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For nine years Eliot Dickson had been Charles B. Woodstock’s trusted chauffeur, driving Charles everywhere at anytime, day or night. Eliot was paid handsomely for serving the industrialist so devotedly and Eliot often got to enjoy some perks.

Charles was happily married, so it was said. He was sixty-three while Elizabeth his second wife was forty-two, only a year older than their chauffeur and Charles’ daughters were forty-two and thirty-nine. Charles had made it quite clear that his family was out of bounds to Eliot but that rule did not apply to the other women Charles seduced in the rear of the limo.

Although fired with lust, Charles was prone to ejaculating early, a misdeed more common that men care to admit. So rather often when Eliot delivered Charles home after another half-baked adulterous encounter, the dissatisfied lady in the back would call to Eliot before they reached the main gates and left the property, “Oh Eliot, I feel like stopping somewhere discreet” or words to that effect. An occasional common bitch would call, “Stop the limo Eliot and fuck me.”

Common or not, what the women similarly featured were comely looks, big breasts and ample asses.

Being polite and cooperative, Eliot would stop the vehicle on request and enter the back compartment to finish the job that his employer had left hanging. Whenever Eliot delivered a woman home under this remarkable arrangement, next morning Charles would ask for a report. They would then discuss the relative merits of the women and they would be rated. The men saw it as good wholesome activity, not that women could be expected to see it that way.

Charles’ women were usually interested in repeat invitation because Charles would wine and dine them elegantly and much later Eliot would finish them off elegantly, being such a polite man with a beautifully fat and long penis.

One of Eliot’s favorites, Ellen, would look at him with her big round eyes as they said goodbye, “Eliot, you do give me the biggest mouthful of all men I’ve ever known.” Although she said it often, Eliot never tired of hearing it, aware the comely Ellen had known a large number of men during the past twenty years.

Elizabeth and her two married stepdaughters looked attractive and had reasonably sized breasts but delectable firm and small asses that made Eliot’s eyes wander and ferment his rampant mind. He longed to get at the pussies of each one of them but loyalty to his patron prevented him from plucking them.

Eliot knew from what Charles had told him Charles would go into a restaurant known to be popular with women who dined alone, being widows or their husbands were away on business or consorting with another woman or perhaps a male. Charles would enter, the waiters would rush him knowing he was a big tipper and that would attract the eyes especially of women dining alone. They would see the single flute delivered to Charles’ table. Charles would take a sip and if locking eyes with a comely woman would beckon her. Something like one out of four or five would be a lucky strike and go to Charles’ table where a waiter would arrive with a second flute before her ass touched the seat.

After dropping Charles at the restaurant Eliot would park somewhere and read the newspaper or listen to a jazz CD until Charles called and Eliot would drive to the entrance of the restaurant. Most women, seeing the Mercedes limo would automatically begin to open their legs. Only in a few instances would they insist on being driven to their home without as much as a hint of sexual favor.

On this wet and windy night Charles came down the steps of the restaurant with a redhead. Eliot parked discretely with the screen built into the front seat up. Unbeknown to Charles he’d installed two hidden cameras so if the lights were left on he’d follow the seduction or if the lights were out he’d just have audio but even that could be quite entertaining, particular if the outraged woman had never been previously asked to take it up the ass.

From camera feed Eliot knew this woman was called Helen and she had a real bush between her legs. She called it with pride, “My red forest.” Eliot watched, licking his lips, as Ellen pushed Charles’ head between his legs and then he lost interest, only to hear Helen sometime later scream, “Help, oh god help!”

Eliot raced around and opened the back door to find Ellen pinned. At first he thought Charles had fainted but soon found no sign of pulse and heard the final gurgling of a dead man.

Ellen was very brave about it. “Get him off me – oh god, is he still in me.”

“No, it’s shriveled and clear of you. Lack of blood flow I’m afraid.”

“No, no. Don’t speak to me about it.”

Eliot piled on charm. “You have a very beautiful bush Ellen.”

“Stop it. This is no time for flirtation.” At the same time she seemed very pleased.

Ellen you go and sit in the front. “I’ll deal with this.”

Eliot used a cleaning cloth dampened with window spray to clean Charles and zip him. He fastened Charles’ shirt Adana Escort buttons and knotted his tie and then struggled to get him into his jacket and then buckled his seat belt.

“There we go, all done. Do you wish me to finish…?”

“Please drive me home Eliot.”

“Right. Don’t say a word about this to anyone Ellen and no one will ever know Charles died while screwing you.”

After dropping off Ellen, Eliot raced to hospital A&E and reported his employed had coughed violently and then called out for help. “I think he’s dead.”

The body was raced off to check for vital signs and Eliot was asked to wait for the arrival of police.

Eliot called Elizabeth.

“Hi Mrs Woodstock. I’m calling from the hospital. It’s Charles. He appears to have suffered a heart attack. I raced here with him. I suggest you brace yourself for the worst.”

“Come and get me Eliot.”

“Right, I’m on my way. He discussed the matter with the woman in charge and she said tell the decease’s wife to call a cab.”

“Mrs Woodstock never rides in public transport,” Eliot sniffed. “Assign a hospital security officer to ride with me.”

“All right. And you make sure you damn well return here do you hear?”

“I hear you loud a clear Mrs Simpson.”

* * *

Driving Elizabeth home from the cemetery along with her elder stepdaughter Emily and stockbroker husband Frank and stepdaughter Stephanie and physician husband Tim, with the Elizabeth calling through the intercom to lower the screen between them, Eliot soon found out what this was about.

“You have been a loyal servant of this family Eliot. There is the reading of the will tomorrow and after you return us home your employment with us will end. You may stay in your apartment above the garages for another week while you find somewhere else to go and during that time I want you to sell this vehicle and you will receive 10% of the selling price. I shall buy a smaller car for myself.”

“Thank you ma’am.”

“Where will you go?” Emily asked.

“I have no idea. During the almost ten years I have been with the family my parents have died and my brothers and sisters have married and my former family home has been sold.”

“Oh mother, you can’t throw Eliot out like this.”

“Well I suppose not. Stay in the apartment Eliot for as long as you wish but your salary will terminate on Friday.”

“Oh how will you survive financially?” Emily asked.

“Well I have money put away and your father did say if he died while I was in his employ he’d look after me.”

“Well one or two thousand dollars, even five, won’t get you much beyond bread and cheese living,” Elizabeth sighed. “Let’s wait until we hear the extent of any bequest to you. Perhaps I could think of bolstering it.”

More that a hundred people in vehicles followed the limo from the cemetery for afternoon tea and drinks. Eliot took the newspaper and a bottle of wine from the kitchen and retreated to his apartment to read about people seeking to hire somebody like him.

Around 9:00 pm his doorbell sounded. He went down and Stephanie brushed past him and began walking up the stairs.

“I’ve been very worried about you.”

“Should you be here alone with me?”

“Who cares? Most of them over at the house are drunk. Tim has been carried off to bed.”

Eliot followed her up to stairs. “You have a great ass Stephanie.”

“Tim, I mean Eliot, you can’t say that to me. I’m a mother of two.”

“Yeah, a great ass for a mother of two. I’ve often thought of what it would be like to get into your pants.”

“Eliot, hush. Someone might hear you.”


“Nobody I suppose,” she said, giggling.

“You’re half drunk and have come over here hoping I’d fuck you. Go on, admit it.”

“Eliot,” Stephanie said weakly. “I haven’t had an affair for some years.”

“Well sit on my cock and have one now,” he snickered.

“God you are half drunk yourself.”

They sat facing each other.

“Do you want to see my cock?”

She nodded.

“Show me your tits first.”

“I-I’m out of practice at doing this.”

“Then I won’t expect you to be perfect. Come on Steph. Get us started. We both want to do this.”

Stephanie unzipped the back of her black dress, undid her bra and pulled down the front of her dress and her bra together. “They droop.”

“You’re not a twenty-eight year old Steph. You have fantastic tits.”

“Thanks. Now your turn.”

“No, strip off. I want to see what you’ve got.”

As if mesmerized Stephanie stood and dropped her dress and panties.

“Oh my, hold-ups framing a hairless cunt.”

“Eliot, please. Call it my pussy.”

He ignored her, unzipped and pulled out his erection. “Come over on your knees darling and suck this hot number.”

Playing the game Stephanie dropped to her knees and shuffled over, rolling her long tongue lasciviously.

“Oh my, am I going to love fucking you,” Eliot leered as Stephanie licked up the length of his erection, her green eyes Adana Escort Bayan fixed on Eliot’s blue ones as her lifted locks of black wavy hair away from her face. He reached down and began playing with her nipples and Stephanie bent her back into her work and made ‘Yuh, yuh, yuh’ noises at the back of her throat, keeping time to the rhythm she’d established.

Eliot pushed her back and pulled her up a bit to titty-fuck her into his explosive finish, most of it streaming into Stephanie’s mouth as she bent her head down to receive it. Eliot thought of the emotionally cold Charles ineffectually plowing his ladies as if they were whores and they generally they didn’t bother to act like one. In comparison Stephanie was acting like a neglected woman, plying him with warmth and even a hint of affection. He slipped on to the floor beside her. Stephanie, not bothering to wipe cum from her face, straddled him, facing Eliot, and rode him, Eliot catching her flying tits and squeezing them as if he loved them.

Stephanie rested back with her hands just above his knees for purchase and keeping balanced.

They smiled at each other through slightly opened mouths, sweating, looking at one another as the enjoyed the immorality of the adultery although knowing they would remain virtually strangers who’d just enjoyed a good fuck on a night of mutual need. It was the almost desperate action of two people attempting to fill a gap in their lives with the unexpected departure of father/employer who’d meant something to them. Beyond that there was little in common between them beyond what they were doing just then.

Next day after the reading of the will Eliot waited in the limo outside the bar where the family in shock had withdrawn. Wife and daughters would receive after probate inheritances far bigger than expected because of astute management by Charles to grow his meat processing business and the investments the family had not known about.

Widow Elizabeth and her two stepdaughters and their husbands continued to drink liquor on the drive home. Although merry there was no interchange between them and the chauffeur who, as usual, drove faultlessly.

The two couples left the vehicle and went noisily into the house. Elizabeth called in the intercom for Eliot to join her in the back.

Eliot often thought about fucking Elizabeth but was surprised she would risk doing it with her family so close. But he’d misjudged her.

“It has been a day mixed with trauma and a little blessing for all of us,” she said, pouring champagne and handing Eliot a glass.

“Yes ma’am.”

“Drop the pretence Eliot. You have no respect for me and resented me being near Charles because you were overly protective of him, although I’m confident there was no sexual union between you two.”

Eliot reminded her how it had started. “When I was knocked senseless by that crazed woman swinging that baseball bat at Charles and blocking the blow with my body he promoting me from packing floor supervisor to his personal chauffeur and enriched my life beyond my expectations.”

“Well yes, everyone agreed you performed heroically so his money bought your loyalty?”

“In a way, yes. But the truth was he treated me like…like…”

“Say it, I don’t mind.”

“He treated me like a son.”

Elizabeth sighed. “I don’t require your loyalty Eliot. Your employment by our family trust ceases at 5:00 this afternoon. I want you to leave this property by then. My earlier agreement stands. I want you to sell this limo, keep 10% of the proceeds and buy me a Cadillac CTS sedan – the lower powered one.”

“Elizabeth, you know I was at the reading of the will by invitation and you saw me there. William granted me a 365-day lease of the chauffeur’s accommodation above the garages for the payment of $365. I paid that money to your attorney before I left the office and so have a binding contract. William also left me $400,000, which was very generous of him.”

Eliot held out his glass, resting it on the armrest between them and hesitating briefly Elizabeth refilled his flute.

“Please leave Eliot. I don’t wish to fight you.”


“Very well, on Monday I’ll instruct my attorney to take action to have you legally evicted. You can keep the $400,000.”

“Elizabeth, Charles obviously wanted me to have a year’s grace in my accustomed home and rewarded me financially for my loyalty. I will not permit you to take any of that from me.”

“But I will.”

“Oh no you won’t Elizabeth. Fill your glass because what I’m about to tell you will make you wish you were blind drunk.”

Eliot told her about the nine years of Charles’ whoring in the back compartment where they were sitting. Although shocked she was still ready to fight.

“I’ll deny that happened.”

“I drove those women home Elizabeth and know where they all live. I’d call them as witnesses – have them subpoenaed if necessary.”

“You can’t do this to me.”

“Oh yes I can if you attempt to throw me out of my legitimate Escort Adana home for the next twelve months.”

“I find this almost impossible to believe. My husband was partially sexually dysfunctional.”

“Well some of the women who were sexually short-changed accept it with good grace. Others still in high arousal accepted William’s invitation to have me finish them off. I’d drive him back here and stop the vehicle down amongst the trees and do my duty.”

“Duty? Your duty was to be William’s chauffeur, not to seduce his dissatisfied women for him. You are depraved, the most immoral chauffeur I’ve every heard of. You are absolutely disgusting.”

“Thank you for being so understanding Elizabeth. You now know the depth of my loyalty to your husband.”

“You are sexually depraved.”

“Elizabeth, aren’t you forgetting something… I’m talking about some of those times when William had gone away on business without me? You had the occasional gentleman for diner and before he’s leave late I would have heard the screams of a woman in passionate sexual release. But did I say anything to William? No, I did not because you never were offensive to me, until just a moment ago. I felt in a small way you deserved to have my discretion.”

“Oh god, what to do?”

“It’s easy Elizabeth. Allow me to stay my extra year here and say nothing to anyone about this, not even to your stepdaughters. Then no-one will ever know.”

“But William’s sluts?”

“They were paid to keep their mouths shut. Why would they talk and get themselves a bad name? All were regular spinsters or married women not being satisfied at home. To my knowledge none were prostitutes.”

“Couldn’t you just take pity on me and leave this property Eliot?”

“No. And any time you get lonely over at the big house give me a call to join you for dinner. I will understand that fucking is only an option if you choose it.”

“Get out, get out of my car.”

“Good night Elizabeth. Now don’t forget my offer will you? I won’t need to act as the immoral chauffeur because you’ll be a widow.”

“Good night,” Elizabeth said coldly. “Get back in and put the car away please.”

That afternoon Eliot advertised the Mercedes Benz S600 Pullman limo for sale expecting the sale to take a very long time but to his surprise he received two calls within eight hours and sold it at a good margin above valuation to a really keen guy who owned a motor vehicle museum. It was the very model he’d been chasing without success. Eliot called Elizabeth to advise her and said he would leave early in the morning to deliver the limo and would return in two days driving her new Cadillac. She sounded grumpy.

“What color do you want?”

“I don’t know, I’m drunk.”

“What about platinum?”

“Yes, or white.”

“We agree on platinum, right. Please remember that.”

“Yes, I’ll remember that. Drive my cars carefully.”

“Yes Mrs Drunken Bitch.”

She whispered hoarsely, “You fucker, I’ll remember that.”

The limo was owned by the family trust and had been leased to the company as the chairman’s personal vehicle. Packing up ready for a 4:00 am departure Eliot checked that he had documentation signed two days ago by Elizabeth and her attorney giving Eliot authority to sell the limo and another authority and a blank check giving his authority to buy a new car for Elizabeth Stella Woodstock. Satisfied he went to bed and drifted off to sleep dreaming about fucking Elizabeth but she kept bucking him off until he spoke lovingly to her and then she melted and soaked him in girl’s cum.

The alarm awoke Eliot at he remembered the dream and thought dream? It must have been a nightmare. Who’d want to get into that bitch?

He arrived back next evening just before 11:00 and Elizabeth came running out hauling a gown over her flimsy nightdress. Eliot caught the flashes of very long legs and swallowed.

They walked around the CTS sedan and she thought it was lovely.

“Take me for a short drive.”

“Say please.”

“Please Eliot. The girls have gone and I’m here alone and feel lonely.”

“My understanding is you’ll suffer, if you’re strong it will be only for a short while, and then you will blossom into new life.”

“God, you make it sound almost desirable.”

“Just be strong Elizabeth and don’t be afraid to weep in your loneliness.”

“Thank you Eliot. Shall we go?”

As they drove down towards the main gates Elizabeth, sitting in the back seat, said, “Exactly where did you fuck those dreadful women in my husband’s limo?”

“I parked up ahead on the S-bend on the short clearing beside the old well.”

“Oh here. Were any of them any good?”

“Surprisingly, yes. In fact most of them were pretty good, although I must say I’m no connoisseur.”

“Have you ever had a women who has blown you away?”

“Almost, actually one quite recently.”

“Do I know her?”

Eliot sighed and said she must excuse him but such encounters were best kept confidential.

“You are being very polite to me.”

“You seem pleased with this new car and appear genuinely interested in my sexual adventures with women.”

“Your immorality with women has no interest to me.”


Elizabeth giggled. “I’d like a turn at the wheel now… er please.”

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