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(A Dylan James Adventure)

This is another in the continuing story of Dylan James, Hollywood stuntman and stud. Dylan’s adventures started out with the “One For the Road” series. Please check all his adventures out – but they are all stand alone stories. Thanks for the interest and support. And please remember to vote. All emails are welcome.

Chapter One – Emily

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.

It was the best of times because for Dylan the money was flowing to him in large amounts. His work as a stuntman, both as an independent and as part owner of the stunt company that employed him, was sending unexpected riches his way. At 38 years of age, he owned his own home in Los Angeles, a vacation home up on the Russian River, a truck, a vintage Harley, and he had plenty of money in the bank. The stunt company that he was part of was growing in leaps and bounds, so his percentage of ownership kept increasing in value. And while he was no stock wizard, he had accumulated a decent size stock portfolio. His professional life was busy and meaningful and rewarding. He was respected, had a great reputation of work and leadership, and he was thought to be one of the best stuntman in the business. His friends were encouraging him to think about trying his hand at producing and directing a film. Life was good.

It was the worst of times because it was so stressful and he was lonely. There was so much work coming at him from all sides that it was hard to keep up. He felt that he was becoming over whelmed by the constant strain of people demanding a piece of his time. The constant attention from eager and demanding directors and producers was beginning to show. He felt worn out. Plus his year long relationship with Brandi had ended recently, and he was very bummed about that. But the main reason for his downtrodden look at life at the moment was because his Mom having to move out of her home of 30 years and into a retirement community. She seemed to be in fine health, but the move and the breaking up of the family home made him realize that his mother was getting older and older. Life was pressing in on him as he felt old, stressed and a little sorry for himself while he sat at the Backstage Bar and Grill.

He had put in three extremely long days on the Sony lot in Culver City working on some aerial stunts for the new Hellboy 3 film. This was supposed to be an easy little gig when he agreed to it, but it had turned into something else. He was even more stressed because he had to catch a red-eye to Atlanta that night to help his Mom pack up the house. His plane took off in three and half hours and he just had time grab a quick bite to eat. After being held up on the film set for much longer then he needed to be, he finally managed to get away after an argument with the production manager. Now all he wanted was a quick beer and a steak sandwich. He had headed for the closest watering hole. The Backstage was right across the street from Sony and it was a favorite hang for the studio workers after work. On the weekend, it became a more trendy place for the up and coming in the neighborhood, but during the work week, it was a blue collar film workers bar.

Knowing that he would probably be held up on the set, he had packed his bag and clothes already. They were stored in his truck so he did not need to head home, but he was really feeling the pressure of having to be at the airport soon. He left his big F150 pickup parked on the Sony lot and walked across the street to the Backstage Bar. Walking through the door, Dylan looked around, and noticed that one of his favorite bartenders was on. She was a girl that he’d a brief affair with so she would at least be fun to talk with. There were still a couple of places at the bar, so he grab one and sat down. Brenda greeted Dylan as he sat, she was the head bartender here at the Backstage and she was 35 going on 25. She was smoking hot and knew it. He smiled at her and ordered a “Sammy” as he let his eyes linger on her ass as she moved down the bar. She was wearing low-rider jeans with a big silver buckle. The denim hugged her superior ass like a second skin as she swished her hips down the bar. She had a man’s shirt on with the sleeves rolled up and the bottom tied up high just under perky tits revealing her very tight abs and hipbones. She was showing a lot of skin and it all looked good.

When she brought the beer back, she leaned on the counter and talked to Dylan. They quickly caught up with each other as they chatted. The way she was standing caused her shirt to fall forward just a little so Dylan could see down her cleavage. He tried really hard not to stare down her shirt and stay focused on her face, but finally he succumbed. She knew he would look and he did too, taking in the sight of her braless tits moving back and forth under her shirt. She hit him on the arm as he leered down her shirt and walked away laughing. Dylan smiled as well. They flirted all the time, he had ridden Brenda to some amazing orgasms the few times they had hooked up, but bursa escort she was living with someone now so that door was closed. They remained good friends, but Dylan always hoped that the opportunity would come again, because she was that wild in bed.

As he nursed his beer, Dylan looked around to see who was keeping him company. He noticed a few of the regulars around and over in the corner near the huge big screen was a big party. There was a group of 20 somethings all dressed up and dancing around. Dylan noticed that several of the girls were really prime, but surprising for him, he felt out of the whole girl/guy thing. Ever since Brandi had left and gone back home to her family, he had felt lost and unsure of himself. He had not been faithful to Brandi during their time together, but neither had she. That is not what the relationship had been based on. He had introduced her to a new way of life. A freer and more independent lifestyle, sex and more sex, multiple partners, Los Angeles, sex parties, Vegas, exploring the more risqué sides of life, and they’d had a blast. He had schooled her, but her energy and passion for him and her new life had captivated him and he got hooked on her. He introduced her to agents and managers and helped her start a film career. She had even done a layout of Playboy. She was young, incredibly beautiful and completely hooked on him: his strong personality, his growing feelings for her, and of course, his really huge cock. But when her mother finally came out to rescue her daughter from the evils of LA, her small town guilt kicked in, and it was just a matter of time before she succumbed to her family’s wishes and went home.

Suddenly, Dylan’s life seemed very empty and he really did not know what to do with himself. He just wasn’t himself. Old girlfriends and lovers quickly found out he was free again and they dropped by. They noticed how different he was when he would not even try to fuck them. Dylan had lost his edge and he knew it. And it made him even more self-conscience. The result of all of this was he could not even seem to pick up women anymore. He wanted the distraction from his thoughts of Brandi, but he had just lost the confidence needed to be successful with women. Any women! He had been on the set of a TV show the last week, and he had noticed an incredible sexy young background actress, a young girl just starting out in show business. She had been about 5’9″ with really nice tits and a slim waist and a wonderful ass packed into skin tight jeans. She had long blond hair and an elfin face that was just a major turn-on for him. She was obviously interested in him. Yet, he was so awkward and fumbling around her, that by the time he finally made his move, she had lost all interest in him. And this was a girl that a month before would have been so overwhelmed by his charm and masculinity and attention, that she would have been begging and overcome with desire as he fucked her to end to end orgasms. She would have been putty in his very skilled hands as he took her to levels of desire she had never dreamed existed with his 9 inch cock and relentless passion. But as it turned out, she didn’t even give him her phone number. That had not happened since high school. His shaky confidence was one more reason that he felt so overwhelmed and down in the mouth right now.

As he finished his beer, he got Brenda’s attention and ordered another plus a steak sandwich. Then he settled back to watch either the Cowboys play Denver or Brenda’s wonderful ass sway back and forth behind the bar. The latter was much more entertaining than the game. As he slowly worked his way thru his beer and sandwich, the tension of the day began to relax away. The coziness of the bar and Brenda’s conversation plus her excellent ass made for a good time and he still had plenty of time to get to the airport and not be rushed.

Several times while he sat there different people from the party had come up the bar to order drinks. All the girls were young and dress in very skimpy dress clothes with a lot of short skirts, bare mid-drifts, and plunging necklines. The boys were a little too precious, and Dylan could not figure every one of the girls to be fag-hags. From the pieces of conversation that he heard at the bar it seemed that it was a work party after a success sales event.

He checked his watch and saw that he had about two hours and forty-five minutes till he had to be at the airport and almost four before he took off. Just as he was about to signal Brenda for another beer, a girl in a brown sweat-shirt and jeans sat down next to him with an empty glass. He glanced for a second and she smiled in return. She had long brown hair with blond highlights pulled back in a ponytail and she was wearing little or no makeup. Her sweat-shirt was very baggy, but her jeans were tight, and her figure looked good from what little he could see. The girl got Brenda’s attention and ordered a Greyhound. Brenda casually glanced at Dylan as the girl ordered, and gave him one of her knowing looks. Dylan hesitated bursa escort bayan for a second, which caused Brenda to raise her eyebrows in surprise. She knew his type, and this girl certainly fit that description. After a really long second, he barely nodded yes and Dylan had just bought her drink.

When the drink arrived and Brenda told her it was on Dylan, she whipped around and glared at him.

“I can pay for my own drinks.”

“I am sure that you can,” Dylan said sheepishly as he turned to face her. “It was not meant in any way to imply that you cannot afford your own cocktails.”

“So why did you do it?”

“Force of habit, I guess.”

“Well I suppose you think I am going to seat here and let you chat me up all for the price of a $7 drink?”

“No, actually if I was you, I would go back to the party,” he said resignedly. “That is what I would do given the situation.”

The girl was a little taken back by Dylan’s comment, and stood there for a second confused. Then she turned to Brenda and said, “Whatever he is drinking next, I am paying for it. Okay?” Brenda nodded okay and walked away.

“Thank you,” Dylan said. The girl almost smiled at that.

“I am going to be checking up on you, so don’t think about sneaking out without the other drink. Is that clear?” She said as she stared at Dylan.

“Yes, ma’am.”

With that she turned and walked back to the party. Dylan could very clearly see now that she had a great ass packed into her jeans. He turned back to the game and smiled to himself. That was the best conversation he’d had with a girl in about two weeks. He actually wondered if she would even return to checkup. That is how far off his game, he was. In the old days, he knew she would return.

About fifteen minutes later, he heard a voice next to him ask in a loud voice, “So did you pay for the drink?” Dylan turned to see the girl was standing next to him. She was looking at him in a mock angry way as if she was going to scold him if he gave the wrong answer.

“No, it is firmly on your bill. However, I did pay for my steak sandwich, if that is okay?” He joked.

“Food was never part of the equation. So that is fine,” she said as her tone and voice seem to change to something more mellow.

“Well, that is great to know. By the way, my name is Dylan. I figure if we trade drinks we should at least know who bought it.”

“Hi, I am Emily,” she said and with that she sat down on the stool next to Dylan. The pressure was on for Dylan now, he had been given the opportunity to interest her, but did he still have the skill and confidence. He took a deep breath, and dove into a conversation with a pretty young girl for the first time in what seemed like weeks. As the typical bar dance began, who, what, where, how and why, he quickly found out she was roommates with two girls from the party, a tall, beautiful Japanese girl named Janice, and a sexy Indian girl named Lubna. Their boss was a fashion designer who’d had a very successful fashion show earlier today, and everyone from the office was getting drunk and silly. Emily had been invited along to celebrate, but she had already gotten home from work and changed, so that is why she looked so plain in comparison. Dylan thought she was the best looking one there, but he kept that to himself.

Dylan began to tell her about himself – stunts, movies, famous actors, the whole routine. They had been talking about thirty minutes and he could not help but notice how pretty she was even without makeup or dressing up. The conversation even seemed to be going well – he found that he was relaxing a little. He started to notice little things about her. The way she tilted her head when she listened, how she moved her foot in a constant nervous energy motion, the way she touched his arm a couple of times when she laughed at things he said, and a shifting inside her very baggy sweat-shirt every time she moved. While he may have lost his edge, he was not blind. He was pretty sure from that movement that she was braless and had set of really nice tits hidden under there.

Her roommates, Janice and Lubna had dropped by a couple of times while they were talking. Janice was tall for an Asian woman, about 5’9″, wearing a short white skirt and a white tube top and 4 inch white heels. Her breasts seemed pretty large has they strained against her tube top. Against her skin color, the white clothes made her looked very hot. Lubna was much shorter, around 5″2″, with darker skin. She was wearing tight black pants and a halter top that did nothing to hide her even larger tits. Dylan was beginning to wonder if there was something in the water of their apartment, because it seemed like all three had rather impressive racks. Janice and Lubna seemed like little kids as they flirted and drank and flitted from one place to another. Emily, on the other hand, seemed a little older and more grounded. But no doubt about it – all three women were very hot.

After the last little visit by the roommates, Emily suddenly excused herself and headed escort bursa to the bathroom. She grabbed Janice and Lubna on the way to the bathroom, and the roommates hurried off. Brenda wandered over and nodded toward the bathroom. “Little young for you, isn’t she?” she smirked with an evil grin on her beautiful face. “Who knows what their planning in there for you.” He shook his head in the negative. He was expecting nothing. The conversation had not gotten very sexual beyond some light flirting, and he was just enjoying the company. Dylan had no idea where their evening was headed, he just knew that he had to be at the airport in about two hours, maybe three if he really pushed it.

When Emily and her roommates came out of the bathroom a few moments later, they stopped over at the party and spoke to some other girls. The trio kept looking over at Dylan and giggling. After a few moments, Emily came back to the bar by herself, and suggested that they go outside to smoke a cigarette. They picked up their drinks and headed outside. The Backstage had an outdoor patio that was pretty secluded. There was an area as you first came on to the patio that had chairs and tables and was pretty wide open. But along the back, they had placed planters and lattice work to divide the patio and create a very private section. You could only enter the enclosure from the end farthest from the door leading into the bar, giving you the sense that you were very secluded. There was no clear view into the secluded area except through the lattice work dividers. It seemed like you were alone back there.

As they came out onto the patio, they saw that it was empty, and Emily led Dylan around the divider and into the secluded back area. She climbed up into a tall bar seat and pulled out a pack of Marlboro’s. Then she pulled out a blunt and fired it up. Taking a long drag, she handed it to Dylan and watched him take an equally long toke himself. As he blew out the smoke and handed the blunt back to her, he could tell that this was powerful weed. Already his brain was a little fuzzy and a feeling of relaxation was starting to spread through his body. She took another long drag of the blunt and offered it to him again. He took a small hit and passed it back. He had to go easy or else he would have been so blasted he could not have made it out the door.

She put out the blunt and placed it back in the package of cigarettes. They both sat and talked for just a few moments, than it got quiet. For a long moment they sat looking at each other and saying nothing. He took a slip of his beer, and tried to be cool. The “MOMENT” had come and he was unsure as to what to do now. He felt like such a virgin. He had seduced 100’s of women by this time. He’d had more pussy then any ten men put together, but today he was stuck in neutral. As the tension built and he was sure that she was going to leave and go inside, she surprised him by leaned over and gave him a light kiss on his lips. Then she pressed her lips against his stronger and gently pushed her tongue into his mouth. Her tongue ran all around the inside of his mouth as it pushed along the sides and roof of his mouth. As they kissed one of her hands slid up behind his head, sliding through his hair and pulling his face tighter to her mouth. As the passion rose between them, she slipped off her seat and moved against his body pressing against him. He could feel her tits as she pressed her body against him. His tongue moved deeper into her mouth, teasing with hers. She moaned in her throat as she kissed him back hard and passionately. The kiss grew deeper and more passionate until they were kissing voraciously as if trying to devour each other.

Dylan was confused and excited at the same time. He had not been with a woman in weeks and he felt a little self-conscience like he would not remember how to do this. But he was so excited to at least be in a position to fuck a girl that he had to calm his mind down enough to analyze the situation. With all this emotions and thoughts running thru his head, he wisely decided to follow his instincts. They would tell him what to do.

He broke the kiss and began nuzzling his way down her neck and across her shoulder nibbling at her skin with his teeth, grinding them together gently. She jumped a little at the teasing of his teeth and leaned her head to the side, wanting to give him full access. His hands slid down and he gripped her ass in both his hands and pulled her body tight to him. She pushed her groin against his thigh and seemed to groan in anticipation as he nibbled on her neck. She in turn gripped his taut ass in her hands and squeezed hard.

Encouraged, his right hand left her ass and slide up along her back and around to her left breast. He gently cupped her ample breast and squeezed. As his fingers dug into her soft flesh, she groaned with pleasure and squeezed his ass harder. He now began to fondle both her breasts through the thick cotton of the sweat-shirt, enjoying the weight and feel of her fleshy mounds. He only did that for a second before slipping both hands under the shirt and onto her bare skin. His hands ran across her taut stomach and up to her bountiful tits. She gasped as his fingers cupped and began to squeeze her tits, then tease and pull at her hard sensitive nipples.

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