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Showing up on a warm spring day in Regina, I wanted to get away from things. A friend had suggested a short trip to sort out my life without the everyday issues on my shoulders. I had family out west, and thought I would head out and see what life was like in their neck of the country.

Putting the names of the provinces in a hat from Manitoba to British Columbia, I drew one out, this is where I’d be going before heading to my cousins, and I couldn’t change my mind. You see, I’m not much of a risk taker and this was the first step in changing the way I live my life.

After heading to the Hotel and getting situated in my suite, I decided it was time to head out to dinner. I stopped and asked at the desk where a good nightclub was close by. Getting directions, I was on my way.

With in a block of reaching Bartelby’s Bar/Pub I could hear some fantastic tunes playing. Looking around once inside, seeing quite the nightlife, I knew the idea of a good time was at the top of my list. Getting a seat in front of the band, it only took one look to see these guys were worth staying for. The band is great, I said to myself. The waitress came over to take my order as I settled in to enjoy the music.

My drink arrived as I was checking out the guys in the band, they looked more like a bunch of buddies jamming then a true band. The one that caught my eye is the drummer, he looks about 30 medium height, strong build, and I love the shaved head! His forehead glistened with perspiration as he belts out the beat on the skins. My meal came and was quickly inhaled, you know how airline food is, and do you dare try it or go without?

Leaning back in my chair enjoying the music I notice someone looking in my direction, it’s the cute drummer. I look him directly in the eye and make it known, I’m interested in getting to know him better. Making a few gestures to him as he plays just to keep him wondering, he eventually comes over after the first set. This guy is so handsome, he walks with confidence and doesn’t look like the average drummer you would see in a nightclub. He pulls up a chair beside me and introduces himself.

” Adam, Adam Dench”, with that I quickly introduce myself and ask if he would like a drink. Getting to know each other over small talk, I ask him what would be the best thing to see in Regina if he were a tourist. With a sly grin, he tells me he has a few days off and suggested he take me around to see what there is in Regina.

Thinking this is something I would not normally do, I tell him that would be great having my own personal travel guide of the area. Adam tells me he has lived here all his life so he would be the one to know what is worth seeing and what isn’t. The band is ready to play again so we’ll have to finish our conversation after this set.

This is getting better and better, a guy to share the night with, nothing coming in our way of a great time.

As the second set came to an end, Adam grabbed a drink and came over to chat some more. Laughing and joking around it seems as though we have known each other for years. The conversation progressed the closer we got, little more touchy feely and a little more risque with the subjects of conversation. The break was over too quick and off he goes again, and play he can!! With the ending of the third, set Adam settles in his seat next to me.

We set up our plans for tomorrow and discuss some of the sites we will hit. Having to get back to the hotel, I lean over and tell Adam I can’t wait to meet up with him for our day of fun. Being the gentleman he is he leaned towards me taking my hand and gave me a tender kiss on the cheek. “Neither can I” He added.

Getting up to leave he asked where would I be staying tonight, thinking quickly and maybe not so smart, I suggested if he had time and want to get out of here he could walk me back to the hotel. Jumping at the chance to be alone we head out for the short walk back.

Getting to know more about this gorgeous guy as he walked beside me, he told me about his life in Regina and his family. He then asked why I was here on my own, “To get away from the everyday stresses of life and to relax is the best I can do at this point.” I replied not wanting to get into detail too quickly, I may scare him off!

Telling him about my family and what I do in Ontario gives him a little piece of me without taking this too far, too soon. Reaching the lobby of the hotel Adam took my hand and pulled me close to tell me how he would like to get to know me better. Leaning up towards his mouth, I gently kiss his moist lips. Slowly pulling myself away from his lips and looking into his eyes, I see the warmth and genuine soul that held me in his arms. yenibosna escort Before letting go he leaned in for one more kiss, this time deeper and with more lust than the last.

Not wanting to take this any farther tonight I let him know how much I enjoyed my first night in Regina. “I can’t wait to spend the day with you tomorrow, I’m sure we’ll have a great time.” I add before one last kiss. Quickly he gave me his number just in case there were any changes that may come about. One last quick kiss and off he went back to Bartleby’s to pack up his set.

Greeting me on the way into the hotel the desk clerk asked “Did you have a good time at Bart’s?” With a huge smile across my face, she knew I had. How could she not see it? I knew I was glowing from ear to ear.

Getting off the elevator and taking the short walk down the hall, I slipped the key card in my door and head in to get ready for bed. Making way to the bath, I started to slide off my clothes. Smiling as I slipped off my skirt, and panties, standing in front of the mirror, wanting to know what it would be like to have him next to me. I took off my bra and slipped my stockings down one at a time, slowly running my palms along my silky skin, then removed my garter. Thinking of his hands on my breasts, running my fingertips along their crest, feeling the hardness of my nipples under the pads of my fingers.

Sliding my hands down my sides and resting them on my hips, I looked into the mirror and wished him to be with me. Adding bubbles to the bath, I slid under the water and close my eyes as I thought of my knight in shining Armour. The heat of the water rushing over me, the bubbles coating my breasts as I drizzled water from the sponge over their ridged peeks. I lifted my leg up out of the water watching the bubbles slide down to the surface, running my hands from ankle to thigh. Then taking the other and doing the same only stopping just as I hit the smoothness of my inner thighs. Running my hands between my legs feeling the warmth that Adam caused within me. My clit so hot and swollen as I ran my fingers between my soft velvet lips. Slipping my fingers down as I took them deeper inside I stopped just before my climax.

Deciding I wanted to share this with someone special, I rinsed the bubbles off my skin. Stepping out of the tub to dry off, I ran the towel over my thighs to my breasts. Pulling on my robe, I ran my hands across the soft fabric covering my body. This is going to be a tough night to fall asleep, can feel it now. Hopping into bed I decided to watch a bit of television. Wondering the whole time, what Adam was doing right then. Getting up the nerve to give him a call, I decide to order up a glass of wine, then, quickly before my nerve was gone I dial his number.

Answering with a quick hello, I ask him if I woke him. “No not at all.” He said, hearing the grin in his voice. Wanting him to know how much I enjoyed the night, I explain to him how I had a long hot bath and was waiting for some wine to come up to my room. Taking the chance of spending more time with me, he asked if I would like some company. With a short pause, making sure this is what I wanted, I said sure, come on over, my room number is 352. Hanging up a short while after, I hurried around tidying up my clothes and bathroom.

Forgetting to change into some clothing, a knock came to the door, thinking its room service I quickly scooted to answer it. Expecting to see a guy, in uniform my face instantly lit up, instead it was Adam, looking as good as earlier. Handing me the tray with the wine and ice bucket I asked him to come in. “Would you like a glass?” I asked. Pouring two glasses, then handing him one, I sat beside him on the sofa in front of the fireplace.

We discussed everything we wanted in life, he explained to me that he was a university student, wanting to go far in life with many dreams and ambitions. I loved the sound of the drive in his voice. Telling him how much I like people that have strong aspirations and strong values. I went into a bit more detail of my life, my hopes and dreams, thinking to myself what I wanted most of all was a man to share my life with.

After what seemed like hours of conversation I ask if he would like to see what is on T.V. maybe there was a movie we haven’t seen that we could watch. “Sure, only if you come over here and snuggle.” he replied. Refilling our glasses and slipping in beside him, he pulled me closer tucking me into his side as we looked through the listings, settling on a 50’s romance that neither of us had seen. Having his arm over my shoulder did wonders to my mind, thinking of earlier in the bathtub. Leaning against his şirinevler escort chest, he began to stroke my hair with his fingers, gently skimming my cheek every so often. Taking his arm off my shoulder and slipping it under the cloth of my robe. He stroked my shoulder and ran his fingertips along my now much hotter skin.

I turn to him tilting my lips to his, as we tenderly embrace. The wine put to the side, my hand on his chest as he pulled me even closer. Being seated in the corner, he slid me onto his lap, my thigh gracing the hardening bulge under his zipper. His hands slowly start on my calf and ran up my leg under my robe.

Wanting more, I moved into his embrace, my breasts closer to his chest and my tongue now wandering along his neck. Feeling Adam’s hand reach my hip, I let out a quiet moan. The heat of his hand and the heat we were creating almost unbearable. Moving me back to lay out in front of him, his lips met the skin of my chest, kissing me gently, teasing me with his lips.

Traveling down my cleavage, looking into my eyes he asks if I really want to take this any further. Reaching up and caressing his cheek, I lifted my mouth to his to answer all his questions. My tongue deep within his mouth dancing with his tasting the white wine on his breath.

His hand opened the front of my robe, tenderly slipping his hand inside searching out my breast. Lightly skimming the top of my hard nipple, Adam leaned down to take my hard bud in his lips. His soft wet tongue tracing the areola then with his teeth he gently held it between his lips. Holding my breast in his hand as he stroked my nipple, I arched my back raising my chest to his mouth. Soft moans from deep within my body ring as music to his ears.

His hand slipped lower down my robe untying the belt stopping to rest on my tummy, drove me wild, if he only knew what he were doing to me. I raise my head and kiss his chest as he worked his way farther down. Raising myself up and pushing him back, I kiss him hard, letting him know he was exactly where I want him. I lifted myself off the sofa and took his hand in mine leading him to the waiting bed.

Turning to look into his eyes my hands wandered from his shoulders down his bare back to his waist. Pulling him tighter to me to see if he was feeling the same way. Adam’s hands came up to my shoulders and slipped my robe off, sliding it down and running his hands along my back as he tightened our embrace. My bare breasts etching his chest, leaning over he kissed my collar bone, up my neck and finally to my lips. Kissing me gently then with force as his hands met my breasts, tenderly tracing my nipples with his thumbs and caressing them in his hands as he lifted them to his mouth. Leaning back his kisses travel back to my neck and down my cleavage, pulling closer to his body, he laid me gently on the bed.

With my robe, resting at my elbows pinning me to the bed my naked body lay out as a feast for his eyes. Slipping beside me, his hands worked quickly to find the velvet skin between my legs. He took one breast in his mouth as he ran his hand along my thigh to the dampness that lay at his fingertips. Slightly spreading my legs for his touch, I felt his fingers spreading my lips and working their way along my crevasse. Oh Gawd he was fantastic, his hands encircling my clit as it swelled with the desire.

Feeling my wetness his fingers work their way down to my waiting, wanting vagina, slipping one, then another till all four fingers were sliding with force deep with in my walls. Flexing his fingers one at a time, letting me feel them against my inside walls, I raised my hips to his thrusts wanting, and needing more.

Turning to kiss him, he slid my hand to his hardness wanting me to feel what I was doing to him. I shifted my body then stood to have better access to his zipper, taking his hand I pulled him to his feet, undoing the button and unzipping his pants. I slipped them down over his hips, revealing his silk boxers. Slipping my hand inside his pants feeling his rigid shaft underneath the soft, smooth silk, he quickly slid his pants off the rest of the way.

Leaning over forcing me back against the bed, my hands working their way all over his back feeling his bottom, his waist, his back and his strong shoulders. Moving my hands to his chest taking hold of his nipples in my fingertips then kiss them gently. He moved his leg between mine, working it up between my thighs, moans of passion letting him know I was ready for him.

Working with expertise, his hands traveled from one spot to another without missing anything in between. My hips thrusting against his knee as he worked his way down my bahçelievler escort body with his tongue. Feeling the heat of his tongue against my skin made me so hot I wanted him deep inside of me, NOW!

Lifting my legs to make room for his entry, he tenderly took my lips in his finger tips, spreading my inner folds to expose my feminine parts. Moving his tongue the length of my crevasse, starting with my clit and suckling it with hunger. Adam work his hands inside my wet hole, holding it open for his tongue to slip inside. Drinking up my juices as he fingered me with passion. My hips raise to catch his increasing thrusts, holding his head in my hands, stroking his hair, caressing his face, holding him where I needed him. Begging him to come and kiss me, he started to kiss his way to my lips, tasting my juices on his lips intensified the lust we had for each other.

Gently pushing him onto his back I leaned over with my breasts in his face kissing him tenderly, preparing him for what was to come next. My lips working their way down onto him, savoring the taste of his skin against my lips, devouring what I could and getting to what I wanted.

I surprised him by moving my leg to the other side of his waist, straddling him with my bottom in his face. Taking his shaft in my hand and stroking it with slow long strokes, touching it to my lips to taste the pre cum on my tongue. Dropping my lips around the base of his shaft, I covered it with my tongue, licking it from bottom to top, following the veins to the cap. Using my tongue to trace the ridge along his cap and kissing it tenderly with my wet lips, slowly moving it between my lips and across my tongue. Intentionally slowing to a seductive pace, made him raise his hips to my lips. Touching them to his soft curls, swallowing to massage his shaft drawing out his desire, wanting to taste his cum in my mouth.

Adam’s hands come to touch my bottom, smoothing over my skin as he felt his way to my velvet folds. Hearing him and feeling him take his fingers out, tasting my juices then, pressing his lips up against my clit, holding it with his teeth licking it gently with the tip of his tongue. Pushing against his lips working his way deep inside my waiting hole. Our rhythms combined to create a soft gentle music, his shaft sliding along my tongue, and his tongue gliding along my crevasse. Both hot and full of passion we roll over not releasing one another, he on top and me on the bottom, his shaft pounding against my mouth as his tongue probing my pussy. His hips in my hands as they rock to our motions, taking him as deep as I can, letting him feel my tongue along his length. Sucking hard as he pulled out to feel the pressure against his shaft his balls slapping against my hand as I massage them with my fingers.

Wanting him in my wet pussy, I patted him on the bottom to have him stop. Turning to see what it is I want, his lips coated with my juices, I raise up to lick his chin, and kiss his lips. The whole sensation driving him wild and he quickly got in place between my legs, his hands wrapped under my hips as my legs propped over his shoulders. He slowly stroked his cap against my clit , slipping it down between my lips and inside. His head parting my inner lips as it slowly entered between my walls forcing them apart. The heat from his shaft coating my insides, marking its territory deep with in me.

Adam’s strokes sped up as he leaned in to kiss my breasts. My hands at his chest tracing his muscles as he lifted me to his thrusts. Running my hand down to his shaft feeling it slip in and out of my wetness. Coated with our juices, his shaft so hard, pumping with all out passion. Giving me a smack on the backside he had me flip over to my knees, he want to take me from behind. His hands reached under and spread me wide to enter. His shaft entered with vengeance, pounding me hard, his balls reaching up and slapping against my pussy lips. Hanging on to my hips, he pulled me hard against himself as he thrust deep inside, feeling him part my walls and pound against me brought me to the starting of my climax.

Having me turn back over so that he could see my face as I cam. I lay beneath him as he re-entered me slowly, kissing me tenderly as he pushed deep inside. The kisses increased in speed as well as the roughness as he began to hit his peak. Grabbing hold of my shoulders Adam pulled himself deep inside me, my hips raised to catch his thrusts, my legs lifted to wrap around his waist. Our breathing became labored as he tightened his hold and we began to release our desire on one another. So hot and wet, we continue to stroke, in and out not wanting it to end quite yet. Collapsing in each other’s arms, loving the way he felt on top.

Adam eventually rolled to his side, stoking my cheek as I lay looking into his eyes. My arm underneath his, stroking his back as he leaned in to kiss me once more. Grabbing the blankets after reaching for a towel we fall fast asleep together holding each other tightly as we sleep the night away…

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