Aylık Arşivler: Şubat 2021
Craving Cole Ch. 03
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"I don't remember..." Ugh! What the fuck possessed her to say that?! But she's so tight and the girls keep following her and she hasn't had a single second to herself since she got off the bus and he's standing there...
I Want A Fat Babe
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There they were. The Barbie Dolls. The bleached-blond, silicon-enhanced, daddy's-credit-card-endowed, anorectic airheads, aka the Popular Girls, aka the Cheerleaders. They took their seats at a table in the cafeteria...
Jamie – The Journey Begins Ch. 16 – Rest, Recovery and… Texan’s
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"Morning, Jamie... morning Lucas," Ella smiled as she checked our charts and observations. "Going to miss you two when you finally leave us," she laughed.Chloe, her co-worker, walked over to assist in giving us boys ...
I Like to Watch
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I like to watch, even if all she is doing is getting ready. Since the first time I met her I have found her incredibly beautiful, the most beautiful woman I have ever known. Standing in front of the mirror she had fi...
Nova , Sabine Pt. 03.5
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***Sorry for the length (about 14 pages)Recap: They both said their first 'I love you's to each other. Sabine surprised Nova with her best friend.*** Sabine rose early, she crept to the bedroom, hearing the two talki...
In The Office Ch. 04
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Adrian was sitting by his desk, working as usual. As a result of his brief physical relationship with Janey, a coworker, a lot of his other female, single coworkers, as well as a few male ones, had been asking him ou...
Tekin, hiç `tekin` degilmiş
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Merhaba, ben adanadan yazıyorum arkadaslar… Bana Abdi derlerdi, ta ki lisedeki servis soforumuz Tekin ile yasadıgımız maceraya kadar.Tekin ile cok samimi bir muhabbetimiz vardı. Ben genelde son derse girmez, ...
Tavuğa Yazık Oldu
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O zamanlar 18 de var yoktum. Evimiz müstakil 2 katlı bir evdi. Bahçemizde bir kümes iindede 3 tavuk bir horoz vardı. hep merak etmişimdir. bir gün öce tavuk horoz tarafından sikildiğinde ertisi gün yumurtluyo...
cd sanem
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Sanem cd – 2Merhaba ben adapazarından sanem size daha önce başımdan geçmiş tatlımı tatlı bir olay anlatmıştımBu yeni tatlı bir olay.. neyse uzatmayayım… Bundan birkaç gün önce yani 06.12.2003 tarihindeİntern...
Götüme Almak İçin Delirdim
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Merhaba ben şu an Anadolu Lisesinde okuyorum. O yüzden Lise adını vermeyeceğim. Henüz Lise iki deyim. Bu sene başında yaşadığım deneyimi anlatacağım. Lisemiz Bakırköy`e yakındır. Hep Tren Köprüsünün üzerinden geçerim...
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