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Serving Mistress ElektraDue to my work commitments I have been away for too long from Mistress Elektra’s clutches whom I serve with the uppermost devotion. Serving Mistress Elektra has its long term benefits in having your limits stretched to the maximum ! Mentally as well as physically! !!!Oh yes !….. Mistress Elektra is a lover of stretching arseholes with her great selection of strap-on cocks from medium to massive (she doesn’t do small !!) Mistress is also an expert in fisting her slaves as she pushes her victims to the limit and also enjoys using Bottles, fruit, and just about anything she’s fancies to stuff up your arsehole to amuse herself!!! I was summoned to serve Mistress Elektra after many exchanges of disgusting and degrading texts on her part on what was going to happen to me if I don’t respond to her needs! Mind fucking is one of Mistress Elektra’s virtues via text messages and voicemail and this will get your mind in a terrible state of submission !!! My frustration has been building up over a few days to the point that my balls were swelling to bursting point and it’s been extremely difficult to concentrate on work when your mind is tormented with texts and voicemail !! Prior to our meeting I was instructed to wank off as much as possible and collect my spunk in a black film container and fill it up to the top which I had to hide in the family freezer . I was very reluctant to undertake this task as the risk of someone else finding this mysterious black container in our freezer was high but Mistress Elektra was not having any excuses and that I would have to obey her demands or be faced with being cast aside and never have any contact again with her! In a sick kind of way, (Mistress Elektra has a very sick & perverse mind) I am sure it would have been very amusing for her if the container was found and for me having to explain what it was doing in the freezer and its contents!! This was a difficult task to complete as I only had a few days to fill up the container and Mistress Elektra done this deliberately!!! It’s never an easy task to serve her needs!!! Before I set off to meet Mistress Elektra I was face timed and instructed to make a hot coffee before I left home. It seems as if this is becoming a ritual now where my cock has become a spoon and I have to stir the hot coffee with my cock to Mistress Elektra’s instructions and empty my spunk into the cup.This amuses Mistress Elektra so much seeing the pain on my face as I put my erect cock into the hot coffee to stir it and then drink it!”YOU PATHETIC CUNT!!! YOU LOVE EATING YOUR SPUNK FOR YOUR MISTRESS DON’T YOU BITCH? !!!! Mistress Elektra said I don’t have any choice in the matter do I Mistress Elektra! I responded. “THATS FUCKING RIGHT !! YOU DON’T !! NOW GET YOUR FUCKING SLUTTY ARSE OVER HERE!! Mistress Elektra said.Yes Mistress Elektra I replied. I gathered the spunk filled film container from the freezer and set about my journey but I was called again and had to undertake another task.I had to visit my local supermarket and find a suitable bottle to shove up my arse as a butt plug as I drove to see my Goddess. Walking around Tesco’s and face timed with Mistress Elektra was raising a lot of attention to the staff as I was requested to show what bottles were available for a butt plug ! I found something to Mistress Elektra’s liking and I proceeded to the checkout and then off to the car park. As I sat in my van I loosened my belt to my jeans and lowered them so I could shove the bottle up my arse as ordered and sit on it as I made my way to Sutton! With no lube it was a bit of a task and also very sore but I managed to shove it up my arse! Now Wembley to Sutton is a long drive and I never realised until now how bumpy the roads were with potholes as every time I hit one the bottle would slam further up my rectum!!!Imagine if I got stopped by the police and I had to get out with a bottle shoved up my arse! I would have some explaining to do !! I am sure Mistress Elektra would find that very amusing ! During my journey to Mistress Elektra’s I pulled up behind a bus and there was a group of teenage girls dressed up for a night out clubbing at the back of the bus and were bouncing up and down on the rear seats. They were making suggestive faces as they were bouncing up and down so I copied them and bounced hard up and down on my drivers seat feeling the bottle up my arse ! They laughed but little did they know that I was bouncing up and down on a bottle up my arsehole ! Throughout my journey I was texted constantly by Mistress Elektra reminding me what a pathetic submissive cunt I was and that I simply could not refuse her perverse and disgusting demands! I was instructed to text Mistress when I had finally arrived after a painful 50 mins journey of sitting on the bottle butt plug up my arse!! I parked my van and made my way down Cheam High Street and I received a phone call through my hands free phone and I was instructed to get a MacDonalds take-away bag that was left on the top of a large wooden bin by a bus stop opposite the local supermarket. Mistress can observe your every move from her apartment window so her instructions cannot be disobeyed.”I HAVE PREPARED A SPECIAL MEAL FOR YOU MY LITTLE PATHETIC COCK SUCKER”Mistress Elektra said. “A special meal? I hate Macdonalds Mistress !” I reluctantly replied ! “SHUT UP YOU CUNT AND DO AS I SAY!!!””REMEMBER I AM WATCHING YOU SO YOU BETTER DO AS I SAY OR YOU CAN FUCK OFF WITH THAT BOTTLE UP YOUR ARSE AND PISS OFF HOME!!! IS THAT CLEAR SLAVE?”Mistress Elektra said. “Yes Mistress Elektra” I replied .”OPEN THE TAKE AWAY BAG AND YOU WILL SEE A POLYSTYRENE BURGER CONTAINER, SOME FRENCH FRIES IN A LITTLE PAPER BAG AND A BOTTLE OF ORANGE JUICE. BUT BEFORE YOU START ENJOYING YOUR SPECIALLY PREPARED MEAL BY YOUR MISTRESS I WANT YOU TO OPEN THE BUN AND SMELL IT!!! “Mistress Elektra said I removed the polystyrene burger container from the bag and I opened the bun and I could see it was packed with what smelt like shit….with a salad topping!!!”DOES IT SMELL NICE YOU COCK SUCKING BITCH? “I was asked by Mistress Elektra “You cannot expect me to eat this Mistress Elektra!!!!” It’s disgusting and degrading !!” I replied. Mistress Elektra responded..”EXACTLY!!!! THATS THE WHOLE POINT YOU BITCH!!! NOW START EATING MY SPECIALLY PREPARED SHIT BURGER BEFORE IT GETS COLD AND MAKE SURE YOUR FACING THE WINDOW OF THE SUPERMARKET AND YOU WILL CONSUME EVERY BIT OF IT!!!!!! IF YOU DON’T I WILL CUT YOU OFF FROM ALL COMMUNICATION WITH ME!!!!!!””But Mistress I can’t do it ” I responded despondently “NO BUTS YOU PATHETIC PRICK!!!!!! FUCKING DO IT NOW!!!! CHEW ON MY FRESH SHIT SLAVE AND EAT IT ALL UP OR YOU CAN FUCK OFF!!!!…….” OH COME ON SLAVE ……..(short pause)……..I HAVE PUT SOME FRESH SALAD IN THE BUN AS A TOPPING FOR YOU !!!!.. LOL”Mistress Elektra said.As I proceeded to eat Mistress Elektra’s shit filled salad bun she continued to laugh and made abusive comments on how pathetic and weak I was and I could see I was being watched by some of the supermarket cashiers and I felt very manisa escort uneasy because they had observed I had taken the bag left on the wooden dustbin so I turned around so my back was to the window of the supermarket but more abusive comments followed through my hands free headphones to my mobile phone as I became very self conscious with the supermarket employees watching and I was ordered to turn back around so the staff can watch me eat the shit filled salad bun!! As I continued to bite into the bun a small amount of shit squeezed out of the side of my mouth and Mistress Elektra noticed this immediately before I could wipe it away with my hand !”PUSH THE SHIT HANGING OUT OF YOUR MOUTH BACK IN YOUR GOB YOU PATHETIC CUNT AND SUCK ON YOUR FINGERS !!!!Mistress Elektra commanded ! I did as Mistress Elektra demanded ! “ARE YOU ENJOYING YOUR SPECIAL MISTRESS ELEKTRA MACDONALDS MEAL SLUT? “I was asked as she continued to laugh. ” No Mistress Elektra” I responded .”GOOD !!!! ” Mistress Elektra said “YOU ALSO HAVE SOME FRENCH FRIES THAT I HAVE SUBMERGED IN A JUG OF MY FRESH WARM PISS TEN MINUTES AGO SO IT’S ALSO FRESH!!!!… LIKE MY SHIT!!! …. EAT THEM ALL UP SLUT!!” Mistress Elektra said.I began eating the very soggy piss soaked French fries as Mistress instructed and I felt totally debased and humiliated ! Thinking I could at least wash the taste of piss & shit out of my mouth with the bottle of orange juice in the bag I was mistaken !! ” DON’T THINK YOUR GETTING OFF LIGHTLY YOU COCK SUCKER!” I HAVE ALSO PREPARED YOU A SPECIAL JUICE TO WASH DOWN THE FRIES & BURGER YOU BITCH!!!! …….ITS MY FRESH AND WARM PISS!!!!! DRINK IT YOU WORTHLESS CUNT!!! Mistress Elektra said I proceeded to drink the warm piss out of the Macdonalds orange juice bottle until I started to choke and then I stopped. I was told to drink every last fucking drop and then make my way to the apartment. As I entered through the rear garden gate I was instructed to gather some stinging nettles from the bush in the garden and then to shove them down my pants! My arsehole was on fire considering how it’s been abused for over an hour and I proceeded to gather some stinging nettles and I was observed to make sure I had a generous amount to cause more pain and then I stuffed them down my pants as Mistress Elektra looked on through the rear window overlooking the garden. I proceeded up a small flight of wooden stairs to Mistress Elektra’s apartment and knocked on the door. Mistress Elektra opened the door and she cut a very dominant and imposing figure standing well over six foot tall in her red spiked stiletto heels and tight latex trousers which showed off her powerful bodybuilder like thighs and she was also wearing a tight multi buckled leather basque. This was complemented with a very hard look on her face!!!”GET IN HERE YOU SHIT EATING CUNT!!!” Mistress Elektra shouted! Just as I entered her apartment she spat in my face and slapped me HARD and then grabbed me around the neck with her hand choking me!!YOU DISGUSTING CUNT!!! ” ….. “I DON’T CARE IF YOU NEVER ENJOYED EATING YOUR MISTRESSES SHIT!!!…….IT GAVE ME GREAT PLEASURE WATCHING YOU EAT IT !!!!!!!……THAT’S ABOUT ALL YOUR FUCKING GOOD FOR!!! EATING MY SHIT, TREATED LIKE SHIT AND TAKING COCKS UP YOUR SHIT HOLE!!!!! YOU HAD BETTER GET USED TO IT SLAVE BECAUSE I HAVE HAD MANY THOUGHTS ON HOW I AM GOING TO SERVE UP MORE OF MY SHIT FOR YOU TO EAT!!!!!! OVER AND OVER !!!! PATHETIC CUNT!!!!! UNDERSTAND ?!!!Mistress Elektra said “Yes Mistress Elektra” I responded. “GET DOWN ON ALL FOURS NOW YOU USELESS CUNT!!!Mistress Elektra said. I got down on all fours as instructed and I was looking down at Mistress Elektra’s extreme red high heels that have golden spiked heels which are so thin she could easily puncture your balls!! I am sure that was her reason for purchase them!!! Mistress Elektra moved behind me and started to prod at the bulge in my jeans in between my arse cheeks with her heels caused by the bottle up my rectum !! This was then followed by a swift and hard kick !!! I screamed out in pain only to be told by Mistress Elektra.” JUST CHECKING TO SEE IF THE BOTTLE IS STILL UP YOUR ARSE !!!! LOL “Mistress Elektra said.This was followed by more swift kicks until I rolled over in pain and then my face was pinned to the floor by Mistress Elektra’s golden spiked heel ! “YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE YOUR ARSE SEVERELY ABUSED YOU CUNT BECAUSE YOU HAVE MADE ME WAIT TOO LONG TO STRETCH YOUR ARSEHOLE OUT!!THIS HAS MADE ME VERY ANGRY AND YOUR GOING TO TAKE MY COCK MORE OFTEN!!!!! AT LEAST TWICE A WEEK!!!!!! TRAINED TO TAKE MY BIG RED COCK !!! ……DEEP AND HARD!!!!!!………….I AM GOING TO RUIN YOUR ARSEHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!STRETCHED OUT SO I CAN FUCK IT FOR HOURS !!!! IS THAT UNDERSTOOD COCK SUCKER? Mistress Elektra said Yes Mistress Elektra I replied. “GOOD !”……YOU SEE SLAVE THERES NOTHING MORE THAT GIVES ME PLEASURE THAN TREATING YOU LIKE SHIT !!!!! OH……. AND r****g YOUR POCKETS OF YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY FOR THE PLEASURE I GET ABUSING YOU !!!!!!!Mistress Elektra replied. “NOW FUCKING STAND UP AND REMOVE YOUR JEANS SO I CAN HAVE A LOOK AT YOUR BOTTLED UP ARSEHOLE AND YOUR SORE COCK CAUSED BY THE STINGING NETTLES!!Mistress Elektra said. I stood up and removed my jeans and pulled my underpants down to my knees and the bottle end was just visible! Mistress Elektra held the end of the bottle and started to vigorously shove it in and out of my arsehole! I groined at the pain and the stinging nettles were stuck to my pre-cum oozing cock and to my balls!! This allowed Mistress Elektra to grind the nettles into my cock and balls as my arsehole was being pumped with the bottle!! OH YES…Mistress Elektra said! TAKE IT LIKE A BITCH !!! Mistress Elektra removed the bottle covered in my shit juice from my arse and held it up to my nose!! DOES THIS SMELL FAMILIAR SLAVE? Mistress Elektra asked? Yes Mistress Elektra I replied. WELL YOU KNOW YOUR GOING TO HAVE TO SUCK ON IT AND LICK ALL YOUR SHIT JUICE OFF IT!! YOU SHOULD BE GETTING USED TO IT BY NOW CONSIDERING YOU HAVE JUST EATEN MY SPECIALLY PREPARED SHIT BURGER!!! LOL Mistress Elektra said. I started to lick on the bottle tasting of my arsehole juice and my arsehole was burning from the prolonged insertion and vigorous fucking with the bottle! My cock and balls were getting really red and sore due to the stinging nettles. Mistress Elektra can certainly multi-task! HAVE YOU CLEANED THE BOTTLE PROPERLY SLAVE? Mistress Elektra asked.Yes Mistress Elektra, I replied. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THE SPUNK FILLED FILM CONTAINER CUNT FACE? I DO HOPE YOU HAVEN’T FORGOTTEN IT OR YOU WILL BE IN BIG TROUBLE !! Mistress Elektra said.I have it in my jeans pocket and I will get it for you . I replied. I removed it from my jeans front pocket and handed it to Mistress Elektra. She opened it and looked at the thick creamy spunky content inside. IT SEEMS AS IF YOU SHOULD HAVE EMPTIED YOUR BALLS ONCE MORE AS ITS A FEW MILLIMETRES SHORT OFF THE TOP!!! Mistress Elektra said. “Maybe it evaporates with the heat in my pocket” I commented. Then manisa escort bayan all of a sudden a hard knee into my balls made me collapsed to the floor in excruciating pain! “I DONT WANT ANY FUCKING EXCUSES YOU CUNT!!!! …….. I TOLD YOU I WANTED IT FULL!!!! ……. IS THE CONTAINER FULL OF YOUR SPUNK?” Mistress Elektra asked. No Mistress Elektra I said. YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS FAILED ATTEMPT LATER ON!!! NOW GET OVER MY FUCKING STOOL SO I CAN INSPECT YOUR ARSEHOLE YOU USELESS CUNT!!! Yes Mistress Elektra, I responded. I proceeded to move over to the fucking stool in front of the large mirror and placed both knees up onto the knee rests and bent over to the padded chest cushion. My ankles were tied securely and my upper body was belted down to the padded cushion. I could see in the mirror that Mistress Elektra was putting on some long black latex gloves which went up to her elbows ! Surely you don’t ever need to be covered up to your elbows except for deep fisting?? !!! The fucking stool was placed at an angle so you could see Mistress Elektra going to work on my arsehole! She inserted both of her index fingers into my sore arsehole and pulled them apart slowly and stretching the entrance to my shit hole.”OH BOY…… YOUR SHIT PIPE STILL LOOKS RATHER TIGHT TO TAKE MY BIG RED COCK” Mistress Elektra commented. She inserted more fingers of each hand to get a better grip into my anal tract but this time pulled them hard apart and I screamed out in pain! “OH COME ON YOU COCK SUCKER!!! AM I BEING TOO forceFUL?!!!!!! REMEMBER WHAT I SAID TO YOU EARLIER AND IN THOSE TEXT MESSAGES I HAVE BEEN SENDING YOU OVER THE LAST FEW DAYS?!!!!” Mistress Elektra move from her position in between my legs and walked slowly over to where my head was resting on the cushion part of the stool and bent down and whispered in my ear…… .”SLUT”………(short pause)……… “I AM GOIMG TO RUIN YOUR ARSEHOLE!!!!!!!”Mistress Elektra moved slowly back to her position in between my legs. Large amounts of lube were applied to the entrance and inside my puckered arsehole and Mistress Elektra once again inserting her fingers into my arse but this time with her right hand and started to turn her hand in a screwing motion. Moving slowly in and out and expertly stretching the anal muscles and increasing the speed as she inserted her hand deeper.She removed her hand again and then placed her thumb into the cup of her fingers and inserted her hand again and began the screwing motion once again until her whole hand was up my arse just past her wrist. I groaned out in pain and discomfort but this seemed to encourage Mistress Elektra !!!”OH WHATS THE MATTER SLAVE? …..ARE YOU IN PAIN AGAIN??!!!! I DON’T CARE BECAUSE I AM ENJOYING ABUSING YOUR ARSEHOLE!!!!!!! Mistress Elektra said.After fifteen minutes of anal abuse I was being fisted with so much lube down my shit pipe Mistress Elektra’s fist was making a “slurping” noise as it was being pumped and twisted in and out of my arse!!! “DO YOU RECOGNISE THE SLURPING NOISE THATS COMING FROM YOUR ARSEHOLE AS I AM FISTING IT CUNTBOY?” I HAVE LEFT YOU MANY VOICEMAILS WITH THIS SLURPING SOUND AS A REMINDER OF WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR ARSEHOLE WHEN I ABUSE IT!!!!! …… I THINK I SHOULD RECORD THIS SOUND WITH MY IPHONE AND SEND IT TO YOU AS ANOTHER REMINDER SLUT! Mistress Elektra said.Mistress Elektra proceeded to pump my arsehole again with her fist and verbally abuse at the same time as she recorded the action with her iPhone for her amusement and stored it to torment me in the future via voicemail as reminder of who owns my arse!!!! Mistress Elektra move away from in between my legs and over to her large selection of big strap-on cocks. She put on her home made harness which has very thick and strong leather straps which are needed to hold such big monster cocks and to withstand vigorous arse fucking!! She slipped her very thick red cock into her harness and moved over to my head. She opened the black plastic film container which contained my spunk and poured some of its contents onto its big red helmet! “WELL COCK SUCKER!!!’ YOU HAVE TO SUCK COCK PROPERLY SO I AM ADDING SOME SPUNK FOR GOOD MEASURE !!!! LOL AFTER ALL YOU HAVE TASTED MY SHIT AND PISS TODAY SO WHY NOT DO A COMPLETE JOB!!!’ LOL Mistress Elektra saidMistress Elektra started to prod the massive red cock head of her strap-on against my lips and she began forcing it into my mouth and instructing me to suck all the spunk off like a good cock sucker!!! This proceeded for quite a while and my jaw was getting very sore in the process!!! OH COME ON COCK SUCKER!!! WHATS THE MATTER?? IS YOUR MOUTH HURTING??? LOL Mistress Elektra commented.She then moved away from pumping my sore mouth until all the spunk was licked off and proceeded to stand in between my legs looking at my gapping arsehole. NOW ITS TIME TO RUIN YOUR ARSEHOLE WITH MY BIG RED COCK SLUT!!!!” Mistress Elektra said”HMMM. YOUR ARSEHOLE IS GAPPING NICELY NOW DUE TO ME FISTING YOU BUT IT NEEDS TO BE RUINED MORE SO IT LOOKS LIKE A BUCKET !!!! LOL !! NOW LETS SMEAR SOME OF YOUR SPUNK ONTO MY COCK AGAIN SO I CAN SHOVE IT UP YOUR ARSE AND THEN YOU CAN TASTE YOUR SHIT AND SPUNK TOGETHER WHEN I HAVE FINISHED FUCKING YOU BITCH!!!!!Mistress Elektra said.Mistress Elektra smeared more spunk onto her massive red cock and began to push the cock head up against my arsehole entrance but just prodding away in a teasing fashion! Even though I was fisted and stretched the cock head felt big against my arsehole entrance! I think Mistress Elektra’s comments about being turned into a bucket arsed slut is going to be true! Slowly the massive cock-head slipped into my arsehole and could feel it’s very thick girth!!! Mistress Elektra grabbed my hips and held me tightly so I could not move forward on the fucking stool. The massive cock-head was removed and inserted from my arse many times over in a teasing fashion making a popping/slurping sound due to its very tight fit and copious amounts of lube and spunk!!!”HOW DOES MY COCK HEAD FEEL SLUT? “Mistress Elektra askedIt’s too big Mistress Elektra! I moaned!! “TOO FUCKING BIG? ….FUCK YOU…..I AM GOING TO **** YOU BITCH!!!”YOUR GOING TO TAKE ALL OF MY BIG RED COCK YOU PATHETIC PUSSY ARSE BITCH!!!! “Mistress Elektra said.The fucking motions were now getting deeper and deeper and well past the massive cock head as I could feel this massive invasion up my anal tract!!!! I was fucked for quite a while until I was able to take the massive big red cock right up to its hilt ! Occasionally when the massive cock was buried to its hilt in my arse Mistress Elektra would apply a technique to move her hips in a grinding circular motion making sure her crutch was always pressed tightly to my arsehole!!!”MY CIRCULAR HIP MOTION IS TO MAKE SURE YOUR ARSE IS STRETCHED AND RUINED PROPERLY!!!!! THEN I CAN FUCK YOU WITHOUT YOU SCREAMING LIKE A BITCH !!! MIND YOU I DO LOVE IT WHEN YOU SQUAL LIKE A BITCH!!!! LOLMistress Elektra said. Mistress Elektra continued to pump away at my arsehole and with this prolonged abuse the big red cock was just escort manisa slipping in and out easily as Mistress Elektra was admiring her big red tool slamming into my arsehole. Sometimes Mistress Elektra would totally withdraw her cock and slam it straight in up to its hilt in one motion! I was totally used like a pussy arsed slut and Mistress Elektra finally withdrew her massive cock and looked at my arsehole. “MMMMMMMMMM….OH YES!!!!….. NOW THATS LOOKING MORE LIKE IT SLUT! THATS WHAT I CALL A RUINED ARSE!!!.LOLI AM GOING TO TAKE SOME PICTURES OF YOUR RUINED SHIT PIPE AS A REMINDER OF WHAT I DID TO YOU AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO TO YOU !!!!!!!!!! YOUR ARSEHOLE IS NEVER GOING TO BE THE SAME!!!! WHAT A LOVELY THOUGHT!!!!! Mistress Elektra said.After taking a few pictures Mistress Elektra moved back around to my head and started to wave the massive red cock in my face!! “NOW YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR GOING TO HAVE TO DO DON’T YOU ?……..THATS RIGHT……….DO WHAT YOUR MEANT TO DO AND SUCK MY COCK!!! Mistress Elektra said.Mistress Elektra started to rub the shit and spunk covered cock along my lips and due to the massive cock head a huge amount of arse juice and spunk had gather at the base of the cock head which I was forced to lick up every last drop. “GOOD BOY YOU COCK SUCKING BITCH!! THATS IT CLEAN UP ALL YOUR SHIT AND SPUNK!!! Mistress Elektra said.After a while my mouth once again had a strong taste of shit in it but this time with the added taste of spunk!!! Mistress Elektra finally withdrew her cock from my mouth and slapped me hard in the face!!! I was then released from the straps holding me down onto the fucking stool and then told to get dressed. I pulled on my underpants and my jeans and then put on my black shirt. “YOU HAVE DONE OK TODAY SLUT BUT THERE IS A LOT OF ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT BITCH!!! WE WILL GET THERE WITH MORE TRAINING!!!!!!Mistress Elektra said.Thank you Mistress Elektra for allowing me the honour of serving you. I will go now as I am very sore! I said .”DID I SAY I WAS FINISHED WITH YOU SLUT? ” Mistress Elektra gave me a hard slap across my face!!! “THERE IS ANOTHER TASK YOU HAVE TO UNDERTAKE COCK SUCKER!…..REMEMBER I ASKED YOU TO FILL UP THE PLASTIC FILM CONTAINER WITH YOUR SPUNK AND YOU FELL SHORT?!!!! SO I AM GOING TO SEE YOU HUMILIATED IN PUBLIC!!!!!! I HAVE LEFT A SMALL AMOUNT OF YOUR SPUNK IN THE FILM CONTAINER FOR A REASON!!!!!!!! I AM GOING TO POUR IT DOWN THE FRONT OF YOUR BLACK SHIRT AND SMEAR SOME THICK GLOBS ON YOUR CHIN AND AROUND YOUR MOUTH AND YOUR GOING TO WALK DOWN THE BUSY HIGH STREET TO WHERE YOUR PARKED!!! I WILL BE AT YOUR SIDE SO I CAN INTERACT IF ANYTHING SHOULD HAPPEN SLUT !!! LOL Mistress Elektra said. But Mistress Elektra that’s just too perverse an act to do in public!!! I argued!! Then once again I was slapped very hard across my face for my petulant behaviour!! “I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU FUCKING THINK!!! IF YOU DON’T DO WHAT I WANT YOU KNOW WHAT THE CONSEQUENCES ARE!!! I WILL CAST YOU ASIDE LIKE A PIECE OF SHIT AS YOUR EASILY REPLACED YOU USELESS CUNT! “”YOU ARE DESPERATE FOR ME TO BE IN YOUR PATHETIC LIFE AND I KNOW THIS BECAUSE YOU CAN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT ME CAN YOU SLUT?!!! “”REMEMBER YOU WERE AWAY FROM THE BDSM SCENE FOR FOUR YEARS AND I HAVE DRAWN YOU BACK IN AND THERE IS NO ESCAPE!!!… YOUR MINE AND YOU KNOW YOU CAN’T PULL AWAY NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY!!! I HAVE FUCKED UP YOUR MIND AS WELL AS YOUR ARSE!!!”I could not take the risk of being cut off by Mistress Elektra so I had to yield to her disgusting demands once again. She began to pour the sticky spunk down my black shirt and smeared some around my mouth and put a large glob on my chin! “NOW YOU LOOK LIKE WHAT YOU ARE!!! ……A COCK SUCKER!!!”LOL Mistress Elektra commented.Mistress Elektra put on her long leather trench coat and some less extreme heels and we headed down to Cheam High Street making our way to where I was parked. We were attracting a lot of attention as we walked down the high street and I was shaking like a leaf with nerves knowing I would be noticed with spunk around my mouth and down my shirt!!! My thoughts had been vindicated as I started to get some disgusting looks from pedestrians we just walked passed and some made humiliating comments. We walked past a wine bar where a crowd of girls were celebrating what looked like a Hen night and two girls had broken away from the main group and noticed the spunk on my chin and shirt.OMG!!!! One of them shouted and put her hand over her mouth in disbelief and threw her glass filled with wine into my face!! “You disgusting wanker” she said.”OH DON’T WORRY!! ….HE’S A COCK SUCKER!!!!!! Mistress Elektra said out a load!!Mistress Elektra started to verbally abused me in front of the two girls. I was slapped and spat on by Mistress Elektra and she grabbed my hair and pulled me away from the girls and I could see they had alerted the rest of the hen party group on what they had just witnessed!!!”OH THAT WAS FUN!!! I LOVE HUMILIATING YOU IN PUBLIC YOU BITCH !!!! LOL Mistress Elektra said.We finally made it to where my van was parked and what should have been a short journey seemed to take forever! RIGHT BITCH….. YOU HAVE PLEASED ME A LITTLE BIT…… BUT NOT ENOUGH!!!! YOU GOT OFF LIGHTLY DOWN CHEAM HIGH STREET!!!! NEXT TIME WE ARE GOING TO HEAD OFF TO SOHO WITH SPUNK SMEARED ONTO YOUR BLACK SHIRT AGAIN AND A BIG GLOB ON YOUR CHIN AND WE ARE GOING FOR A DRINK IN A GAY PUB!! ……..YOUR GOING TO GET YOUR ARSE FUCKED IN THE TOILETS AS I WATCH AND SPUNK SWALLOWING IS A MUST!!!!!! YOU SPUNK BUCKET BITCH!!!!! Mistress Elektra then grabbed me by the throat and once again spat in my face followed by another hard slap!”OPEN YOUR LEGS YOU BITCH SO I CAN KICK YOU IN THE BALLS!!!! Mistress Elektra demanded! There were people in the car park who had witnessed Mistress Elektra spit in my face and slapping me but that never distracted her! In fact she thrives on the attention she’s gets when she abuses her subjects in public!!! Then before I could blink I was kicked hard in the balls which brought me to my knees and the people who were watching just laughed and someone shouted out “You fucking pathetic cunt!!! and Mistress Elektra just laughed!!! As I was on my knees mistress put her index finger under my chin and lifted up my head so that I was looking straight into her evil piercing eyes! “YOU HAVE TO SECRETLY TAKE ME ON YOUR family HOLIDAY ABROAD THAT YOU BOOK FOR THREE WEEKS EVERY YEAR SO I CAN USE AND ABUSE YOU! YOU ALWAYS MAKE EXCUSES THAT SOMETHING HAS COME UP AND YOU CANT GO AHEAD WITH IT!! I REALLY DON’T THINK YOU COULD HANDLE ME FOR THREE WEEKS!!! I WOULD USE YOU AS MY URINAL EVERY MORNING!!! SQUAT OVER YOU IN MY EXTREME HEELS AND SHIT DIRECTLY IN YOUR MOUTH WHICH WOULD BE WASHED DOWN WITH MY FRESH PISS!!!! OH YES……. EVERY FUCKING MORNING BITCH!! ….CAN YOU HANDLE THAT???? HAVE THE BALLS AND PROVE IT!!!! NOW FUCK OFF AS I HAVE FINISHED WITH YOU FOR NOW YOU PATHETIC CUNT!!!! Mistress Elektra responded. That’s just disgusting Mistress Elektra!!! I responded.I KNOW IT IS BITCH!!! THATS WHY I LOVE IT!!!!!! Mistress Elektra said.I brought myself up from the floor and walked slowly with great pain to my van….I headed off home with a very sore and ruined arse, excruciating pain in my balls and with the taste of spunk, shit, piss and spit in my mouth!!!!! SLAVE S.
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