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You’re My Bitch Now Chapter 2Chapter TwoExcept, that’s not how life works. Rick walked into the kitchen whereChris was eating breakfast.Chris said, ‘Hi, Rick, sleep well? No bad dreams I hope?’Rick nearly choked as he remembered the dream he had about Kittie lastnight, and as he looked at Chris, all he could see was Kittie strokingher cock.‘You alright?’ Chris said as he munched a piece of toast. ‘You look abit pale, are you coming down with something?’‘No, no, I’m fine,’ mumbled Rick.It was Saturday, and both of them had the day off. Chris looked up andsaid, ‘Fancy doing something together today?’Rick groaned, images of Kittie flooded through his mind.‘Sure you’re feeling alright, Rick?’ Chris came across and put his handon Rick’s shoulder, the same hand that last night had been wrappedaround Kittie’s cock.‘I’m fine,’ croaked Rick. ‘What did you have in mind?’‘Well, one of my friends blew me off, so I’ve got a spare ticket for thefootball this afternoon.’ Chris had to stop as Rick had dissolved into acoughing fit. Rick told himself he had to control himself, Chris mustn’tfind out what he knew.Finally, Rick pulled himself together, and they went to the footballtogether. Chris was more extrovert than Rick, but he always went out ofhis way to include him in things and Rick was grateful for that. Afterthe match, which had been very dull, they dropped into a pub on the wayhome. It was already busy; groups of lads were getting loud and wouldget louder in proportion to the amount of beer they would drink. Chrispushed his way to the bar and bought a couple of pints. It was justabout possible to have a conversation without shouting, and they talkedabout the game and how bad it had been. Rick began to notice how Chrisused his hands a lot and how tactile he was. He would touch Rick’s armor shoulder when they were talking, and although Rick assumed that Chrishad always done this, with what he now knew, every gesture assumed a newsignificance.As Rick went back to get them a second pint, there was a roar from thecorner and music blared from the pub’s speakers. Someone tapped on amicrophone to get their attention, ‘Can you hear me?’ he shouted, whichwas greeted with jeers and shouts to get on with it. ‘Alright youdrunkards, settle down and welcome to the Sun in Hand tonight andwithout further ado let me introduce tonight’s act. Back by populardemand, well at least I like them, put your hands together for the Dollysisters.’People whistled and cheered as the music was turned up and onto thestage at the end of the pub strutted two large and very flamboyant dragqueens. Rick managed to get back to Chris as their show began with theDolly sisters lip syncing to Madonna’s Like A Virgin. It was comicallyterrible; the lip syncing was way off and their dancing was awful. Noone in the pub seemed to care much and when they got to the line ‘kissedfor the very first time’ kırşehir escort everyone in the pub joined in.Rick looked at Chris who was laughing along with everyone else, but hethought he caught a glint in Chris’s eye as he watched the drag queensperform. They managed to butcher Christina Aguilera’s Dirty, before amedley of Barbra Streisand songs and finishing with Rihanna’s Only Girl.The pub was rocking by this time, and everyone including Chris and Rickwere belting out the words. The Dolly sisters finished their set witheveryone cheering, stamping or whistling. They came down into the crowdto meet and talk to the crowd, looking to pick up any tips they could.It was a good-natured, happy crowd, and they were being generous inspite of, or maybe because of the performance. Rick was talking to Chriswith his back to the pub when he saw Chris grin at something over hisshoulder. Rick turned around to find the Dolly sisters right behind him.‘Why aye lads, did ye enjoy the show like?’ said one in a strong Geordieaccent. She stood a good head higher than Rick, but she was also wearingenormous heels. She wore heavy drag queen makeup topped with a hugeblonde wig. The other queen wore an Amy Winehouse beehive wig, andprobably even more makeup than her sister. Chris took the blonde’s handand said, ‘I loved it, you were great. That was the most fun I’ve hadoutside of bed for a long time.’They all laughed at Chris’s joke and the Dolly sister with the Amy wiggrabbed Rick, pulled him into her ample breasts and growled, ‘Ahwouldn’t mind sharing yer bed, pet.’ Rick went bright red and tried topull away. The two queens and Chris were all laughing as Rick finallydisentangled himself. ‘Nah offence, lads, like.’ The blonde one said,‘Jus funnin’ yer, bonny lad.’Chris said, ‘None taken,’ and put a fiver for a tip in the pint glassthey were carrying. As the two queens turned to go, Rick saw the blondeone had a tattoo of a dragon on her back. Rick said without thinking,‘That’s a bit like yours, Chris.’Shit, thought Rick, I shouldn’t have said that. I hope he didn’t hearme. Rick turned around, but Chris was looking the other way. Chrisdidn’t say anything and Rick heaved a sigh of relief. They stayed foranother pint then made their way back to the flat.***Neither of them wanted to cook by the time they got back, so theyordered pizza and ate on the sofa idly watching TV. Rick wasdisconcerted to feel Chris’s eyes on him all the time.‘What’s the matter, why are you staring at me?’‘I’m trying to work something out.’ Said Chris, finishing a slice ofpizza.‘OK what? Something about me?’‘Sort of. I’m trying to work out how you know I have a dragon tattoo.’Rick’s stomach fell as he realised what a mistake he had made back inthe pub.‘You must have told me you had one.’Chris shook his head. ‘No, I didn’t. I don’t tell anyone about it.’‘I’m sure you mentioned it to kırşehir escort bayan me one day.’‘Uh-uh, I know I didn’t. The only way you could know about it is ifyou’ve seen it. That means either you’ve been spying on me through thekeyhole of my room, which is unlikely. or you’ve seen it some otherway.’ Chris’s eyes opened wide as it hit him. ‘Shit, there’s only oneplace you could have seen it, you’ve been watching me online, that’s howyou know.’Rick felt his face go scarlet and had to look away.‘You have, you’ve seen me online. Rick, your face gives it away. Tell meI’m right.’Rick felt as if he was going to throw up. He nodded, ‘I’m so sorry. I’msorry. It was an accident.’‘An accident?’ said Chris, ‘I’m not stupid, Rick. You can’t find my webroom by accident. Did someone tell you? Who was it? Who knows about me?’‘No, no-one told me, I was looking at some porn and I found your room. Ididn’t recognise you at first, it was the room I recognised.’‘My fucking room? When did you see my room?’ Chris almost exploded andRick knew he was in trouble now. He decided the only thing to do was toconfess everything. Chris would probably throw him out but lying wouldonly get him in deeper trouble.‘I’m sorry, about three months ago, you went out and left your doorslightly open, I went across to close it for you and I just peekedinside. I didn’t go in, honestly. I saw your prints on the wall. That’show I recognised the room on your web cam.’Chris said nothing, so Rick blundered on. ‘Even then I wasn’t sure, so Icame out here with my laptop and you were playing the same music as thewebcam. That’s how I knew it was you. I haven’t told anyone, if that’swhat you’re worried about, I never would. If you want me to go, can youplease give me some time to find a new place?’Chris let Rick stew for a moment. ‘Calm down Rick, please. So, youstayed watching long enough to see my tattoo?’Rick nodded, he felt as low as a man could ever be.‘Did you like what you saw?’The question caught Rick completely off guard. ‘What?’‘I said, did you like what you saw on my webcam?’Rick looked desperately at Chris. What the hell should he say? Hesomehow realised that a lot might ride on his answer.He nodded, turning bright pink in the process.‘No. Rick, I want you to tell me.’ Chris would not let him off the hook.Rick swallowed and spoke softly, not looking at Chris. ‘Yes, I did enjoyit, there, is that it? Do you want me to leave?’Chris moved across to Rick and put his finger under Rick’s chin andlifted his face so that he had to look at Chris.‘Look me in the eyes and tell me.’Rick looked into Chris’s eyes and whispered, ‘Yes, I enjoyed what I saw,I thought you were beautiful. Is that enough for you? I’ll leave as soonas I can find another flat. Don’t worry, I won’t say anything.’Chris had always suspected that Rick was submissive by nature. When hehad come to look at the escort kırşehir flat Chris had thought that he was too eager toplease and went along with everything that Chris suggested. That suitedChris fine, he didn’t want some alpha male sharing the flat and throwinghis weight around. He was also, Chris thought, quite pretty to look at.Not feminine exactly, more androgynous. He liked the way Rick wore hishair long, which framed his narrow features nicely. To Chris he had beenthe perfect candidate for the flat. He had not hesitated in offeringRick the room and was delighted when he accepted. Everything had beengreat up to now. Chris had an idea this little incident might even makeit better.Chris looked at Rick and said, ‘OK, I’m busted, but I guess so are you.Still, I don’t think it makes us even, but I can live with that. No, Idon’t want you to leave, Rick. I like you as a flatmate and I thinkyou’ve been honest with me. But there’s one condition I need your wordon.’Rick was prepared to agree to anything right now. He nodded, ‘What isit?’‘That you don’t breathe a word of this to anyone.’‘Yes, I mean no, I won’t tell anyone. I wouldn’t.’ Rick was so eager toplease that Chris had to stop himself smiling. Chris fetched them a beereach as Rick sat there waiting for his heart rate to come back tonormal. As they drank their beers, Chris asked, ‘So, do you watch a lotof T-girl porn, Rick?’Rick squirmed, but he had confessed so much already so he said, ‘I don’tknow what you mean by a lot, but I watch some, that’s how I saw you.’An idea began to form in Chris’s mind and he smiled to himself as hewondered how far he could take it. He laid his hand on Rick’s arm andsaid, ‘It’s weird to think of you watching me on your laptop from a fewfeet away.’‘I won’t watch you again, I promise.’ Rick was desperate to placateChris.‘Oh, I don’t mind you watching me, but it would be way too gross tothink of you doing it in the next room while you’re wanking. You do wankwhile you’re watching me, don’t you?’ Rick was scarlet again by thistime. Chris grinned and went on, ‘Tell you what, why don’t you come andwatch close up?’Rick must have looked bemused because Chris laughed out loud, ‘I meantonight, come into my room and watch from there. It will be much morefun.’Rick spluttered, ‘No, I couldn’t, it wouldn’t be right.’ But his cockwas already telling him a different story.‘Come on,’ Chris grasped Rick’s arm a little tighter. ‘I promise you itwill be much more enjoyable to watch me in the flesh.’ Rick shivered atChris’s final word. To Rick’s astonishment Chris reached out with hisfingers and stroked his face. ‘Come on, Rikkie, I think you really wantto, don’t you?’Rick froze, his resistance had crumbled away to nothing, and he foundhimself nodding his acceptance. Chris smiled. ‘OK, Rikkie, let me getset up first. Come to my room in half an hour.’ He stood up, strokedRick’s face one more time and just before he disappeared into his room,he turned and said, ‘Oh, and Rikkie, wear something comfortable.’Rick sat there, stunned at what had just happened. One thing he knew forcertain, he couldn’t possibly go and watch Chris, could he?
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