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Shopping Spree with sister in Law“I would really value your opinion,” I said. My sister-in-law looked at me in thought and said, “Well, tomorrow after work, I can meet you at that store, where is it again?” Very happy to hear this, I told her where it was and we agreed to talk after she was done with work tomorrow. I reminded her that I didn’t want my wife to know that I received help and to keep it hush hush. She agreed and we parted ways. I could not contain my excitement and as soon as I got into my car, I began to laugh to myself in a giddy sort of way.I had been passing this store for a few years now to and from my work and every time, I would look in the large window display and admire the mannequins in their sexy and fashionable outfits. The store looked a little hip and somewhat glamorous and I wished my wife would wear clothes of this nature. I know my wife has been struggling with her weight and did not have all the confidence in the world and often bought the same bland clothing that made her “comfortable”. While I totally understood this, as I could afford to lose a few pounds myself, it did not stop my daydreaming of having a woman on my arm wearing such sleek and sexy dresses and outfits. This is when thoughts would often turn to my wife’s sister. She had the body to pull off such dress wear. While she dressed well it usually was conservative and affordable and I always thought if she were my wife, I would take her on a shopping spree and treat her right. But I was not her husband and had to remember that.The next day arrived and as I was on a conference call, I saw a text come across my phone. It was Noreen letting me know that she would be leaving her job in about a half hour and was it still good for me. While not skipping a beat, I listened to the call and quickly wrote that today is fine and I would see her there at 3:30, as it was not too far from my work. I could not concentrate on the call with the thought of shopping for my wife and being anxious to see the look on her face. At the same time, I felt delighted that my attractive sister in law would be helping me do so. Noreen, with her fashion sense, stands about 5’9”, nice firm legs and ass, toned abs and small pert breasts. Her squarish jaw line resembled some models of today and her pouty lips are something to watch while listening to an often mundane conversation. I would like to see more of her dirty blonde hair but she bleaches it blonde and her big brown eyes stand out. I have said before she reminds me of a professional beach volley ball player when I see her in her athletic wear, which is often, as she craves the treadmill.As I pulled into the parking lot, I saw that Nor was already parked near the store. Walking towards her car, I noticed she was looking at her phone. She looked up as I neared her car and offered me the sweetest smile. Excited to have her here to help me, I opened up her car door and as she stepped out, she greeted me with a kiss on the cheek, at the same time, providing her cheek as well. She began telling me that she had never been in this store and that it looked pretty chic. I followed her lead as she went from rack to rack and checked out each display. She knew why we were here and I wanted to give her full autonomy. “This is nice….” She says, as she holds up a slinky number. Not having the same effect on the hangar to me as on a mannequin or person, I nod and say “uhhh ok….it does look nice, but will it fit her?” in my blunt and male driven tone. She smirks and hold up the dress again, as only a woman can and looks it over once more, spinning it around. “It might fit nicely in the chest area, but her hips may…well…” she explains… “She may just have to try it on.” She justifies. “I am sure she will, once I give it to her; I just want to get something as close as possible so I may not have to return it. She will just get the money back and delay buying something nice until she ‘loses weight’.” I chuckle and she nods in understanding. Sensing my frustration, she moves on, weaving through the racks like a trained blood hound. I find it so easy to walk a few feet behind her, watching her firm ass wiggle in her jeans, her slim waist line begging to be held and her blonde hair….wait! I am here shopping for my wife, I remind myself. Nor stops at a display where the mannequin is presenting a floral pattern dress and I see her admiring it. “I don’t see my wife wearing that.” I say. She nods and frowns and says “Yeah…I know…I was looking more for me…” and then smiles a guilty smile. Suddenly, all my thoughts turn to Noreen in that dress and I become instantly intrigued and found my pants beginning to tighten in the crotch area. “Why don’t you try it on?” I exclaim. Noreen just laughs and said “Nooo! I’m here to help YOU! And besides, my husband would not like to see me spending more money on a dress.” All sorts of ideas and thoughts were swirling through my head. “Well, I am certain that the dress will look better on you than that dummy there” which made her giggle “and I tell ya what…I would like to buy it for you for helping me mersin escort out…” I say. She looks at me like I am cra cra and says “Yeah…ok.” She begins to put down the dress. “Seriously, I would love to…” I say, and there was an awkward pause. She looks at me and our eyes lock. What felt elated before suddenly made me nervous. Was she beginning to think I was out of bounds by offering her a gift of a dress? Eventually, she releases my stare and shakes her head saying she doesn’t even think it will fit. Sensing that this is a total ruse, as a garbage bag would look good on her, I tell her to try it on. I pick up the dress and take her hand and she looks at me in surprise. I begin to drag her towards the dressing room and she offers a little resistance but soon gives in. She is chattering on about how ‘this isn’t right’ and ‘we didn’t come here to shop for her’.Standing in front of the entrance to the dressing area, it appears there are three rooms just inside. No one is manning the entrance and I push her in towards one of the changing rooms. She reluctantly walks toward it and looks back at me over her shoulder with a look that says ‘you are crazy’ and disappears behind the curtain. I am standing as if on guard by the entrance and take survey of the place. Soft music piped through the sound system, only one woman working at the register and I spy another sales person across the room restocking items in the jeans department.I hear the sound of clothing hitting the floor and turn and glance in the direction of Noreen and her boudoir. I see her sexy bare feet and her shoe boots off to the side and her jeans on the floor. I turn back towards the vastness of the store and again note that we are quite alone on this side of the place. “Tim, can you give me a hand?” I hear her say and for a moment, I am frozen. “Did you call me Nor?” I stammer. “Yeah, I need help with the zipper…” I move toward the curtain and she pulls it open to reveal herself to me. I quickly took note of her bra hanging on a hook and her blouse on another. I smile and she returns with a grin and I tell her how great she looks. “Thanks” she says, as she holds up her hair and spins around, presenting me with her backside and the zipper half way down her back. “I thought I could reach it but I can’t…” she says. I step towards her and gently tug on the zipper until it rises, simultaneously with something else in the room. “There.” I exhaled. She looks in the mirror and turns and twists, her hands on her hips, then she places them at her side and does the thing that all women do. They turn their head left for a few seconds and then right, looking at themselves peripherally. I laugh at the site of this and Nor notices my chuckle and asks what is so funny. “Nothing…nothing at all” I chuckle and say “in fact, you look perfect….” She smiles and I swear I see some blushing. She is looking again in the mirror and now she is on her toes, mimicking herself in heels. I recall that the shoe department is only steps away and tell her to wait right there. I quickly move out of the room towards the shoes. There is a 4’ high by 10’ display with all sorts of sexy shoes and shelves of them in boxes beneath. I see a sexy pair of 6” black heels and look down the column for a pair of size 10. Grabbing them I head back towards Nor and what catches my eye is a flirty red little number. I quickly size up the dress and grab that as well. Arriving at the room, she is still eyeing herself in the mirror, tugging and pulling at the dress, making it fit in all the right places. “Here you go….try these.” I say. Nor looks at the box and then the dress and gives me an inquisitive look. “Ohhh! I just saw that and wondered how that would look,” and I offer her a smile. She shakes her head as if to say I’m nuts and begins to unwrap the shoes from the box. She leans on the wall and lifts her leg one at a time to place the shoes on her feet. Her stance is now statuesque as she is a few inches taller than me and looking beautiful. She turns to me and looks at me as if to say “What do you think?” and I just gaze at her and say “You …look…stunning!” and I take a step closer to her. We are less than a foot apart and I am at a loss for a moment and say in a soft hushed tone, “Thank you…for helping me…” and I reach into her waist and pull her close enough to feel her warm breath on my face, as she exhales in surprise. At this moment, I am losing control and hoping that she either feels the same or forgives me for what I am about to do. I lean in and plant a soft kiss on her cheek; our eyes meet as I pull off, only inches apart as my other hand lands on her hip. I catch her eyes slightly closed and her lips are parted so I take it as a possible signal that there is female arousal. I lean in again, this time parting her lips with my tongue and my hands move up her back, over the dress and onto her bare should blades. Our tongues entwine in a swelling of love muscles searching for complete intimacy. Her eyes still closed as mine are opening, as I could not believe this was happening. After what seemed escort mersin like minutes but only seconds, we separate and again look deeply at each other. I smile and hold her tight and slow my release. “Nor….you taste great…” She gives me a weak smile as she realizes what had just happened. “Tim, I …uhhh…” and laughs a scared little laugh. “What did we just do?” I try and ease her fears and say “Nothing…why? I just wanted to thank you.” And I moved my hands from her waist. Stepping back, I reached for the other red dress and handed it to her and said “it would make me happy if you would try this on…but only if you really want to.” And then I turned and left the room. Now I am in a world of trouble if she comes out of there fully clothed, I think to myself. I will not know what to expect of our relationship at this point, as girls are free to change at the drop of a hat. On the other hand, if she is wearing that red dress, I think I may be in for a bumpy ride. For a lady in red represents a more exciting life. Something more exhilarating. She will represent an escape from the droll responsibilities of real life: an escape from doing the right thing. She will represent to me everything we’ve both always wanted. And Nor can do this with only one easy move.I found myself back in the shoe department, holding onto a pair of red Giovanti Rossi patent leather pumps and strolling towards the changing area. No sooner did I arrive that I heard a small voice call my name and I saw the curtain open. Out stepped Nor in that red little numberSmiling and standing legs apart, one knee slightly bent, hands on her hips. She sees me standing there and says “is that for me?”. I stood motionless and when I realized what she meant, I replied, “Ohhh….you mean the shoes? Why, yes…they are…” And walked up to her and kissed her hard on the lips. “Let’s see how they look on you,” I exclaimed and she moved into the room and turned and sat on the bench. I got down on my knee in front of her and placed the shoes on the ground. Hands on her sides, gripping the bench, she offered me her right foot first. Taking the shoe in my hand, I began placing it on her sexy foot, bending her knee further back, offering me a view between her legs. Immediately, the light in the room illuminated the space between Nor’s legs and I did a double take. There before me was a cleanly shaven pink pussy and I do believe it was glistening. In the corner of the bench I spied a pair of pink panties, possibly a thong. Slowly she lowered her leg, smiled and offered me the other. Gently, I placed her second shoe on and my hands lingered on her foot. Lovingly, I slid my coarse fingers up her calf to her knee and slowly up her thigh. She leaned her head back and cooed, closing her eyes. Once again, her signals were beaming out to me as I reached the hem of her skirt. Getting down on both knees now I moved in closer for a better look. She spread her legs allowing me a full frontal view and I placed my hands on both her knees and she spread even wider, forcing her dress to pull up and expose the center of the universe. A small dirty blonde patch of hair attached to her mons was pleasing to the eye. One glance at her with her head now back and her body arched let me know she was ready. Her love was wet with her excitement and anticipation of my skilled tongue. Slowly, I moved forward, taking the sweet aroma in, causing a slight dizziness. Reaching the clitoris, I danced around it before moving in and teasing it with a flicking motion. Shudders came from her body and my grip on her legs tightened. It appears I am in for a wild ride. I began my assault on her pussy lips, kneading them and tongue fucking her, scooping up the sweet nectar permeating from her hot box. She was moaning and bucking with my motions and the seat was getting soaked where she sat. I thought to myself, I guess I am going to have to buy this dress, and laughed inside with the giddiness of a teen.Before long, her hands left her sides and gripped the back of my head, her fingers entwined in my hair. Feeling the pressure pushing my head into her love, I began encircling her clit with nibbles in between. Her shaking and moaning intensified and she whispered in hushed tones, “Tim, I’m gonna cum!” Slowing down and speeding up my oral attack, she pressed my face into her snatch and squeezed her legs together to the point I couldn’t breathe. Patiently I waited for her to subside with some after-shock tremors and removed my face from between her legs. She was glowing and coming down from a well needed orgasm and this made me very happy to see. My cock was engorged and totally aroused and I stood up before her. She took notice and reached out and grazed her nails across my bulge. Her big brown eyes staring at me, I knew why I had always been attracted to her. It was her confidence, the way she carried herself, say nothing about her killer ass, long toned legs and, from what I just learned, her sweet tasting honey pot.Smiling, she stood up before me, still in her heels and I kissed her neck, slowly making my way to her mersin escort bayan lips and we kissed deeply. My hands fell to her sides and I felt her bare legs and moved her dress up; she flinched as I came close to her pussy and then relaxed. “I have an idea…” I stated, and spun her around to face the wall. Her surprise gave way to delight when I unbuckled my pants and dropped them to the floor. Springing up, my head caught the hem of her dress and she felt the heat from my penis touch her cool skin. With no direction needed, she placed both hands on the wall before her and spread her legs apart. Gripping my cock, she placed it at her wet sex and began to rub it up and down, lubing me up for the first entry ever. Not wanting to wait any longer, I pushed and the head slipped into her dripping cunt and she let out a gasp and then “ohhhhhhh”. Feeling like I had just entered heaven, my slow rhythm began….and so did our sexual dance. Sliding up her dress, I placed both hands on her waist as she moved in time with me, moving her ass backward with each of my forward strokes. My cock inched ever closer to her cervix, feeling like a little more motion and I would end up in her uterus! Caressing her body up and down, my fingers felt like they were touching velvet in this heightened state. I was almost in disbelief that this was happening, yet deep down this must have been what we both wanted, for a very long time. Moving up, I felt her small pert tits and gave them a gentle squeeze, rubbing her small hard nipples before leaving. She began to pick up her pace and small ohhs and aahs escaped from her pouty lips. Glancing to my right, the full length mirror exposed my clenching butt cheeks as my rod glided into my sister-in-law’s wanting piece; her long legs looking smooth, toned and tan in the fluorescent lighting, the red heels accentuating her perfect calves.The boiling point would soon be near, as I felt that all too familiar strain from my balls, heading like lava to the front lines. “Nor…I’m gonna cum soon….should I pull…” I hissed, and she replied “it’s ok… (heavy breaths)…let it go, Tim, cum in me…” I felt somewhat reassured and regained my sexual instinct to release my sperm into the most attractive female in the room. And at this time, it happened to be my wife’s sister, Noreen. After several more strokes my semen was traveling up the vas deferens in what seemed to be the speed of light. “Holy Fuck, here it comes, Nor!” as I spurted several ropes into her waiting pussy. Continuing my pumping, my body slapping against her ass was louder and more noticeable than I realized. “Ahhhhhrrrrrrr!” I moaned in a guttural and a****l like sound and pushed the last few strokes as deep as I could go. Suddenly fear came over me hoping that this would not be the last time. And as men do, the next thing that began creeping into my mind was guilt. A little late but there it was. I pushed it away and slid my cock from her and helped her to turn around. Holding her next to me now, we kissed a little more and apprehensively let go to gather ourselves together, realizing we were still in public.Once we had our shit together, literally and figuratively, we walked calmly towards the register to purchase the few “gently used” items. At the counter, I felt like all eyes were on us and I know Nor felt the same, barely holding her head up or looking myself or the cashier in the eye. But she was standing exceptionally close to me, which I enjoyed. The girl behind the counter, “Amy”, according to her name tag, a cute little brunette about 25 years of age, looked at me and said, “I hope everything fit?” with a smile. I could not help but return the smile and say “ohhh it did….perfectly!” With that, I took hold of the shopping bag, thanked her and took Nor by the arm and guided her towards the door. Once at her car, I could see that Nor had turned very quiet. Opening her door, I placed the items in the back seat and turned to see Nor standing before me, her one arm supporting the other, in which she held that pretty face, holding up her chin in a pensive look. Standing toe to toe with her I said, “I know what you are thinking, so don’t worry about a thing. We had a beautiful moment, we love each other, our spouses and we will work it out….ok?” She looked at me and tried to smile and nodded her head and her eyes welled with tears. She came into me and hugged me tight, her arms around me, her head on my chest. After a few moments she said, “I know what we did was not right, but I feel bad how much I loved it and…and…I…” she paused. I explained to her I totally understood how she felt and that we will decide if and how we want to proceed and for us to act like it was a normal brother-in-law / sister -in-law thing to do, like dancing at a wedding. She chuckled at this and I told her that before she went home, I would like to buy us both a drink and asked her what she thought. She looked at me and said “That does sound like a good idea….but just one!” and she smiled and made me feel better. “Just one, I promise…” I replied. I told her that there is a nice little quiet place just down the block, within walking distance and she said that was fine. We turned to go and to my surprise, she took my hand. We looked at each other and grinned a stupid grin and walked the few blocks in silence and bliss.

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