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Colin was a smart guy. He was taking his Master’s degree in physics during the time in which this story is set. He had dark brown hair that was thick and tickled his emerald eyes from underneath his black-rimmed glasses. He did not have a particularly muscular build, yet he was not fat. Sort of, average, in a way. He lived in a two-bedroom apartment building with his best friend and colleague, Martin. Across the corridor from their room lived their friend, Ella. Ella had deep blue eyes and dark ginger hair, which usually hung down a little past her shoulders. Colin never really thought of Ella as a potential lover, just a close friend. Maybe a metaphorical sister. She wasn’t overly smart, anyways. She was a talented musician, being able to play piano, flute and violin. Obviously not simultaneously, but she was very talented in all three. As far as he knew, she was still a virgin. As was he and Martin.
Colin was, by definition, a nerd. A geek, dweeb, boffin, whatever you may want to call him. Martin shared that personality. Colin had a Star Wars bedspread and pyjamas with rockets on them. He had a healthy fictional sword collection, including Orcrist from The Hobbit, the Master Sword from the Legend of Zelda, and countless others. maltepe escort He had the Razer Blade, the world’s best gaming laptop. On his desk he had a plethora of figurines. Some from Star Trek, others from Godzilla or Pokemon. He had a Dungeons and Dragons board game in one of his drawers. Colin possessed an array of crap that only his kind would appreciate. As you can imagine, girls did not find this massively attractive.
Neither Colin nor Martin have ever had a girlfriend, or even been on a date for that matter. Ella has had a couple of shots throughout her lifetime. She was 23, turning 24 in July. Colin and Martin were both 26, Martin older by a couple of months. Colin’s mother died to cancer in 2001, and Colin’s father is working hard as a cold storage worker. Colin has two sisters, Anna and Danielle, Anna being 24 and Danielle four years older. Colin also has a younger brother, who is in his penultimate year of high school. None of his family turned out as successful as Colin.
It was a normal British day. Sun’s out, but the temperature doesn’t agree. Martin drove Colin to Oxford University, where they both are studying. Colin doesn’t drive. And he’s not planning pendik escort to learn how to any time soon, either. Anyways, Martin’s silver Lexus rolled down several roads. Then Colin struck up conversation. And it wasn’t for the best.
“Do you like Ella?” he asked, rather unsensitively. The car jerked slightly as Martin took in the question.
“What kind of a question is that?” Martin asked.
“A good one.”
“No, I don’t. I’ve never really considered her that way,” Martin replied, knowing there was no point in arguing with Colin, for he would simply end up getting a lecture about why men have nipples or something. Colin always ends up teaching him something.
As they pulled into Martin’s designated space, the pair saw floods of students pouring into the university doors, with bags on and books in hand. Colin caught a glimpse of Ella, carrying her violin case. She looked straight back, smiled, waved, until she was swept away with the crowd. Colin and Martin caught up with Steven, their good friend. Everyone knows that Steven has the hots for Ella. It’s common knowledge. The only person that doesn’t know is Ella herself.
“What up, dudes?” Steven kaynarca escort said, making an odd ‘U’ shape with his hands.
“Fine thank you, Steven. And don’t do that,” Colin replied, making the stupid grin on Steven’s face shrink ever so slightly. Steven was 24 and was a very serious chemistry student. Outside the classroom, however, he was a bit of a dickhead. He thinks he is just the coolest guy in history and all the ‘chicks’ ‘dig’ him, quote unquote. Instead, he is a colossal pervert. Plus he thinks he has got it in with Ella.
After class, Colin and his classmates were told that next week were the exams. Colin and Martin both knew they had the Master’s in the bag. As they got in the car to go home, Ella came running up. Colin could see Steven staring wide-eyed at Ella’s ass as she ran. Colin just rolled his eyes and paid attention to what Ella had to say.
“Guys, can I get a lift home, please? I really, really can’t be arsed to walk home from here,” she pleaded.
“Do you hum?” Colin asked.
Do you make any kind of annoying noise?”
“Do you make radio requests?”
“Then welcome aboard, shipmate!” Colin smiled as Ella clambered into the car.
Once they were back at the apartment, Colin and Martin immediately grabbed their laptops and logged into Star Wars: Old Republic. They Skyped Steven and he played, too. They were playing for four hours when Ella opened the door. She saw them gaming and approached Martin, for Colin would probably break her neck with something if she interrupted him.
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