and a half who looked younger, Tony at s*******n year old a muscle man, and Jerome a gangly nineteen year old on the verge of his military career, the latter two black as the knocker on 10 downing street! Now our Wendy loves a black lad, firstly they are well hung, secondly they tend to be lithe and flexible as a rubber snake, and third the white k**s seem to have a lot of hang-ups the k**s from the ghetto don’t tend to have. This theory was to be born out with these threeAnyway beggars can`t be choosers so Wendy had looked on this Saturday date as a delivery of fresh meat and dressed accordingly. The lads arrived, Sam first but he said he could not stay after eleven or his mom worried!To her surprise the others arrived nearly together, as it happened lifelong friends from school they got to her house, Jerome in his old car and Tony on his motor cycle, each having thought he was the only visitor tonight.Thus they all sat didim escort over coffee, each a little embarrassed at the presence of the others and of older woman`s attempts to dress as Elvira Mistress of the Dark from an old comedy horror film these lads had probably never heard of, it didn’t help With the best will in the world at 5ft 6 and well over 21 Wendy was never going to pass as Elvira, but there it was nearly Halloween she had dressed for them so the attitude was let`s go with the flow… The way the lads looked at it they wanted sex; she was willing so who cares what she dressed as it was coming off soon anyway.They were soon to learn that this older woman was a sexual force to be reckoned with, 34c tits, a slim 29inch waist and a smackable arse though the odd spank is all that she ever allows as anything anal they were to find turns her completely off, her brown eyes flashed sexily though and she had a smile that disarmed, what more could a lad ask for other than being here without an audience.She realised that there was a shyness and embarrassment factor so she decided to break it down by asking a few questions, their ages names and where they lived came first then had they got girl-fiends? Both Jerome and Tony both had what they referred too as ‘regular women’ but Sam said he had no girl at the moment, (and to be honest he probably never had but would never admit that.)The atmosphere was tense at first each lad having expected to be her only stud of the evening, so testosterone levels were high, but gradually she broke the barriers down, till they were all laughing together, she sat at the kitchen table end and slowly turned the conversation to things sexual. Jerome especially telling a tale of “his woman” doing the business behind the school one afternoon with a few lads as a bet.Wendy in a ploy to move things on; asked to see their man-hoods, glances were exchanged then Tony stood and unzipped. He fumbled with his under-clothes’ and then being the shortest in height he flopped on the table top a slack black snake of a good thick size and about 8 or 9 inches long. Not to be outdone Jerome dropped his sweats and revealed a slack tool of perhaps 9 inches that was growing rapidly under her gaze into a monster.Sam was the last of them to reveal himself red of face under the gaze of the other three he produced 6inches of cut pink stiffness, feeling awed at the size of his black co workers. Wendy sensing the lads embarrassment, applauded his shape saying he could have her first as she loved cut pricks, which boosted the lads ego no end.He visibly brightened and she smiled disarmingly as she reached her hand out to stroke the lad`s stiff cock as if she had never seen a circumcised penis before in her life. The two black lads looked crestfallen, but she quickly said she was pleased that they were both big boys as she would need stuffing hard after she had had this lovely white cock so that they didn’t feel so bad.Having massaged the young men`s ego`s she stood and suggested escort didim that they started here on the kitchen table, as “it would feel basic and crude!” and they could move on to her bed later !Jerome caught her in his arm s and kissed her hard, crushing his lips to hers in a most satisfying way, his great gorilla paws finding her bust and squeezing her like putty.They soon broke the embrace and she gasped for air then stooped to slip down her panties from under her costume, throwing the wisp of black froth onto the table and saying she wanted to just be taken over the table end before she undressed further and that she wanted them in turn Sam first and Jerome last! With that she bent over the table end gripped each side of the scrubbed table and lay quietly waiting for her first fucking.Tony growled at Sam to get on with the job, as he was eager, and the white lad scuttled round behind her like a shot from a gun. He lifted her skirt threw it up onto her back and exposed her shapely backside. we don’t know if he was a virgin, but he gazed at the exposed naked and waxed flesh for a long second, then suddenly as if making a decision he stepped forward and slid himself in place, a look of ecstasy crossed his face, and he began slowly at first to rock himself back and forth, building himself up to a hard battering thrust that rocked her on the tabletop, each thrust eliciting a gasp, from Wendy and a grunt or two as things progressed, Tony resting his hand on hers as if to say enjoy it girl it can only get better.With a gasp the youngest of her studs suddenly filled her belly with his seed; she could feel his hot emission flooding her belly and it triggered a climax in her, not massive or earth shattering but a climax all the same.He withdrew, and was quickly replaces by Tony eager to not let her down from her high. He was an all together different kettle of fish, he battered at her from the start, black loins met white cheeks with a slap at each stroke, her body slopping away from him like a wave with each hard push, her lithe frame crushed against the hard table-top relentlessly, by the onslaught. It was hard it was brutal and it was just what the moment demanded. She came again, then again gasping now breath in grunts as he forced the breath from her. Her head back now to keep the chin from the hard top. He was a rough a****listic user and had no subtleties no finesse, and absolutely no gentleness.Her eyes rolling and unable to focus properly as he too filled her with his tribute with a loud cry of YESSS! Jerome was so eager was he to cram his massive tool deep in her sloppy and receptive sex he nearly hauled Tony from her. She felt his huge snake push its way into her, well reamed and lubricated though she had been, this tool was stretching her to her limits, she screamed, not just from pain more from surprise at the size. He was all Tony was not, he started slow, gentle even, just moving gentle and slow the outer skin of the snake barely moving in its velvet female sheath, didim escort bayan the stiff core doing all the work, rippling to and from and causing her to groan and come once more. Slowly oh so slowly he increased the power and speed, he was not only a ‘big boy’ he was a skilled coxman and it showed. By now Sam was stood to her left and Tony sat to the right of the woman`s body, both watching the tall thin Jerome, fetching Wendy to multiple climaxes, in a way that they both wished to emulate.For a long 10 minutes the lad banged away, she was exhausted, gasping like a drowning fish, eyes rolling lips just whispering yesss, yesss, and yesssssssss. She had managed more fantastic climaxes in the last few minutes than she thought possible. It was a relief when she felt him tense up and her body flood with his jizz.He stepped back, the trunk fell and she laid dripping and tired. They helped her to a chair. The dress fell back and they plied her with coffee, her face was a mask, and she took some time to recover her full senses.Sam seemed a little on edge so she asked if he was “ok”, he said he had to go soon and though he thanked her for “taking him first before the big fellow ruined her, he would have liked to have seen her tits!” she laughed she then kissed him, saying that “things would all return to normal soon enough” and if he wanted to come back on his own sometime he must ring her and as to the tits “would he like to come and help her strip now before he left?”He was up in seconds, she stood and he began unzipping the dress at her neck, tenderly he slipped the diaphanous sleeves from her arms, leaving her in the lacy black bra the only thing between him and his quarry, the dress hanging round her waist like so much seaweed round a pier leg. She could feel his hand shaking as he undid the bra clasp, he lifted the loose garment and helped her from the straps standing in awe as she slowly turned and faced him, his jaw open.She lifted her breasts for him and he tenderly kissed her nipples in turn, a pin would have broken the silence as he gazed mesmerised at her femininity, the dress falling slowly down her legs to lie in a froth around her ankles. Still his eyes never left those small but erect nubs, he was mesmerised.They stood like statues for a few seconds, it seemed like hours. Then Tony unfeelingly moved to lift his cup, and the spell was broken. He kissed her tenderly breathed his thanks then quietly dressed and she led him out to the front door. Here he kissed her again tenderly. She pressed a small ball of black lace into his hand, “a souvenir” she whispered and thanked him. He turned away her panties held tightly in his hand as he walked away, the darkness soon absorbing him, as she closed the door quietly behind him. She returned still naked to the kitchen, where she heard Tony scoffing that Sam was “such a mummy’s boy virgin;” she snapped at him, “yes and so were you once Tony that was so painfully obvious to us all bar you, but he will never forget this evening or me will he!”She sat and they quietly drank the coffee. Composed again now, Wendy stood picked up her costume, and her bra then bidding them leave their clothes where they fell, she led them up to her room; it would be a long night.

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